Proud to be an Anomaly

This week is Early Dismissal week at the school, so I pretty much have the kid all day. 😦  But I told y’all that I would post about the Lecrae concert, and I will!

If you expected me to post that it sucked, or was somehow disappointing, you were so freaking mistaken!!

It was unbelievable!! I was hoping my friend from church would be able to go with me. But she couldn’t make it. So I decided to rock the concert Han style(Solo)<—shoutout to How I Met Your Mother for that line. When I got there I happened to run into this really cute guy that I met not too long after I arrived in Washington. Turns out Really Cute Guy, or RCG as he will be referred to, is a Christian!! He and his friends (all guys), were psyched about the show and asked me to sit with them! I'm starting to think my luck has changed for the better since moving up here!

Anyway, we got our seats, and talked about what songs we hoped they would perform. Unfortunately, my phone was really close to dying, but RCG assured me he would take pictures and send them to me!! The show opened with DJ Promote, who rocked the house with mixes that included Steve Aoki, Tedashii, and none other than Nirvana in honor of it being Seattle! He only performed for 30 minutes, but it was a really awesome set and I got the crowd pumped!! Up next was the amazing Andy Mineo! He started with Neverland and I was in my happy place from that point on! His set was my favorite, if I'm being honest I pretty much just wanted to go for him!  His energy levels are all over the place! The guy was riding his skateboard all over the freaking stage! I loved the videos that he had rolling during song changes, the story that ties all the songs together was great! When he ended with an encore of You Will I was beyond elated! He won't read this, but he's an awesome performer, and is totally making sure everything in his life is being done for the glory of God. I think that is such a cool and respectable thing to do when you're in a position as he is with fans looking up to you!


Now onto Lecrae and his freaking boss set!

Seriously! He opened with Welcome to America, and went straight into Nuthin’. He knows how to work the crowd like crazy! The last time I saw that was at the Monumentour show back in August with Hayley Williams! He was all over the place, getting everyone pumped! He also had videos rolling between his songs, but they told his testimony. No matter how many times I hear, or read his testimony, I am always so in awe! I’ve told you all how much I love reading your testimonies, and I mean it! We all have stories! We are all anomalies! We are all set apart for Christ, and that is so amazing to me! Lecrae is so passionate about what he does, he’s so on fire for Christ and wants to share that love with everyone! When he performed Tell the World, he shared that he knew he was nothing without Christ, that he would have been dead by this point had he not accepted the Lord in his life. Like Andy Mineo, he put his life and love of Jesus on display. I know that there were definitely some people in that stadium that felt a call on their lives! You could absolutely feel God’s presence in that building! It was so rockin’! The show closed with Lecrae and Andy performing an encore to Say I Won’t with Lecrae wearing a Seahawks jersey and challenging people to say he won’t wear the jersey and play the drums! He did! OMG it was freaking awesome!! Throughout the show I had to make sure RCG was taking pics of the glory that was the Anomaly tour! I love that we’re all part of this crazy world and that we have these connections through music and by being a family of anomalies. It holds a part of my heart that I can have this bond with y’all!

Now it’s time for your favorite part of my posts………..


QUESTION 1: Have you found a new church?

Yes, I think I mentioned it in other posts. On my first Sunday here I went to Living Hope in Puyallup. I ran into an old friend that went to Riverside Christian Assembly, and met the youth leader, and the lead pastor. All of them know my pastor and family from the desert! I felt completely welcome from day one. Even when I was interviewing for a job in Seattle they were bummed that I would be leaving the church if I was a long distance away and wouldn’t come back to visit. So, until I feel called somewhere else, I have found my church in WA.

QUESTION 2: What is your Halloween costume?

I think I left my Alice in Wonderland costume in storage in California, which sucks, cause I wanted to do that again. So, I will either see what I can find at Target, or go for a broken porcelain doll look with makeup and normal clothes.

Also, while I’m on the topic of Halloween. I love Halloween. I like dressing up, and having fun with friends. Does this make me a devil worshiping heathen? Not at all. I just like to have fun. I know that there is that darkness in the world. I’m not ignorant to what Halloween means to those people. That’s not me though. I really don’t like it when people judge me based on things I do, like dressing up and having fun on Halloween. It’s fine to have your own opinions on the day, but it’s also okay to keep those to yourself.

QUESTION 3: Is it bad to be a Christian and drink alcohol?

Nope. It even shows believers drinking in the Bible. Everyone has different opinions of this too. I’m gonna just assure you that pretty much everyone has different opinions, and interpretations on various points in the Bible. I’m not saying mine are the right one. I am just saying what I take from the Word. As a Christian, I don’t think it’s right to get trashed while drinking. Healthwise it isn’t good either. Yeah, I’ve done it. Yeah, I’ve lived that crazy, wild, party lifestyle. I can tell you, it isn’t worth it. If you’re legally able to, and you want to have a drink with dinner, or out with friends, you do you. Just don’t overdo it.

Yet again, I’m gonna do my don’t judge me disclosure haha. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. That’s all I’m saying. Matthew 7:1-5 lays it out perfectly. Though, if I see something going on that is obviously illegal, or unsafe, I will step in! (THIS IS SOMETHING THE KIDS IN MY YOUTH GROUP KNOW)

QUESTION 4: Do you ever think about your ex boyfriends?

I do. I will sometimes remember the fun, amazing times I spent with them (driving around at midnight listening to music. Or, watching meteor showers in the back of the truck). Or, the horrid habits that I can laugh about now (speaking Klingon thinking it’s romantic. Or, smoking! Ugh, so gross) I don’t think about them in terms of ever getting back together with any of them, but I did have special moments with each of them, and that’s why I think of them sometimes.

