The adventures of motherhood

I was a jerk teenager.
I know most people say they were rebellious and moody when they were teenagers. But I was legitimately a jerk. Looking back and remembering some of the things I did, or words I had said, reminds me that mom’s are equipped to handle a lot!

Today is Mother’s Day! I was sitting in the card aisle at Target, Walgreens, and then RiteAid, and looking at the cards for moms. And they’re fine. But none of them were great. None of them said what I wanted to say. None of them brought you to the verge of happy tears, or made you laugh out loud. None of them were personal enough. I can’t just send a mediocre card to my mom!! That’s insanity! So, now we have a Blog post!

I’m not near my mom today, which kinda sucks. I miss her more than I can explain. I realize that I miss the random things that you don’t really associate with motherhood. Like being able to sit next to her in church and share random inside jokes that are probably not that funny, but to you two, it’s the most hilarious. Or, cracking up about the fact that your mom is slightly addicted to trashy television. Being able to go  ‘grocery shopping’ in your moms pantry and fridge. Having your irrational mood swings be understood by someone. Being able to show your mom how to do things with technology. Like I said, it’s the little things. But there’s a ton of the big things I miss. Going to her house and talking until 2 in the morning. All day movie marathons. Molé and chicken tortilla soup cooking parties.

My mom is my favorite. It’s a known fact that I have a lot of mom’s. There’s my actual mom that’s blood. Then there’s the many that have played a big part in my life. My mom has always been there, even when I was at rock bottom. Even when I was certain I didn’t want to continue living. Even when I pushed her away. As a child of a single mom, I’ve realized that I’ve taken so much for granted. I know it couldn’t have been easy to raise a daughter, work full time, make meals, keep a house, and have any time for yourself. But I’m so grateful you did! You taught me how to be my own person. You taught me how to laugh when I’m hurting. You taught me how to follow my dreams. You taught me how to love selflessly. You taught me how to be a mom. I know when the time comes, and I’m raising my own children, I’ll be such a rockin mom, because I had you as an example. Thank you for never giving up on me, even when you didn’t understand how to help. Thank you for holding me, and letting me wipe my tears and snot on you. Thank you for being my nurse, my therapist, my comedian, my defender, my personal chef, my chauffeur, and my voice of reason. Thank you, Momma.


This last Wednesday I had an amazing interview for this nanny agency up here in Washington. When I did an over the phone interview, I was asked a few questions about my resumé. One of the questions was about working in a church nursery. The guy that owns the company asked if that meant I was a Christian, to which I replied that I was. He then continued to tell me that he and his wife were believers as well!! So then I’m interviewing and filling out paperwork in person and having a wonderful chat with the owner about everything, from my beliefs, to working as a youth leader, and when it’s all done, the owner asks me to tell my mom thank you on behalf of himself. He said ‘ tell her she raised a lovely young woman, with a heart that is absolutely dedicated to the Lord’. I honestly don’t think there’s any better compliment. I truly hope that one day my children will make that phone call to let me know that other people can see the awesome work being done in their lives.

And I wanted to send a huge Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day to all my other moms!! I’ve had some seriously amazing influences over the years, whether it be my amazing aunts keeping me stocked in Barbie’s and love, or my awesome church mom’s keeping me accountable, or my best friends mom’s basically adopting me into their lives, you’ve all been there for me in one way or another through all these years, and I’m thankful that you’ve been put into my life.

I truly wouldn’t be the young woman I am today without you wonderful women in my life!! I hope you all have an amazing day, and that you get super spoiled by your families!!