Hey momma!

Let’s have a mother’s day post!!!

What better way to bring back the blog?!

So, this year I actually bought my mom a card. Shocking,  I know! I even bought it a few weeks ago so I would be able to send it out and have it arrive in time. But did I remember or have time to do that? Of course not! I fail in the daughter department sometimes. It’s crappy, but whatever!

I love my mom. She knows that.

Unfortunately, we live over 20 hours away from each other, which is difficult, emotionally, on these holidays.  I was so lucky and blessed to be able to surprise her for her birthday back in March,
but I still wish we could be together today.
I remember growing up and seeing father’s day posts from friends, or watching a father and daughter on TV, and thinking it kinda sucked to not be able to do that. To have that relationship with my father. But I always had my mom, she always made that day a regular day for me. And I never realized that at some point I would look on Facebook and get jealous of all the Mother’s day posts. I miss my mom more than anything and I am glad she is still around but I realized that a lot of people don’t get to have this day with their mom for a different reason than almost 2,000 miles.  There are people out there that lost their momma and I know my mom is one of those people.
I know this because today would have been my Grandma’s birthday.  I miss her a lot, but I wasn’t raised by her. I didn’t get the chance to come home from school and talk about my day with her. Or, cry on her shoulder because my heart hurt. I didn’t get to tell her about school assignments, or my hopes and dreams. I didn’t have the same relationship with her that I have with my mom. I know my mom misses her momma because there’s a huge distance between here and heaven. I know she wishes she would be able to pick up the phone and tell her momma about how rockin her granddaughter is (I’m a very humble person). Or, just tell her Happy Mother’s Day one more time.

So, for those of you out there that don’t have your momma with you today.  My heart hurts for you, but I know they’re all up in the sky getting the best Mother’s Day celebration ever. And celebrating my grandma for her birthday!
I was blessed with such an awesome mom, and I know I was a punk when I was younger, and I hurt her heart time and time again. But she was always there. She’s still always there. I hope when I have kids they will be as in awe of me as I am of my mother.
My mom kicks butt.
She’s powerful.
She’s graceful.
She’s smart.
She’s hilarious.
She’s sarcastic.
She’s humble.


She taught me everything I know and has always fought for me and with me against any wall that has blocked my path.
I know that she has put up with a lot of crap from me over the years and I’m so grateful she never walked away. I know there were things that scared her, but she stood by me. I can only hope that you all have a mother as awesome as mine. Or that you are a mother as awesome as mine.

I want to wish all you mothers the happiest of Mother’s Days! You rock,  your strength in the everyday tasks of motherhood amazes me. I hope you’re spoiled and pampered today. Or, if you’re not near your mom, or kiddos, that you can make up for it when you see them next (I get to celebrate my mom in June!).
Love and miss y’all.  I’ll post later this week about what’s been happening in my life!!

All you sinners stand up, sing Hallelujah

I really want to go to a panic! At the disco concert again.

I know it’s been a long while since I’ve posted. And before I left California over a year ago, I said I would continually update everyone. I just wasn’t motivated to post anything, and I had a crazy schedule for several months.  I’ve actually written posts, just didn’t make them public. It was kinda like writing in a diary. It was quite therapeutic. 

Anywho, let’s see…my last post was just a long Q&A cause some people sent in some serious questions that I felt needed responses.  And I had said I would post about my time in CA for the month of June. So, we’ll take this month by month!