QUESTION 5: How do you feel about your relationship with your mom?

I have an awesome relationship with my mom! I’m kind of her favorite! Haha It’s been just me and her since I was born. We have always had a Gilmore Girls type of bond. (if you haven’t seen that show, you’re missing out) We have our moments of fighting, just like anyone would. But in the end, she would die for me, stand in the gap for me, and fight for me. Cause she loves me… though she won’t admit that out loud haha  

QUESTION 6: Do you have a nickname? What is it?

I have many nicknames. Ones that my mom has for me. Some that my friends have for me. And some from my youth group weirdos. My mom calls me Booger, and there is another one, but I don’t tell others that one. My friends nicknames for me aren’t great, and they’re inside jokes, so I’ll keep those to myself. My youth group weirdos call me Kelp Juice, Mom, Mommy, and Kelpie. I was annoyed at first by being called a Mom, but they are my kids, so I guess I get it haha

QUESTION 7: What do you do when you’re alone in the car?

I sing and dance like a crazy person. I will typically have my windows rolled down, and be blasting my radio. I get looks. I don’t really feel bothered by that though haha, I like to have fun. People are usually surprised that I know most lyrics to rap songs when they see me spitting rhymes like a boss ;p

QUESTION 8: What is the worst date you’ve ever been on?

Oh sweet Lord! I’ve had a few! But the one that really killed me was last March. This guy was super persistent. I was FB friends with him, but I couldn’t remember meeting him. Anyway, it turns out it was his first date. Which is not that big of an issue. But I showed at the restaurant and realized he didn’t brush his teeth or something, cause his breath smelled like rotting asparagus and cat pee. Ugh!! Then he proceeded to order Onion rings and water for dinner, which meant the smell wouldn’t be improving. Then when I would stop talking so I could eat, he would say  “awkward silence”… rude! Then we went to see a movie and he stared at me and kept asking if I wanted to leave throughout the entire movie! Though the worst part was when we walked to my car after the movie, he leaned in, it was obvious he was going for the kiss, but I managed to turn it to a hug. While hugging he turned his face into my neck and straight up sniffed me!! We’re talking full inhale of my hair and neck! I still get creeped out when I think of it. Anyway, there were many details I left out. But it was the worst date I’ve ever been on.

QUESTION 9: What are your special talents?

This one was sent by Saweenie. I don’t even know how to answer this haha

I guess counseling others?  I’ve always been able to talk it out with people and get situations fixed as easily as they could possibly go. 

Also, I can make babies calm down and fall asleep quickly. Baby Whisperer status!!

QUESTION 10: Would you go on a missions trip to another country?

If I felt called to go on a missions trip, yes. One of my favorite things about my church in California was that we were a big supporter of sending missionaries all over the world. I would tithe to that. But I am more than willing to stay home and minister in the States. I don’t know what God has in store for my life, but He knows my heart, and that I am willing to go.

Anyway, that was my weekend! It was amazing, and I had so much fun!! Plus, I have a date for coffee on Saturday!!😍 Keep sending your prayers, prayer requests, questions, and testimonies! I always love reading them!! Love y’all and miss y’all!!

~Kelsey H.💕💕

Don’t be fooled by the false sense of comfort.

I managed to keep my crying to a minimum this week!!

I was trying to think if I should just post on Monday, because I’m going to a Lecrae show tomorrow night, and I definitely want to post pictures and what not from that. But I don’t want to tell you about my week in the same post, so I’m doing two separate posts!! Lucky you!!

This week was interesting. I had an interview for the seemingly perfect job last Sunday. It went really well. I, admittedly, got my hopes up for the job. Only to find out on Wednesday that I didn’t get it. I cried. I had all the right qualifications for the job, but a different girl had something to offer that I apparently didn’t. It’s okay. I just cried because I really thought I had the job. I thought that would be what saved me from this current situation. But, it’s always God’s will. I know there is a reason that that door was closed. It just kind of sucks.

Work wise has been fine. I woke up Monday morning, after staying away from the house all weekend in order to avoid the 11 family members that were present. I got the kid ready for school, and informed him that after school he would be doing his homework immediately, and if he gave me any argument I would be taking time away from his free time and adding it to his reading time. I told him I was not in the mood to deal with him being a punk like last week. He agreed and got on the bus. I had a headache all day and tried to sleep it off. When I picked him up in the afternoon, he already had his homework in hand. He told me he started it on the bus so he could have more free time, then he asked me how my day was….?!?!?! I was floored by this. I kept thinking it was a trap haha I told him I had a headache and he said he would try to keep it down. He finished his homework with no issue, then asked if he could play at the neighbors. I said yes, but he needed to be back by five to do his reading. Sure enough, at exactly five, he came back, grabbed a book, and started reading!! It’s basically been the same thing all week! Then I found out that a video game he wanted came out on Friday, and his dad told him if he didn’t get any negative feedback from me for a week he would get it. Which is fine, but I was also supposed to be paid on Friday… it’s now Saturday, and I have no paycheck. But the kid definitely has his video game!! UGH!! I truly don’t care what you spend your money on, but if it causes me to go without getting paid; I’m gonna have an issue!!

Just keep praying that another job would be the perfect fit. I applied for another nanny job that I had interviewed for back in July. As well as some new posts. All of the jobs are in Seattle, which would be fantastic. And both of the new jobs have my own bedroom, bathroom, and separate entrance. One of the jobs even has my own kitchen!!!! I’m hoping for that one, but I won’t get my hopes up!! I got a call from one of the new jobs today. It would start in January and would be 12 hours a week in exchange from my room and board. Which is doable, and I would need to get another job to pay for my current bills. But it would be a better setup than I’m currently at. I was hoping to start sooner than January, but it will be fine. I’m just going to continue to interview everywhere, and see what my options are!!

