All you sinners stand up, sing Hallelujah

I really want to go to a panic! At the disco concert again.

I know it’s been a long while since I’ve posted. And before I left California over a year ago, I said I would continually update everyone. I just wasn’t motivated to post anything, and I had a crazy schedule for several months.  I’ve actually written posts, just didn’t make them public. It was kinda like writing in a diary. It was quite therapeutic. 

Anywho, let’s see…my last post was just a long Q&A cause some people sent in some serious questions that I felt needed responses.  And I had said I would post about my time in CA for the month of June. So, we’ll take this month by month!

JUNE- I planned to go down to CA for a week at the beginning of June, because some of my kids were graduating, and I couldn’t miss that! But, my schedule for work in WA changed and I decided to make it an entire month! Which was fun and interesting.  My trip started with a flight that was supposed to have an hour layover in San Francisco. Unfortunately,  I was on the plane sitting on the tarmac in Seattle for three hours of delay…just a friendly tip, don’t fly United!!! Because I had to work the day of the trip,  I got one of the later flights out. Which means that when we finally got to SF, my connection flight was long gone and there were no other flights that day. It sucked sooooooooooooooooo much! Fortunately, the airline put me up in a hotel and got me a direct flight to my hometown for the next morning. When I got to Palm Springs and walked off the plane, I wanted to die! It had been awhile since I was in such miserable heat! Anyway, I got to go to graduations and have special days with all my girls!! And because I had planned to be there all month, I was super blessed to be able to be the Bible Adventures station leader again! There’s something special about being able to teach children about the Bible, and be silly about it, and see their faces light up with understanding!  Getting high fives and hugs is a pretty awesome benefit too!
I miss California a lot, and I miss all my friends and family, especially my momma!  But when I left, I realized that it’s getting easier to say goodbye. Everyone is growing up, and things are changing. It’s hard to accept sometimes, but I know it’s all for the best.

Now onto JULY- I got into Washington late at night and slept for a few days.  On the 4th of July, I went to a friend’s party and had an awesome time…there were really yummy cookies that I forever want. Fireworks were different from what I’m used to.  But it was a fun experience. 
The job I was coming back for ended up falling through,  which was tough, and resulted in a few days of depression,  but I kicked it and applied everywhere!  Which ended up with a few super strange jobs and me seeking the Lord’s guidance and provision for a few months.

AUGUST- honestly,  I don’t remember a lot happening in August.
Actually!  I broke my phone. I dropped it facedown on asphalt as I was getting out of my car and the screen shattered.  Which left me with my old Droid Razr which was good for a time,  and that time was not in 2015. I ended up getting a galaxy s5, which I love. So yay! And I forgot, I broke the cartilage in my nose.  Which bruised and was gnarly.

SEPTEMBER – still applying everywhere.  Finally got a nanny job two days a week,  and a job as assistant manager at Spirit Halloween! Also,  signed the lease on an apartment in Federal Way!

OCTOBER  – such a busy month! I was working 50-60 hour weeks and moving into a new place! It also seemed like I was getting sick every week, which reminded me why I wasn’t in retail anymore! It was fun though. Despite the fact that I might have complained about being exhausted all the time.  It felt good to be busy.

NOVEMBER – My birthday month!!!! I still had a few more days at Spirit,  and then inventory,  before it closed for the year.  Then my awesome boyfriend threw me a surprise birthday party!  Then a week later we celebrated our one year anniversary.  And a week after that,  my mom came up for Thanksgiving! Which was really fun to cook!  It’s one of my favorite days honestly.  Then I got to go Black Friday shopping and get a bunch of awesome deals! 

DECEMBER – I tend to get in a really bad funk in December.  It’s really hard to shake.  I wrote a post that I never published on here about what I was going through,  and I might put it up one day.  But for now,  it’ll be my therapy.  Anyway,  for Christmas,  I got a few weeks off and Sean and I did a roadtrip to California!  I didn’t really tell very many people I was gonna be down,  so it was fun to just go with the flow of things.  I loved being able to show Sean where I grew up and introduce him to all the other people I love!  I loved being able to have time with my mom and see my pets (I didn’t realize how much I missed my dog until I got to cuddle with him, and struggle snuggle with my cat). We got to make lasagna, which is a Christmas tradition.  And homemade spaghetti and meatballs!
Then we went to Oceanside to visit with my aunt for a day.  And went to check out a comic shop which happens to be across from a pet shop which was a really bad idea to take me to. Unfortunately,  Sean took me there/I refused to leave the mall until I went there. And there were puppies!!!!!! OMG,  THEY WERE SO CUTE AND TINY AND HAD FLOPPY EARS AND LITTLE TAILS AND THEIR SQUISHY FACES FREAKING OMG I NEEDED ONE! !!!!!!! We didn’t get a puppy. Also,  I may have cried…okay,  so I cried a lot.  I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of adorableness that I was surrounded by.  But seriously, they were so tiny!!!
After all that we finally headed back to Washington. Which is not a more pleasant drive with two people. That drive just sucks overall. It’s 20 something hours of road. Bleh. We got back on NYE, went to a few parties and got home and slept for days.  It was great!

JANUARY – this month has been tough cause after spending so much time with my mom I realize how much I miss her. Saying goodbye sucked. But I’ve been back in the swing of things at work and will hopefully get an extra job to help pay bills/keep me busy.

I had a few questions sent to me. But didn’t really want to answer them on here so I messaged the people back with responses since they were more personal in nature than anything.  But here are a few for y’all.

Yes. Absolutely.  Just because a person is homeless, that doesn’t make them any less human. If someone is dying, regardless of race, age, sex, or wealth, you should do everything you can to save them.

No…yes. ..kinda. it’s not so much growing older as I don’t look forward to being old and unable.  Being a caregiver, I’ve seen how it is for the elderly to deteriorate and not be able to do things that were once so easy to do. And that scares me. I want to be able to go places and eat random things, and run around without needing someone to help me. So, I’m not afraid of living and doing everything over the next several years. But I’m afraid of when I won’t be able to keep doing things.

My awesome boyfriend bought me the entire Harry Potter series. Unfortunately,  I have not started it, because when I do, no one will see me for a week. But if I work on my self-control, I might be able to time it out lol

I throw most letters away. The only ones I will keep are the ones that have handwritten notes inside of them. Because if you took the time to write something sweet and personal,  i think that’s awesome. Or, if the pre-written note is sweet and makes me cry.

Allllllllllllllllright. That’s all I’ve got for now. If you have any questions,  comments, prayer requests,  testimonies,  or just wanna say hey, you can do so on here or email me at the address below.
Love y’all and super miss y’all!!!

-Kelsey H.
