I’m erasing myself from the narrative  

Hello everyone! I’m finally back to posting. These last few months have been one adventure after another and I’m ready to tell y’all about it!  

My last post was for Mother’s Day. But I didn’t really post about my life since January. So, I’ll go a month at a time.

February- I have seriously been blessed with a wonderful man whom goes above and beyond to make me happy. For Valentine’s Day (our second one as a couple) I asked to be surprised. He took me to this amazing restaurant where they had a special menu and you just needed to choose between steak or fish (super fancy), and it was so freaking delicious! There was a roasted beet soup that I need to learn to make ASAP. I think that was it for February.

March- March is my mommas birthday month and last year I remember having a small meltdown because I missed her and couldn’t be there to celebrate. This year I was so busy with work the few weeks leading up to her birthday that it was easier to focus on other things and not freak out. But the Tuesday before her birthday, I found out I wasn’t needed for the next Tuesday  (which was her actual birthday ) I had tinkered around with the idea of flying down a few months before, but plane tickets and work were both working against me so I didn’t give any further thought to it. I knew I had to work the weekend before her birthday, but I still thought maybe I could do something.  I brought it up to Sean as we were walking through Walmart, and the plan started to come together…Until  I saw the ticket prices 😮 they were seriously gross. Thankfully, Sean had a bunch of miles saved up, and suddenly the tickets were bought  (did I mention that I have the best boyfriend?) Cue me being deliriously excited and crying (nothing new here), I just needed to figure out how to keep her awake past nine, get a ride, and not scare the crap put of her (if you’ve ever been to my mom’s house you know she lives in the boonies). This is where I need to give a shout out to Terance, Raul, and Laura! Y’all are rockstars and I am so glad you are in my life! Everything came together so perfectly, I was in tears, my mom was in tears, it was the best! I had such a fun time being with her for her special day!!
Unfortunately, March also had a tragedy occur. Sean’s kitty, Penelope, passed away. She was a great cat. She was a punk sometimes, but she was cute and sweet. It was really hard to lose her, I hadn’t realized how attached I had become to her since she came to live with us last summer. She is still insanely missed, but I’m thankful she’s not suffering anymore. It’s always super crappy having to say goodbye. She won’t ever be replaced, and she was so loved. I’m happy I got to know her.

April- April was tough. We immediately started catsitting for some friends, which honestly helped so much!  Coming home to a pet less house was tough for a few days.  Sean got to experience his first concert! He went to see Mewithoutyou and Say Anything up in Seattle with me. The show was so amazing!  The set list for both bands were incredible. It was great to see bands that I’ve been listening to since I was in high school. The shows were so great! I recommend seeing Say Anything live if you ever have the chance!

May- I posted in May for Mother’s Day. But I didn’t mention that I went to see Beyoncé and how freaking amazing it was and kdnsgwldlfkska!!!! Ugh, it’s disgusting how great the show was! Honestly, I wore terrible shoes, got miserable blisters, was cold, it started raining, and I’m fairly certain I got a contact high just by being in the stadium.  But it was so freaking worth all of it! Also, Julia is considering not being my friend because she loves the Queen and is mad I went without her, but I’d do it all again. I still can’t believe I got to experience that!!!!! 

In addition to the great fun in May, my dog Max (whom my mom claims is her own) decided to go on an adventure, by himself. Thankfully, a neighbor found him! But I had a really tough time with not knowing what to do and being too far away to do anything.1

June- Sean and I flew to California on the first to see a few of my kids graduate. I conveniently forgot how hot it gets in the desert. It was murderous!  But it was worth it to see Sam and Jamya graduate. I’m so very proud of those girls and the future they’re planning. I also got lots of mother/daughter time, which was good cause I seriously miss my mom. And…Sean and I got a puppy!!!! She’s so freaking cute and I love her and she’s totally spoile, cause that’s what I do.

Everyone say hello to Harley –

She’s very similar to a cat in personality, she is still getting used to the fact that there are other dogs in the world and I’m her favorite human (based on the fact that I let her sleep in my King sized bed and take up most of the space -__-). 