It’s all okay, and I’m constantly being reminded of God’s Grace and Mercy through the trials. I just continue to remember that Job lost everything, he had his so called friends telling him to turn away from Christ. Yet, he pushed through it all, not even knowing if there was going to be an amazing blessing at the end. I know there is something at the end of this trial for me, and sometimes I fall so short of praising the Lord for the good things that remain constant in my life! I will always have an amazing support system in my family! They will always encourage me and remind me that I have Christ in my life, and that I’m Kelsey Hayden and life is mine to design!! It has been a tough several weeks since I left home to start this new adventure of my life. But I will continue to push forward. I owe it to myself to see what the Lord has in store for me and my future! Please just continue to keep me in your prayers!!

And now it’s everyone’s favorite time!!!



Some of these are serious questions, and though I like to have fun in my answers, you should know that I actually spent time and prayer on the serious ones and even researched some stuff to give y’all the best possible answer. There are also random fun questions. 😉

QUESTION 1: What is your favorite movie?

Super easy! My favorite movie is The 10th Kingdom!! It’s amazing! It has been my favorite since I was a kid. It’s basically fairytale stories, but tying it to modern day. Trust me, you need to find it and watch it! If you like the TV show Once Upon a Time, you’ll love this movie! Go find it!!(they sell it for five bucks at Target)

QUESTION 2: If there were a zombie apocalypse, what would you do?

I would be super boss! Haha. Honestly, I like going different places and seeing what they have to offer in terms of shelter during an apocalypse. I know we are unlikely to have a Zombie apocalypse, but we could very well have an apocalypse. If that occurs you have to consider if you’d be one to help others, or a completely ruthless loner. I honestly don’t know which route I would take. The old youth pastor at my church would play a game which consisted of choosing which route you would take in a zombie apocalypse. I usually died… oh well. I would most likely just try to find my family and go from there.

QUESTION 3: What is your favorite ice cream?

This has several answers! I love ice cream, it’s amazing with its sweet creamy deliciousness!! My favorite from Rite Aid is Mint’n’Chip, from Baskin Robbins it’s Gold Medal Ribbon, from the store it’s Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked, and from ColdStone it’s Birthday Cake Remixed. Usually Mint’n’Chip is my go to for everything though.

QUESTION 4: What bands/songs have you been into recently?

Lately, I seem to live on Spotify! The radio stations all play top 40 everything, and I have nothing against that. But I just really want some new fresh stuff that hasn’t been altered by all the technology and autotuning nonsense. So, my current favorites have been the band MisterWives, their Reflections album is wonderful. Anything by Yuna is amazing too. Her song Fading Flower makes me happy and I love reading while listening to her. Weezer has a new album that I’m loving. I pretty much just love Weezer. Plus, Bethel Music is amazing and has some rocking worship music, but also songs that are just splendid fun and lovely. Listen to Chasing You. It’s amazeballs.

QUESTION 5: What’s your favorite restaurant in Washington so far?

TACO TIME!!!!!!! Oh my word!! Let me tell you about Taco Time. They are delicious, they have these Crispy Burritos that are basically Flaunts, that come in Chicken, Beef, or beans, I get the chicken one because it’s so freaking yummy!! It’s shredded chicken with cream cheese and green chilies, in a flour tortilla, then fried. Yummy overload!!

QUESTION 6: If you could have one wish, what would it be, and why?

I would wish for the ability to travel anywhere in the world, anytime I wanted, for free! Because I would love to travel for free and not stress life so much! I know I could’ve put some deep thing like the ability to understand the Bible. But if I’m being honest, I want to travel. Yes, knowing the Bible inside and out would be great, but I’m still enjoying learning it myself, in my own time.

QUESTION 7: Why has my girl/boyfriend stopped going to church and started to pull away from Christ?

This is one of those questions that I had to really pray about. Every person has a different walk with God. I know that at one point during my walk with the Lord, I didn’t feel a good connection with the church and walked away from it. Does that mean that I walked away from Christ? No. In fact during that time it gave me a chance to see how much I needed to cling to my relationship with Him and not worry about the church. That’s not to say that the church isn’t a good place, or a safe place to be, sometimes you just need to step away to get a clear vision of what the Lord has planned for you. I would suggest that if your girl/boy friend is pulling away from Christ, don’t try to tear them down, don’t push them. You should, yourself, draw closer to the Lord and see what His plan is for you. Sometimes these trials we see others going through are meant to be lessons for us as well.

QUESTION 8: Why have I never felt God’s presence if I accepted Him in my life?

This goes back to what I said earlier about everyone having different walks with God. Once you accept Christ it isn’t going to be all sunshine and rainbows. It’s gonna be tough. You’re entering into a relationship where you are giving everything, your heart, soul, struggles, fears, happiness, sadness, anger, everything to Christ! That’s a lot to handle! And the enemy realizes he has lost you, and he wants you back. I trust that the Lord is always doing battle for my life. Do I feel Him all the time? No. And that’s totally okay! I have no doubt that He is there! I have a trust that He is constantly surrounding me. When you feel His presence, it’s truly amazing. It’s indescribable. But I know you will feel it when you’re ready. When you’ve completely given your everything to God, He envelopes you with His love and it’s so freaking cool!!

QUESTION 9: What type of food do you miss from California?