JUNE- I planned to go down to CA for a week at the beginning of June, because some of my kids were graduating, and I couldn’t miss that! But, my schedule for work in WA changed and I decided to make it an entire month! Which was fun and interesting.  My trip started with a flight that was supposed to have an hour layover in San Francisco. Unfortunately,  I was on the plane sitting on the tarmac in Seattle for three hours of delay…just a friendly tip, don’t fly United!!! Because I had to work the day of the trip,  I got one of the later flights out. Which means that when we finally got to SF, my connection flight was long gone and there were no other flights that day. It sucked sooooooooooooooooo much! Fortunately, the airline put me up in a hotel and got me a direct flight to my hometown for the next morning. When I got to Palm Springs and walked off the plane, I wanted to die! It had been awhile since I was in such miserable heat! Anyway, I got to go to graduations and have special days with all my girls!! And because I had planned to be there all month, I was super blessed to be able to be the Bible Adventures station leader again! There’s something special about being able to teach children about the Bible, and be silly about it, and see their faces light up with understanding!  Getting high fives and hugs is a pretty awesome benefit too!
I miss California a lot, and I miss all my friends and family, especially my momma!  But when I left, I realized that it’s getting easier to say goodbye. Everyone is growing up, and things are changing. It’s hard to accept sometimes, but I know it’s all for the best.

Now onto JULY- I got into Washington late at night and slept for a few days.  On the 4th of July, I went to a friend’s party and had an awesome time…there were really yummy cookies that I forever want. Fireworks were different from what I’m used to.  But it was a fun experience. 
The job I was coming back for ended up falling through,  which was tough, and resulted in a few days of depression,  but I kicked it and applied everywhere!  Which ended up with a few super strange jobs and me seeking the Lord’s guidance and provision for a few months.

AUGUST- honestly,  I don’t remember a lot happening in August.
Actually!  I broke my phone. I dropped it facedown on asphalt as I was getting out of my car and the screen shattered.  Which left me with my old Droid Razr which was good for a time,  and that time was not in 2015. I ended up getting a galaxy s5, which I love. So yay! And I forgot, I broke the cartilage in my nose.  Which bruised and was gnarly.

SEPTEMBER – still applying everywhere.  Finally got a nanny job two days a week,  and a job as assistant manager at Spirit Halloween! Also,  signed the lease on an apartment in Federal Way!

OCTOBER  – such a busy month! I was working 50-60 hour weeks and moving into a new place! It also seemed like I was getting sick every week, which reminded me why I wasn’t in retail anymore! It was fun though. Despite the fact that I might have complained about being exhausted all the time.  It felt good to be busy.

NOVEMBER – My birthday month!!!! I still had a few more days at Spirit,  and then inventory,  before it closed for the year.  Then my awesome boyfriend threw me a surprise birthday party!  Then a week later we celebrated our one year anniversary.  And a week after that,  my mom came up for Thanksgiving! Which was really fun to cook!  It’s one of my favorite days honestly.  Then I got to go Black Friday shopping and get a bunch of awesome deals! 

DECEMBER – I tend to get in a really bad funk in December.  It’s really hard to shake.  I wrote a post that I never published on here about what I was going through,  and I might put it up one day.  But for now,  it’ll be my therapy.  Anyway,  for Christmas,  I got a few weeks off and Sean and I did a roadtrip to California!  I didn’t really tell very many people I was gonna be down,  so it was fun to just go with the flow of things.  I loved being able to show Sean where I grew up and introduce him to all the other people I love!  I loved being able to have time with my mom and see my pets (I didn’t realize how much I missed my dog until I got to cuddle with him, and struggle snuggle with my cat). We got to make lasagna, which is a Christmas tradition.  And homemade spaghetti and meatballs!
Then we went to Oceanside to visit with my aunt for a day.  And went to check out a comic shop which happens to be across from a pet shop which was a really bad idea to take me to. Unfortunately,  Sean took me there/I refused to leave the mall until I went there. And there were puppies!!!!!! OMG,  THEY WERE SO CUTE AND TINY AND HAD FLOPPY EARS AND LITTLE TAILS AND THEIR SQUISHY FACES FREAKING OMG I NEEDED ONE! !!!!!!! We didn’t get a puppy. Also,  I may have cried…okay,  so I cried a lot.  I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of adorableness that I was surrounded by.  But seriously, they were so tiny!!!
After all that we finally headed back to Washington. Which is not a more pleasant drive with two people. That drive just sucks overall. It’s 20 something hours of road. Bleh. We got back on NYE, went to a few parties and got home and slept for days.  It was great!