Also while I was in California, one of my old youth group kids drew up this awesome cupcake tattoo, 

it’s super cute and I’m so psyched with it! Thank you Joel Gray.

And, while on that note, I had made a Facebook post about this tattoo, and some people commented on their opinions of it. And that’s fine. I’m all for people having their own opinions. But if you choose to question my faith while stating your opinion, we’re going to have a problem. I had several family members text/call/message/post with defensive comments on my behalf, and I appreciate them. I appreciate the defending.  But the fact is, there shouldn’t have been anything to defend. 

I’m a believer. I accepted Christ into my life when I was a Sparky in AWANA. Yes, I’ve screwed up. A lot. Yes, I occasionally say bad words. Yes, I think bad things about people.  Yes, I get jealous. Yes, I question things the Lord is doing in my life (even when I know His plan is always greater than mine). Yes. I fail. Daily. Sometimes hourly. BUT that’s the beauty of the Lord’s grace. He loves me, warts and all. He continually refines my life. I will never be perfect in the eyes of the world. But I’m the eyes of Christ I am His. I don’t appreciate being judged.  I will also never judge. That’s not my job. Just like it isn’t anyone else’s. 

I’m certain when I get to Heaven and meet God, there will be some things He’ll want to chat about. And that’s fine. Because it’s between Him and myself.  My walk with the Lord has had some bumps in the road, for sure. But He’s always there keeping me on the right path. I shouldn’t ever have to justify who I am with God, just as others shouldn’t have to justify their walks. I know I don’t fit the perfect ‘cookie cutter’ ideal of a Christian.  But that doesn’t matter. How I live my life, how I praise my God, and how I glorify His Name and His Word does. I was raised to think about what I say before I say it. I was raised to encourage others and treat everyone with respect.  Some cases have been more difficult than others, but I don’t let that change how I treat people. The way I handled the online comments was with respect, and prayer. I want my words to be eloquent and God honoring. I want to make sure I know what I’m talking about when I’m talking about it. I had Bible verses thrown at me during the comments on Facebook, and that’s great that people know those verses. I know some too; …I was going to include a list here. But I stopped to pray about it. The Lord knows my heart. He knows I was being a brat in what I wanted to write. So, I won’t include that.  I will continue to live my life. I will continue to address situations where I’m being attacked. I will continue to pray for those whom hurt and offend me. Because ultimately, we’re all just trying to get through life. I know that everyone is doing life differently, as they absolutely should! But does that mean their way is wrong? No. Not at all. If you don’t understand how someone could like the things they do, wear the things they wear, say the things they say; you should try looking at it from their point of view. 

You may not be wrong in what you said to me. Because that’s what you see coming from your point of view.  Though I’m not wrong in what I said either, because that was from mine.  

I don’t want this post to be taken out of context as an attack, or a rant. I just want the same respect that I’ve given to everyone over my lifetime.  I don’t think that’s too much to ask.
And now we’re all caught up! 

Sean’s Aunt is in town and we’re going adventuring and whatnot this weekend. So I’ll probably be a bit MIA.  And I’m sure there will be comments on this post, or annoyed emails, which is fine. I was also raised to be an independent  woman, and I’ve always enjoyed speaking my mind.  But I do always make sure to not openly offend anyone.  I hope by posting this,  things get cleared up. And if not,  that’s okay.  I’m not too bothered by it. 

On a completely unrelated note, I’m currently obsessed with the Hamilton musical! Honestly, I think Sean is ready to burn my phone cause I have the soundtrack on repeat consistently. But it’s so good! I need to see it performed. AND there’s a book with the songs, designs, back stories, etc. I need that too (for anyone wanting to know what to get me for any holiday). If you haven’t listened to the soundtrack, you should go do that and let me know what you think! 

If you’d like to send questions, comments, prayer requests, prayers, testimonies, or you just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

Have an awesome day! 

Love y’all and miss y’all,

Kelsey H. 


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