Honestly, I have dreams of Double-Double’s Animal Style with extra Lettuce, Pickles, and Spread with no tomato. DREAMS!! And when y’all post snaps of being there, it kills me a little bit each time. Just want you to think about that haha.

I also miss Del Taco Chili Cheese Fries. 

And good Mexican food. They don’t know anything about Mexican food up here! I went to get a Chile Relleno, and it sucked!! It was bland and made me want to cry. Plus, the Salsa was straight up Cayenne Pepper. Ugh!! I’m thankful my momma taught me how to cook, otherwise I’d die up here.

QUESTION 10: When did you last talk yourself out of something, when deep down you wanted to do it?

Oh jeez. Okay. The last time I talked myself out of something I wanted, was before I moved up here. I had planned to tell this guy how I felt about him. I had it all setup too! It would’ve rocked!! I talked myself out of it because I thought he was in a relationship, and I never want to be that girl that tries to put myself in someone else’s relationship. I recently found out he wasn’t in a relationship, but whatever. I also had some issues with who this person associated with. So it’s okay. I chose to remain silent, and that’s with me. I’m just gonna have to find my tall, bearded, tattooed, Christian guy up here in the lovely state of Washington.


Yayyyyy! That’s it for this post. Since I know I will be questioned on why I’m posting at three in the morning. I went out dancing with a friend and we ended up at this awesome bar called The Swiss, where an amazing band, Kryboys was performing!!!! They did covers of some of my favorite songs, including Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Good Charlotte, and Nirvana!! I have every intention of following their shows from now on. They rocked!! Go find them online, they had amazing guitar riffs and the drummer kicked butt!!😍😍

As always, keep sending me your questions, testimonies, and prayers!! I’ve been so blessed recently with complete strangers sending me prayers that God put on their hearts for me. We serve an awesome God, and I’m so psyched to see the awesome things he’s doing!!! Love y’all and miss y’all!! I’m starting to get super homesick!!

-Kelsey H.💕💕


I miss these weirdos😂😂😂😂

A minor threat, is still a threat.

I really need a new job. I need this interview on Sunday to go really well. This job is horrid. In the month that I have been here I have never actually considered leaving and going back home to California. Until yesterday.

This week started out iffy, which should’ve let me know I should be wary of everything. The dad took Monday off of work. Was it to give me the day off? Nope. It was to go ride quads with his bros. Which I really don’t care about. It isn’t really an issue for me. What is an issue for me though. Is that last Friday, which should have been when I got paid, which is way less than minimum wage, I wasn’t. That’s right. I wasn’t paid. When I got back on Friday night, no one was home. Then I had to find the dad Saturday and ask for my check, but he was out of checks and not planning on going out during the weekend. So Monday comes along…I get that banks are closed on Sunday, so getting checks isn’t an option. That doesn’t explain the fact that he had several opportunities this entire week to go freaking get cash!!! Seeing as how he had the money to buy gas for the quads, Budweiser Platinum (which is more expensive and not on sale currently) (yes, I do my research), and an endless supply of cigarettes, I would think that paying me the money I actually worked for wouldn’t be the most difficult thing ever! But wait, that’s not all! On Wednesday, the mother brings the daughters over, and a bunch of half used groceries… why? Because her power got shut off for nonpayment! Then, I find out yesterday (after still not getting my money, even though I told the dad I needed it Wednesday cause I have bills I need to pay) that I would get my cash on Friday(today) morning because he had to go pay his ex wife’s electricity bill with my effing money!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!! And he has to wait for his money to be deposited into his account. The freaking guy didn’t even apologize or seem like he thought not paying me but buying all this crap was an issue!! Plus, the ex and her spawn have spent the last few nights in his house. Even though the power is back on…

Whatever, that’s not even the worst part, and trust me, it gets bad.