JANUARY – this month has been tough cause after spending so much time with my mom I realize how much I miss her. Saying goodbye sucked. But I’ve been back in the swing of things at work and will hopefully get an extra job to help pay bills/keep me busy.

I had a few questions sent to me. But didn’t really want to answer them on here so I messaged the people back with responses since they were more personal in nature than anything.  But here are a few for y’all.

Yes. Absolutely.  Just because a person is homeless, that doesn’t make them any less human. If someone is dying, regardless of race, age, sex, or wealth, you should do everything you can to save them.

No…yes. ..kinda. it’s not so much growing older as I don’t look forward to being old and unable.  Being a caregiver, I’ve seen how it is for the elderly to deteriorate and not be able to do things that were once so easy to do. And that scares me. I want to be able to go places and eat random things, and run around without needing someone to help me. So, I’m not afraid of living and doing everything over the next several years. But I’m afraid of when I won’t be able to keep doing things.

My awesome boyfriend bought me the entire Harry Potter series. Unfortunately,  I have not started it, because when I do, no one will see me for a week. But if I work on my self-control, I might be able to time it out lol

I throw most letters away. The only ones I will keep are the ones that have handwritten notes inside of them. Because if you took the time to write something sweet and personal,  i think that’s awesome. Or, if the pre-written note is sweet and makes me cry.

Allllllllllllllllright. That’s all I’ve got for now. If you have any questions,  comments, prayer requests,  testimonies,  or just wanna say hey, you can do so on here or email me at the address below.
Love y’all and super miss y’all!!!

-Kelsey H.


The happiest of days

So this past week has been a little(a lot) hard for me, in terms of me being homesick. I’m fairly certain the main reason is because today is my momma’s birthday, and I couldn’t be there! So, after having a small breakdown last night. And several tears today. I decided to write my mom a birthday letter. I’ll post it here so you can know how rockin she is!!

Dear Momma,
Thank you.
Thank you for holding me when I cry.
Thank you for cleaning up my scraped knees, and random messes.
Thank you for making me laugh when all I can think of is crying.
Thank you for teaching me how to be a woman of God by giving me such wonderful examples!
Thank you for staying awake with me until early hours of the morning because I just needed to talk.
Mom, you rock!
I’m well aware that I was not the best child at times. I know sometimes I hurt you when I was hurting. And you absolutely did not deserve that. You’ve always walked alongside me and helped me figure things out. You’ve shown me and encouraged me to follow through on what’s honoring to God. You put on a brave face when I’m terrified of what the possible outcome will be. And you’ve shown me it’s okay to have bad days, as long as I don’t dwell there.
Mom, you’ve been there for me when I know you were exhausted. You’ve stayed awake with me, just cause I needed to talk through things. You’ve helped heal broken hearts and sat through long hospital visits. I remember being in so much pain, and terrified of what could be wrong with me (kidney stones) and you just held me and got me endless ice packs and barf bags (it was  not a pleasant experience), and pleaded with the nurses to help me.
Over the years I’ve realized that being a mom doesn’t mean just being in charge of a child that you carried. Being a mom means making tough decisions that will sometimes make your kid hate you, but ultimately benefits them. Being a mom means being a nurse, and trying to keep your calm when all you want to do is cry because your baby is not okay. Being a mom means being a therapist, because your kid kid just went through a breakup and while you want to go punch the little jerk that broke their heart, you know just listening and advising against slashing tires is the best solution. Being a mom means being a teacher, and helping your child learn to survive through the easiest and the most difficult of times. Being a mom means being a chef, and putting up with random food phases(tuna salad for a month). Being a mom means being a chauffeur, and putting up with the same CD (Green Day American Idiot) on repeat for months at a time. Being a mom means being a musician, and making up lullabies or altering the ones that are slightly terrifying. Being a mom means being a stylist, or in my case letting me be a stylist. Being a mom means letting me do your hair, even when it ends up with me pulling your hair and pushing hair clips into your scalp. Being a mom means being an advocate, it means you fight for your kid to get the things needed to thrive. Being a mom means sometimes being a dad, this one you’ve had to do a lot. You’ve had to be both the good cop, and the bad cop. You’ve had to work to provide for both of us, sometimes going without because you knew I needed something. I know sometimes it might have been easier to have a father in my life, but I want you to know that I never really needed one. You always took care of me. You always fought for me, even when it was against myself.
Mom, I know you have hard days. I know life hasn’t been the easiest for you. I know I haven’t been the easiest. But I’m so thankful that God gave me you as a mom! I’m thankful that you have always loved me, even when you didn’t like me. You’re a rockstar mom! I’m blessed beyond words because I get to call you mom, and I hope one day I can be as awesome as you!! I love you so much, and hope you had an awesome day. I’ll see you soon!!!