On Wednesday, it was picture day. I will forever rock out picture day. When I have my own children, they will look amazeballs on picture day! So, with the Kid, I made sure he woke up early. He had bathed the night before, so his hair looked like crap. But I got him an awesome outfit together, and did his hair. The kid look rockin. Super sharp! (His outfit even matched, it was amazing) Even the neighbor was shocked with how good he looked! So, it was a decent morning. But the afternoon came… which meant homework. As it always does. As it has for the past month that I’ve been there! The kid gets home. He’s mad about some unknown factor. And refuses to do his homework. I inform him he has to. So he does. Then he asks to go to the neighbors, which is fine. I tell him to be back by five. It gives him a little less than an hour. He agrees. Sure enough, five comes around and he hasn’t returned. By five fifteen, I decide to go get him. When I get to the neighbors he refuses to go home and do his 20 minutes of reading. So I say the more he refuses and argues with me the more time I’m having him read. I really don’t know why it’s such an issue to read! It baffles me!!! Anyway, he runs to the house, slams the front door closed, goes and starts throwing books everywhere. Not just randomly tossing them. Nope. Full on throwing them across the room! One of which happened to go right by my freaking face! I don’t think he was intentionally throwing them at me, but throwing them in general is not okay! I informed him of this fun fact and told him he needs to sit down and read. He continued to argue with me and picked up a baseball bat and glared at me, asking what I would do if he doesn’t read. I told him he was threatening me by holding the bat and glaring at me and he needed to put it down, so he throws it down, then pickers it up glaring at me again. Then he runs upstairs and locks himself in his room, so I told him I was adding two minutes for every minute he didn’t come read. He runs back downstairs, and looks me right in the eye and tells me he hates me!!!! HE HATES ME!!! Freaking HATES me! AHHHHHHH!!! I looked right back at him told him I loved it when he tells me that and he apologized when he realized I was going to be telling his dad. So, I told him to go sit and read. He did and continued to glare. I texted what happened to his dad and the dad called to talk with him. I’m not sure what happened, but the kid took a book to his room. Slammed the door closed, and started throwing stuff around. His mom came over (with all the half eaten groceries) and I told her what happened and that I was going out cause I needed to get away from him. She didn’t seem phased by the fact that he acted like that and I didn’t care to be there any longer. I ended up going to the neighbors (who is so freaking awesome!!!!) and just chilling until around ten. When I got back the Kid was awake, as were his sisters, and his mom. His mom made him hand me a letter that said he didn’t hate me and was having a bad day and that he was sorry and would try to act better. Then he ran inside after handing it to me, and I asked the mom if she had him write it, she said she did, and that “anger issues run in the family” as if that was a good excuse for throwing crap at me and yelling and threatening me with an effing bat?!?!? I just said okay and went to my room. I was sitting on the floor in the corner reading and the kids were all stilt wide awake until after midnight, which isn’t okay, especially on a school night, but both parents were there and I was off the clock. The dad was asleep when I got home.(Keep this little tidbit in mind for later) I finally decide to get in bed and go to sleep at 12:30, I’m still hearing the kids awake, but that’s not my issue. I fall asleep for a little over an hour and wake up because my shoulder is killing me!!! Why? Oh, because there’s a hole in my freaking air mattress!! The same air mattress that I haven’t moved, and that I haven’t had anything sharp near! I’m basically lying on the ground, surrounded by my pillows and blankets and I hit a point where I was done. The kid put a freaking hole in my air mattress! Granted, I can’t prove this. But how else do you explain why there’s suddenly a hole? It’s just super suspicious! Anyway, I hit my limit. I burst into tears and was looking into jobs back in California. I was texting my mom even though she was asleep, but she woke up and responded at three when I was still wide awake and breaking down, and she talked me though it. Thanks mom!! I still plan on staying in Washington. At least for six months. I have to give this a shot. I can’t just abandon this! God has me here for a reason. But I still needed to deal with what was happening. I fell asleep around six yesterday morning. Had to be up by six forty to get the kid ready for school (even though his mother was there and could’ve done it but whatever) and I was exhausted to the point of delirium. Definitely not a time to mess with me, or argue. The kids sisters were out of school yesterday, and he was tired because he didn’t get to sleep on time. He argued that it wasn’t fair that he had to go to school and asked his mom (who woke up because he was arguing with me, but didn’t stop him from arguing with me) if he could stay home from school, the mom was legitimately going to let this freaking punk stay home (while she went to work and left me with two extra kids), but I refused and said he was going and to get dressed for the day and downstairs for breakfast. He looked at her and asked her again and I stared her down basically daring her to undermine me. She told him to do as I said and that she would walk him to the bus stop. I went downstairs and got his breakfast ready and he was out the door (without a thank you… there’s never actually been a thank you, now that I think about it). I went to get a shower and when I came downstairs the two girls were there and the mother was gone. My job is not to watch these children. So, I left. No one has said anything about it.

Anyway, I hung out with the neighbor all day and went through the typical symptoms of exhaustion. It was great. Then the kid was gonna get home and neither of the parents were back yet. So, I went to get him, then he had a snack and started the arguing. I decided to record what he was saying in the event that the dad wasn’t understanding that this kid is rude as heck to me. He argued that he didn’t have school on Friday so he shouldn’t have to do his homework. I told him he was still doing it. He said I was mean. I told him he was still doing his homework. He said he was only doing half of the page, I said he was doing it all. He argued that for ten minutes and said his parents were gonna let him only do half of it. I informed him that was great, but I’m not his parent and he was doing it all. He glared at me and argued the entire time. I said he was getting less free time for all the arguing and delaying he was doing and he said that wouldn’t happen. Finally he finished and he only had 20 minutes of free time. But his dad got home and said it was fine if he was done… freaking seriously?! This is why the kid doesn’t do anything I say! Because he is allowed to walk all over his parents and they LET him!! I asked the dad if he had my money and he said he would go get it early in the morning and leave it for me. Then I said I wanted to talk about everything that happened the day before and I mentioned about my bed and he said it wasn’t the kids cause he was with them all night which is complete BS, because that little tidbit that I said earlier about him being asleep when I got home!! There was plenty of time for the little axe murderer in training (my mothers nickname for him) to damage my property! But when I mentioned that the kid was still slamming doors after he spoke with his dad, the dad told him he was grounded from video games for two weeks. So, whatever. I decided I was going to power through because, for all I know, the job interview on Sunday could be perfect and I will be moving soon anyway.