Love you,
Kelsey (your favorite;))


I say what’s on my mind, I might do a little time

So I lied and didn’t post on Sunday, sorry. It’s been a busy weekend. Filled with interviews, date nights, and the beginnings of a cold.

I was super blessed by being able to get a quick date night job for Friday night, which helped get me some quick cash! Now I’m just praying for a full-time job so I can continue paying my bills. It’s tough, but I know the Lord will provide.
Okay, moving on…Valentine’s Day! I had an awesome day with my roommate, she spoiled me by giving me a mani/pedi, and a coffee cup which has saved my life since I forgot my favorite one in California 😥😥 my awesome day went on into an awesome night when the guy I’m dating took me to dinner(Thai food, my favorite), bought me my favorite wine, and gave me donuts with sprinkles😍😍!!! He’s definitely a keeper.
Moving onto Sunday! I had an interview in west Seattle, for a live-in position, which would be nice, but it would be live-in in exchange for 20-25 hours of work each week. So, no pay. But it would be in an area where I could probably get another job during my free time. I’m praying about it. Though I don’t think it’s really the job for me.
It’s difficult to know where I’m supposed to be, and yesterday was really tough for me. I woke up with this extreme panic which then turned to extreme depression. Just a day of me questioning everything. Add on the fact that I woke up with a sore throat and had barely slept the night before cause of a nasty cough and I was on a roll yesterday. I have had a few people ask me how I knew what I wanted to do with my life when I grew up. The answer is I didn’t. I’m 24 years old, and I’m still not sure what I want. My aunt always tells me that my life is mine to design. And I love that! I try to constantly create a life that is filled with things that make me feel accomplished. Some days it’s as elaborate as doing 2 hours of Zumba, cleaning my room, throwing in several loads of laundry, and cooking an amazing dinner. Others it’s waking up, showering, and writing a blog post. What I’m trying to say is that you don’t always have to run marathons. What makes you feel accomplished in the day to day, is what makes you, you! I have wanted to be so many things since I was a kid. And I’ve accomplished a lot of those things. Not necessarily on a level that society might set as the standard, but on a level that makes me happy. In the end, that’s all that really matters. You, being happy. If being a high power lawyer makes you happy? Go for it. If being a stay at home mom makes you happy? Do it! If being a rockstar at your local coffee shop makes you happy?? Rock on!(also, invite me to your shows!!)
Life is yours to design!!

Now, as promised, it’s. Q&A time!!!!

Question #1: What color nail polish do you mostly use?
I don’t really know. I usually go with whatever season or holiday is coming up. It’s between red and purple. I used to love going to get my nails done regularly, but finances have not allowed for that for over a year, so I stick with doing my own.

Question #2: What movie do you wish you could be the main character in?
The 10th Kingdom. Seriously, I know I’ve told y’all about this movie before. Watch it!! I could live in a fairytale that’s not necessarily perfect, and go on adventures, and save people! It’s perfect!!