But then, when I woke up today (I slept in because the kid was off of school and the sisters were too, so everyone was home, and the mother was off work so she could be an actual parent and I could have Friday off as was originally agreed upon before I took the job) I walked out to go brush my teeth and get ready for my day. And I find the kid and his sisters all playing video games and eating my freaking cereal!!!! And where is the mother? Heck if I know!!! But she for sure wasn’t there watching her children!! And how about that money of mine that I was supposed to get last freaking week?!?! Yeah, that’s not anywhere to be found!! So, I call the dad and he says that the older sister is watching the kids and I don’t have to stay if I have plans, and that he woke up late so he would get me my money by tonight. UGHHHHHHHH!!!!! So, I decided to go hang with the neighbor and go to youth group. Anything to stay out of the house that smells disgusting because I refuse to wash their dishes that they have left scattered throughout the house from last weekend when I wasn’t even present, nor did I eat any food. And since they moved in on Wednesday, I have not been in the kitchen or had anything to eat from them and the dishes have continued to pile up. When I was hired, I was told that I didn’t have to clean. I did the dishes whenever I would use them, or when the Kid would use some. But I made the mistake one Monday of washing all the dishes in the kitchen cause it was gross, when I hadn’t even been there that weekend!!! So, I guess they just expect me to do them now. But I refuse to. I don’t care if that seems petty. I don’t get paid to be a housekeeper…I’m technically not even being PAID! So, back to me getting ready to leave. I decided to get a shower before I left. The girls have been using my bathroom every weekend, which means they use my shampoo, conditioner, and soap. And I have colored hair so I have special shampoo and conditioner which is a little more expensive than the Suave! Plus, the teenager used my towels to get dry and my loofah (which is super disgusting and should not freaking be done!!). So I have to take my stuff out of the bathroom every time they’re over. Anyway, I’m getting ready to hop in the shower, I have put my towels and makeup bag in the bathroom, but I remembered I had to grab my other toiletries. As I went to grab my stuff, I come back to the bathroom and the teenager is standing in there, she looks at me, says she needs a shower, and shuts the door in my face!! I was shocked and mad, but I decided I would not fight that particular battle. However, seconds later she knocks on my door asking for MY toiletries!! I told her they were gone and she said that there was a lot left earlier in the week. I told her, “yeah, you’re not understanding. They’re gone for you. Those are my products. Not yours.” So she walked away looking mad. But that isn’t my issue. About two hours later she exits the bathroom… she’s kind of a jerk. And I finally get my shower. But the bathroom is now trashed with towels on the floor, and hair and makeup everywhere. Whatever. Not caring. I got a shower, got dressed, and came to the awesome safety of the neighbors house.

I haven’t been at home today. I’m avoiding it as long as I possibly can. I was really blessed to have my awesome neighbor friend be there for me this week with words of comfort, and coffee!! Plus, tonight after youth group I was blessed to hang out with my awesome new friend Nika (the youth pastors wife). This weekend I’m going to a pumpkin festival, and then Seattle for the interview!! Things are looking up. I’m keeping my heart focused on Christ. I know everything will work out. I’m not going to be doing a Q&A on this post cause it was basically me venting. I’m sorry for all the negativity. I am really working on getting through all this drama. Right now the prayer is that I would know what to do if I don’t get the other job. The neighbor has been amazing and said I will always have a place to stay with her. But she lives across the street from the crazy family that I would be running away from. So I need to consider what I will do if that occurs. 

As always, keep your emails and messages coming! I love the testimonies and questions. Especially the testimonies! I love seeing the awesome works that Christ is doing in your lives! God is so good!!! Love y’all, and miss y’all.

-Kelsey H.💕💕


That’s my cousin in the pic. I miss her a lot:'(:'(💕💕


Out of all the problems one could have, options is one of the toughest.

Options suck. Plain and simple. You’d think it was some great thing. But it really isn’t! Do I want a burger, or a burrito? Fries, or mashed potatoes? Soup, or salad? This seemingly amazing job, or stick with the one I have finally found peace with?

Obviously, there are moments where having options works well for everyone involved. I’m currently not in one of those moments. A few days ago I got a call from a single mom I had interviewed with back in June for a job that would have started immediately after camp. It was all pretty nice until I got the contract and looked it over. It was a majorly intense contract. 45-50 hour weeks, with 2 kids, one of which would be in school all day, and one that would stay with me. I would’ve been required to be the housekeeper, cook, etc. and the pay was decent, but not enough for the amount of work that was going to be required. So, after I a lot of prayer, and seeking the counsel of some rocking, women of God, I told the mom that I was going in another direction. It all ended well. We were on good terms. So, when I got the call this past week asking if I might be interested in interviewing for a live-in position for her, I told her I was. She gave me a few of the contract details over the phone.

Basically, the schedule has changed. She put both kids in school. So, my schedule would pretty much be the same as it is with the family I’m currently with, getting the kids off to school in the morning, and hanging for a few hours after school. But, it would be Tuesday through Friday, and every other Saturday. In all, I’m looking at 20-26 hour weeks. It would be hourly, which would get me about $200 more a month. Live-in, with a huge private room, private bathroom, a semi private living room area, laundry room off the living room, TV, King sized bed, walk in closet! And a fully stocked, all organic kitchen. Plus, if I ever wanted something they didn’t have I just had to add it to the list… Seems perfect, right?

Yeah, so I’m interviewing for that job next Sunday. In the meantime, things have finally settled into an awesome rhythm with the family I’m already with! Things are really good. There are a few things I would change, but I figure those would be changed with the move they’re making at the end of November. Plus, I’ve got a system, and good level of communication with these people. Ugh. It’s a tough freaking choice. Because, what if I interview, and everything seems amazing. I take the job, things are great for a month, maybe two, then it all goes south… what if I can’t power through and end up having to leave the job, which means leaving the place I’m living? I most likely wouldn’t be able to go back to the family I’m with now. They’ll have found someone else. It sucks. That’s one of my biggest fears. I’m a pretty good judge of character, and it isn’t like I absolutely need this job! But I would prefer it be the perfect fit and everything flows wonderfully.

But wait! (this is better than an infomercial!)

The neighbor of the family I’m with now has become an awesome friend to me up here! She has three little boys, and is actually going through a situation right now that I won’t go into details about, but if y’all could lift her up in your prayers, that’d be rocking! Anyway, she is going to need to go back to work soon and will need someone to watch her boys (mainly the 3 year old), while she’s at work. The pay would be through a government assistance program, and would be a lot more than what I’m making now, plus it would be live-in, which would be great! She’s a super awesome person and has let me know that I’ll always have a place to live with her if it comes down to it. So, that’s helping to calm some of my panic about possibly being homeless should everything fall through.

Ultimately, I have decided that being an adult is super freaking stupid, and I want absolutely no part in it!

Crazy enough, this week has been great. The kid has been awesome. The dad has agreed with me on everything, and my car was leaking condensation from the A/C and I thought it was something more serious, so he checked it out and let me know everything was running great! I made a list of yummy, nutritious food to pick up and he did! It’s been splendid. Now, I just need to keep praying and ask that God make it evident where I’m supposed to be. I would super appreciate it if y’all would join me in this prayer!!



QUESTION 1: Would you ever consider putting your parents into an nursing home?

I have actually considered this. Working in the caregiving industry really helped open my eyes to the different types of care options out there for the elderly. My mom and I even discussed it a few times. While I have nothing against nursing homes, there are a few that rise above the rest and you really have to take all the aspects of your parents life and needs into consideration. My mom will be in her house as long as she wants. Even when she starts to lose her mind, she will still be there. As long as she’s funny crazy, and not scary crazy, she’ll remain in her house. That’s what she wants. When your parents reach that age, why not humor them? Honestly, they spend all this time, money, stress, etc. to make sure you are set. What harm will it do to give them a little bit of what they’ve given a lot?

QUESTION 2: Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend?

Nope. That’s never been a person I wanted to be. To intentionally hurt someone for your own satisfaction? That’s a major jerk move! Also, if you’re offended because you’ve cheated, suck it up. You made that choice. You knew what you were doing. You didn’t deserve that person.

BOOM! REALITY BOMB JUST WENT OFF… lol I just cracked myself up with that

QUESTION 3: Have you ever had a guy ask you to marry him?

hahahaha, yes, a few times actually. Once, in college, a friend found out I know how to cook and immediately dropped down to his knee and asked me to marry him. Another time, it was a we could just get married and see what it’s like situation (turned that down for obvious reasons). Mainly, it was never a serious option that I considered going through with.

QUESTION 4: What is the wildest thing you’ve ever done?

I think moving 20 hours away from my home is pretty wild… maybe I’m wrong? Honestly, I’ve done random wild things consistently in my life. I always want to push the boundaries of life. So, I can’t just pinpoint a specific moment when it was the ‘wildest thing’.

QUESTION 5: If you had to choose between your boyfriend and your best friend, who would you choose?

Best friend. Hands down! Honestly, I’ve had best friends come and go, but I know that if it came down to it, and I needed any of them that have been in my life over the years, they’d be there in a heartbeat, or find a way to send someone comparable. I can’t say the same of any ex boyfriends. If I knew my boyfriend was the guy I was going to be married to, the guy God had destined for me, it would be a different conversation. But just a boyfriend that hasn’t been through all the stuff my best friend and I have been through together? Nope, sorry dude.

QUESTION 6: Would you rather be liked, or respected?

I got this question sent to me a few weeks ago, and I wanted to answer it right away, but forgot, and then I saw it again and was thrilled to write my response!! I would rather be respected!!! Here’s why, I don’t like a bunch of people that have been in my life to teach and guide me over the years ( I know that sounds horrid, but stick with me), but I have completely respected them. When I was in college, I would have professors that annoyed the crap out of everyone, they wanted the students to be their BFFs, which lost them a ton of respect! Then I have had polar opposites with people, or teachers that were so freaking mean, but they helped get the job done, earning multitudes of respect. There’s a balance somewhere where you have both. I try to maintain that balance as much as possible. But in the end, if it came down to what I would rather have? I would choose respect. Yeah, I would love to be liked by everyone (I’m only human), but I would prefer people know where they stand with me.

QUESTION 7: Would you rather sit in the sand or play in the water at the beach?

I have no clue who sent this question as it was anonymous, but I’m assuming it’s one of my kids from the youth group. Seeing as how it’s related to the beach.

A quick background note, there was a youth beach trip last year. The ocean was high tide and had a terrible current. I know how to swim, I know how to swim in the freaking ocean! That day was just not a good day for anyone. I ended up almost drowning, out past the end of the pier, crazy big waves, bubbling panic of a shark attack, etc. I ended up having to be saved by gorgeous life guards (not the worst thing), and having to explain to the youth pastor what had happened, which got back to everyone.

The last time I went to the beach was this summer…I went in the water. I didn’t go past mid thigh, but the current was bad again and I ended up being pulled under the water. It was for a second and when I came up I could stand in the water. But I had the BIGGEST panic attack. So, to answer the question, I would rather sit in the sand. I don’t want to die anytime soon hahaha.

QUESTION 8: What’s your favorite book?

There actually isn’t an answer for this. I LOVE reading! LOVE IT! So, to say I love one more than the other is something I can’t even consider. I thought about putting that the first book I wrote was my favorite, but even then, I’ve written others that are amazing too! And if this question was about my favorite author it would be the same answer! I don’t even have a favorite book in different genres! That’s how much of an addict I am. I’m actually totally cool with this being my addiction.

QUESTION 9: How did that date go?

This was from one of my kids.