Question#3: Would you die, or deny your faith?
I’d die. I know some might not understand this. But my faith is important to me. I wouldn’t deny Christ just to live another day, because He’s never denied me. I went through a time when I didn’t want to believe that Christ was watching over me, but the fact is He’s always been there. I was just being a fool. I’m thankful to live in a country where I can pray, and worship the Lord without fear of death. Yes, I may be made fun of. Yes, I may be misunderstood. But I know my God is greater than any opposition I may face. And that gives me the strength and courage to say I would die if it ever came to that.

Question #4: Would you be a spy, even if it involved killing people?
Yes! …that was too enthusiastic, but have y’all seen Alias? I could be a super awesome spy like Jennifer Garner and that could be so fun and interesting…although there were some dark times she went through…maybe I’ll stick to watching the show and imagining it was my life. 😜

Question #5: What beverage do you mostly drink?
Lemonade. I used to be addicted to Dr. Pepper, and I would drink it all the time. But then I had kidney stones and several people recommended drinking lemonade, since the acid helps break down Kidney stones, so I started and haven’t really stopped. Also, coffee. But with coffee it’s not really an everyday thing, I have tried to tone down my intake…tried being the keyword here.

Question #6: Would you rather be in love with someone that doesn’t love you, or have someone in love with you but you don’t love them?
Unrequited love sucks! I would go with neither. I’ve never been in love. I’ve liked intensely. But love? Don’t think that’s what it is. I’ve liked a guy that doesn’t feel the same…at least I’ve never asked him, so I’m not 100% sure, but whatever. And I’ve had a few guys that liked me, but I never saw them as anything more than a friend. It’s a crappy situation to be in because you don’t want to hurt someone, but you also don’t want to be the one that hurts. And when your heart gets involved it messes with everything. This is the type of struggle that goes on for awhile. Just pray for a solution before you lay yourself out there.

Question #7: When is the last time you played air guitar?
Sunday. On my way home from Seattle! I was stuck in traffic and had Rise Against playing. I also my my steering wheel a drum set. 😉 I’ve got mad skills…I also freak out others on the freeway, but whatever. It’s my life.

Question #8: Have you ever made out in a movie theater?
Umm…no. If you’re gonna spend money to watch something, then you should actually watch it. Though, one time this guy took me to the movies and he bought me a soda and midway through the movie this dude whips out his own straw and drinks my soda! The worst is that the straw was from Circle K, he brought his own freaking straw!! Who does that?!?! It was a whole lot of weird.

Question #9: How are you and your love bug?
First, I definitely don’t call him that. It’s weird. Second, we’re good. He treats me respectfully, and he cooks! It’s been awesome to have someone that truly cares about me like he does. I don’t know what the future holds. I never will. But, as of now, he makes me happy. And that’s an awesome place to be in my life.

Question #10: Are you an early riser?
Lol nope. You can ask any of the people that have been to camp with me. Or, any family members. Or, anyone that knows anything about me. Haha. I legitimately don’t do well with mornings. I can do it, though. I can be wide awake and ready for the day at six in the morning. But I won’t really be happy about life until at least ten. And that’s after some serious caffeine assistance. I prefer staying up late, then falling asleep at 6 in the morning😝😝

Alright weirdos, that’s all I’ve got for today. I’m not gonna say I’ll post on Sunday cause I’m gonna have a busy weekend!! Some family members are coming up to Portland and I’m driving down to see them!! It’ll be an awesome adventure, and I’m looking forward to it!!
Keep sending me your questions, prayer requests, testimonies, and prayers! I love reading them and have been blessed to make new friends from all over. I’m praying for y’all. Love you, miss you!!

-Kelsey H. 💕


Proud to be an Anomaly

This week is Early Dismissal week at the school, so I pretty much have the kid all day. 😦  But I told y’all that I would post about the Lecrae concert, and I will!

If you expected me to post that it sucked, or was somehow disappointing, you were so freaking mistaken!!