So, a little back story. I met a guy the other week at the grocery store when I had a super rockin dork moment and almost dropped a carton of eggs. Luckily, my mad, ninja skills kicked in, and I saved them and noticed a guy standing by me holding his arms out like he was gonna grab the eggs for me. Then we talked, and flirted for about ten minutes, and the guy gave me his number saying  ‘I would ask you for yours, but I get that you’re new here and I’m a complete stranger, and I really want to get to know you. So here’s mine. I hope you call or text so we can get coffee, or dinner sometime soon.’.  …oh dang!! Playas got moves!!!! So…I gave it time (a day) and texted him. We set up to go meet for coffee last Saturday at the Starbucks near where I live, since they know me there and I feel like they would watch out for me if he ended up being crazy. But on Saturday he texted me asking if I wanted to get dinner instead since he didn’t get off of work until late. So I agreed to meet him at Panera Bread (which is basically where I live on the weekends because the have amazing food and free Wi-Fi) and we could do dinner. I went through all the pre date panic of what to wear, how much makeup I should have on, should I put more effort into my hair, etc.

I got to the restaurant with a little time to spare, but he was already there. Which is nice that he’s prompt and has that going for him haha. But then I went through the panic of what to do as a greeting! Do I shake his hand? Hug him? Kiss on the cheek? Kiss on both cheeks? Ugh!! Luckily, he spread his arms in and I’m gonna hug you gesture, so I went with that. It was a good hug. Not the best hug I’ve had, but it had a nice amount of pressure, no creepy lingering, etc. Plus he smelled really good, and he didn’t try to sniff my neck (a horrid date story for another day). Anyway, he was a total gentleman and opened the door for me. Then I had a small panic of whether or not I was buying my own dinner, or he was paying? It seems like a stupid issue, but lately women are all about the I don’t need a man to survive thing and will pay for a bunch of their own things, which totally doesn’t help me… just saying. So, with that in mind I walk up to the counter. I do the whole, I don’t know what to get, thing. But the fact is, the cashier knows my order and has seen me every weekend for the past month. So, there was no fooling her, but my date walks up behind me and asks if I know what I’m getting so I ordered, then he ordered immediately which cleared up my question of who was paying! Then the cashier asked if we wanted pastry items for 99 cents, which I totally did since I love their chocolate chipper cookies and will typically get one with my salad. But it was a date, so I had to play it cool and act like I didn’t want one. I was not fooling the cashier, however. She was looking at me like I was crazy and she knew I wanted that cookie, and I was looking at her like she needed to look away before I throat punched her. Then she freaking says, ‘Are you sure? We have really awesome chocolate chip cookies?’ Giving me a look that I returned with a glare. I’m certain my date saw this entire interaction, and understood that I wanted a cookie. So he stepped in and said he wanted one, and I should totally get one because they sound delicious. So, I do owe the cashier my thanks I suppose. Anyway, we talked for several hours about random things, then I felt like I needed to ask a really important question. The official, “what is your faith?” question. His answer? ‘I don’t really believe in any of that. I’ve known too many people that call themselves Christian, or Catholic, or whatever, and they use that to justify why they do things that aren’t exactly cool with society. Or, they do terrible things and call themselves that and it’s hard to understand…” While I totally get what he was saying. It sucked. I really like this guy. But I know if I dated him, knowing he wasn’t about my God, I would be a hypocrite. I said in my last post that the main quality you need to look for in someone you’re gonna date is if they love Jesus. That is such an important thing to me, and I explained that to him and said I wouldn’t be able to justify dating someone that wasn’t a believer which meant lowering what I am looking for. He was really awesome about it. I think he respected that I was willing to lower the standards I set for who I want for my future. He asked if we could be friends, which I wholly agreed to. We’ve continued to text, we’ve been to the movies, out for coffee, walks in the park, etc. He is becoming a great friend, which I think I needed more than anything. So, that’s how my date went…lol

QUESTION 10: How would you describe your sense of fashion?

Lol I have a weird sense of fashion, I guess? If I’m being honest, I have no sense of fashion. I constantly mix fabrics. I’ll wear stripes and polka dots, with animal print thrown in, just because. I’ll wear shorts and a long sleeve shirt. Or, the reverse, tank top and jeans. Boots in the summer. Flip flops in the winter. Band shirts and a sweater with a movie quote. Sometimes, I’ll wear my PJ’s in public (this happens more often than not). I wore cheetah print leggings once, with a clack and white striped shirt. Honestly, it varies, and not in a good way. The real question is, Do I care what others think of my fashion sense? The answer? NOOOOOOO!!! It’s my style. If I happen to be matching one day? That means I’m changing my style. But it will always be mine. I will always have my twist on things. Because I have control over my life and what I wear. BOOM!!

And a special bonus!!


QUESTION 11: What is a word you use the most? (This question came from Saweenie!!!)

I couldn’t think of an answer for this. So, I went through my old text messages, and the conversations I had with people from my old youth group. And the word that I use the most is….Drumroll please…….. Stop!. That’s it. I would use it for a medley of things! Primarily to tell the kids in the youth group to stop trying to get me into some form of trouble. Whether it was saying things about me being with another youth leader. Or, saying bad words. Or, trying to get me in trouble with anyone else. Stop would be what I used. Did italways work? Nope. But I still use it. I even use it up here all the time. The Kid and his dad found out I scare easily and have made it their life’s goal to freak me out. They’veactually succeeded several times and I’m not psyched about that life! Anyway, I use Stop a lot. I guess it helps me feel like I have some semblance of control in any given situation.

OKAY! That’s all I have for today. (this was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I forgot and was having dinner with my new friend, so deal)

Hope you all have fun reading this! Please continue to leave me comments, email me your prayer requests and questions, or just say hey. I love knowing I can stay connected with y’all through this and other forms of social media! It’s made this move easier! Love y’all and miss y’all!!!😝

-Kelsey H.💕💕