It was unbelievable!! I was hoping my friend from church would be able to go with me. But she couldn’t make it. So I decided to rock the concert Han style(Solo)<—shoutout to How I Met Your Mother for that line. When I got there I happened to run into this really cute guy that I met not too long after I arrived in Washington. Turns out Really Cute Guy, or RCG as he will be referred to, is a Christian!! He and his friends (all guys), were psyched about the show and asked me to sit with them! I'm starting to think my luck has changed for the better since moving up here!

Anyway, we got our seats, and talked about what songs we hoped they would perform. Unfortunately, my phone was really close to dying, but RCG assured me he would take pictures and send them to me!! The show opened with DJ Promote, who rocked the house with mixes that included Steve Aoki, Tedashii, and none other than Nirvana in honor of it being Seattle! He only performed for 30 minutes, but it was a really awesome set and I got the crowd pumped!! Up next was the amazing Andy Mineo! He started with Neverland and I was in my happy place from that point on! His set was my favorite, if I'm being honest I pretty much just wanted to go for him!  His energy levels are all over the place! The guy was riding his skateboard all over the freaking stage! I loved the videos that he had rolling during song changes, the story that ties all the songs together was great! When he ended with an encore of You Will I was beyond elated! He won't read this, but he's an awesome performer, and is totally making sure everything in his life is being done for the glory of God. I think that is such a cool and respectable thing to do when you're in a position as he is with fans looking up to you!


Now onto Lecrae and his freaking boss set!

Seriously! He opened with Welcome to America, and went straight into Nuthin’. He knows how to work the crowd like crazy! The last time I saw that was at the Monumentour show back in August with Hayley Williams! He was all over the place, getting everyone pumped! He also had videos rolling between his songs, but they told his testimony. No matter how many times I hear, or read his testimony, I am always so in awe! I’ve told you all how much I love reading your testimonies, and I mean it! We all have stories! We are all anomalies! We are all set apart for Christ, and that is so amazing to me! Lecrae is so passionate about what he does, he’s so on fire for Christ and wants to share that love with everyone! When he performed Tell the World, he shared that he knew he was nothing without Christ, that he would have been dead by this point had he not accepted the Lord in his life. Like Andy Mineo, he put his life and love of Jesus on display. I know that there were definitely some people in that stadium that felt a call on their lives! You could absolutely feel God’s presence in that building! It was so rockin’! The show closed with Lecrae and Andy performing an encore to Say I Won’t with Lecrae wearing a Seahawks jersey and challenging people to say he won’t wear the jersey and play the drums! He did! OMG it was freaking awesome!! Throughout the show I had to make sure RCG was taking pics of the glory that was the Anomaly tour! I love that we’re all part of this crazy world and that we have these connections through music and by being a family of anomalies. It holds a part of my heart that I can have this bond with y’all!

Now it’s time for your favorite part of my posts………..


QUESTION 1: Have you found a new church?

Yes, I think I mentioned it in other posts. On my first Sunday here I went to Living Hope in Puyallup. I ran into an old friend that went to Riverside Christian Assembly, and met the youth leader, and the lead pastor. All of them know my pastor and family from the desert! I felt completely welcome from day one. Even when I was interviewing for a job in Seattle they were bummed that I would be leaving the church if I was a long distance away and wouldn’t come back to visit. So, until I feel called somewhere else, I have found my church in WA.

QUESTION 2: What is your Halloween costume?

I think I left my Alice in Wonderland costume in storage in California, which sucks, cause I wanted to do that again. So, I will either see what I can find at Target, or go for a broken porcelain doll look with makeup and normal clothes.

Also, while I’m on the topic of Halloween. I love Halloween. I like dressing up, and having fun with friends. Does this make me a devil worshiping heathen? Not at all. I just like to have fun. I know that there is that darkness in the world. I’m not ignorant to what Halloween means to those people. That’s not me though. I really don’t like it when people judge me based on things I do, like dressing up and having fun on Halloween. It’s fine to have your own opinions on the day, but it’s also okay to keep those to yourself.

QUESTION 3: Is it bad to be a Christian and drink alcohol?

Nope. It even shows believers drinking in the Bible. Everyone has different opinions of this too. I’m gonna just assure you that pretty much everyone has different opinions, and interpretations on various points in the Bible. I’m not saying mine are the right one. I am just saying what I take from the Word. As a Christian, I don’t think it’s right to get trashed while drinking. Healthwise it isn’t good either. Yeah, I’ve done it. Yeah, I’ve lived that crazy, wild, party lifestyle. I can tell you, it isn’t worth it. If you’re legally able to, and you want to have a drink with dinner, or out with friends, you do you. Just don’t overdo it.

Yet again, I’m gonna do my don’t judge me disclosure haha. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. That’s all I’m saying. Matthew 7:1-5 lays it out perfectly. Though, if I see something going on that is obviously illegal, or unsafe, I will step in! (THIS IS SOMETHING THE KIDS IN MY YOUTH GROUP KNOW)

QUESTION 4: Do you ever think about your ex boyfriends?

I do. I will sometimes remember the fun, amazing times I spent with them (driving around at midnight listening to music. Or, watching meteor showers in the back of the truck). Or, the horrid habits that I can laugh about now (speaking Klingon thinking it’s romantic. Or, smoking! Ugh, so gross) I don’t think about them in terms of ever getting back together with any of them, but I did have special moments with each of them, and that’s why I think of them sometimes.

QUESTION 5: How do you feel about your relationship with your mom?

I have an awesome relationship with my mom! I’m kind of her favorite! Haha It’s been just me and her since I was born. We have always had a Gilmore Girls type of bond. (if you haven’t seen that show, you’re missing out) We have our moments of fighting, just like anyone would. But in the end, she would die for me, stand in the gap for me, and fight for me. Cause she loves me… though she won’t admit that out loud haha  

QUESTION 6: Do you have a nickname? What is it?

I have many nicknames. Ones that my mom has for me. Some that my friends have for me. And some from my youth group weirdos. My mom calls me Booger, and there is another one, but I don’t tell others that one. My friends nicknames for me aren’t great, and they’re inside jokes, so I’ll keep those to myself. My youth group weirdos call me Kelp Juice, Mom, Mommy, and Kelpie. I was annoyed at first by being called a Mom, but they are my kids, so I guess I get it haha

QUESTION 7: What do you do when you’re alone in the car?

I sing and dance like a crazy person. I will typically have my windows rolled down, and be blasting my radio. I get looks. I don’t really feel bothered by that though haha, I like to have fun. People are usually surprised that I know most lyrics to rap songs when they see me spitting rhymes like a boss ;p

QUESTION 8: What is the worst date you’ve ever been on?

Oh sweet Lord! I’ve had a few! But the one that really killed me was last March. This guy was super persistent. I was FB friends with him, but I couldn’t remember meeting him. Anyway, it turns out it was his first date. Which is not that big of an issue. But I showed at the restaurant and realized he didn’t brush his teeth or something, cause his breath smelled like rotting asparagus and cat pee. Ugh!! Then he proceeded to order Onion rings and water for dinner, which meant the smell wouldn’t be improving. Then when I would stop talking so I could eat, he would say  “awkward silence”… rude! Then we went to see a movie and he stared at me and kept asking if I wanted to leave throughout the entire movie! Though the worst part was when we walked to my car after the movie, he leaned in, it was obvious he was going for the kiss, but I managed to turn it to a hug. While hugging he turned his face into my neck and straight up sniffed me!! We’re talking full inhale of my hair and neck! I still get creeped out when I think of it. Anyway, there were many details I left out. But it was the worst date I’ve ever been on.

QUESTION 9: What are your special talents?

This one was sent by Saweenie. I don’t even know how to answer this haha

I guess counseling others?  I’ve always been able to talk it out with people and get situations fixed as easily as they could possibly go. 

Also, I can make babies calm down and fall asleep quickly. Baby Whisperer status!!

QUESTION 10: Would you go on a missions trip to another country?

If I felt called to go on a missions trip, yes. One of my favorite things about my church in California was that we were a big supporter of sending missionaries all over the world. I would tithe to that. But I am more than willing to stay home and minister in the States. I don’t know what God has in store for my life, but He knows my heart, and that I am willing to go.

Anyway, that was my weekend! It was amazing, and I had so much fun!! Plus, I have a date for coffee on Saturday!!😍 Keep sending your prayers, prayer requests, questions, and testimonies! I always love reading them!! Love y’all and miss y’all!!

~Kelsey H.💕💕

Don’t be fooled by the false sense of comfort.

I managed to keep my crying to a minimum this week!!

I was trying to think if I should just post on Monday, because I’m going to a Lecrae show tomorrow night, and I definitely want to post pictures and what not from that. But I don’t want to tell you about my week in the same post, so I’m doing two separate posts!! Lucky you!!

This week was interesting. I had an interview for the seemingly perfect job last Sunday. It went really well. I, admittedly, got my hopes up for the job. Only to find out on Wednesday that I didn’t get it. I cried. I had all the right qualifications for the job, but a different girl had something to offer that I apparently didn’t. It’s okay. I just cried because I really thought I had the job. I thought that would be what saved me from this current situation. But, it’s always God’s will. I know there is a reason that that door was closed. It just kind of sucks.

Work wise has been fine. I woke up Monday morning, after staying away from the house all weekend in order to avoid the 11 family members that were present. I got the kid ready for school, and informed him that after school he would be doing his homework immediately, and if he gave me any argument I would be taking time away from his free time and adding it to his reading time. I told him I was not in the mood to deal with him being a punk like last week. He agreed and got on the bus. I had a headache all day and tried to sleep it off. When I picked him up in the afternoon, he already had his homework in hand. He told me he started it on the bus so he could have more free time, then he asked me how my day was….?!?!?! I was floored by this. I kept thinking it was a trap haha I told him I had a headache and he said he would try to keep it down. He finished his homework with no issue, then asked if he could play at the neighbors. I said yes, but he needed to be back by five to do his reading. Sure enough, at exactly five, he came back, grabbed a book, and started reading!! It’s basically been the same thing all week! Then I found out that a video game he wanted came out on Friday, and his dad told him if he didn’t get any negative feedback from me for a week he would get it. Which is fine, but I was also supposed to be paid on Friday… it’s now Saturday, and I have no paycheck. But the kid definitely has his video game!! UGH!! I truly don’t care what you spend your money on, but if it causes me to go without getting paid; I’m gonna have an issue!!

Just keep praying that another job would be the perfect fit. I applied for another nanny job that I had interviewed for back in July. As well as some new posts. All of the jobs are in Seattle, which would be fantastic. And both of the new jobs have my own bedroom, bathroom, and separate entrance. One of the jobs even has my own kitchen!!!! I’m hoping for that one, but I won’t get my hopes up!! I got a call from one of the new jobs today. It would start in January and would be 12 hours a week in exchange from my room and board. Which is doable, and I would need to get another job to pay for my current bills. But it would be a better setup than I’m currently at. I was hoping to start sooner than January, but it will be fine. I’m just going to continue to interview everywhere, and see what my options are!!

It’s all okay, and I’m constantly being reminded of God’s Grace and Mercy through the trials. I just continue to remember that Job lost everything, he had his so called friends telling him to turn away from Christ. Yet, he pushed through it all, not even knowing if there was going to be an amazing blessing at the end. I know there is something at the end of this trial for me, and sometimes I fall so short of praising the Lord for the good things that remain constant in my life! I will always have an amazing support system in my family! They will always encourage me and remind me that I have Christ in my life, and that I’m Kelsey Hayden and life is mine to design!! It has been a tough several weeks since I left home to start this new adventure of my life. But I will continue to push forward. I owe it to myself to see what the Lord has in store for me and my future! Please just continue to keep me in your prayers!!

And now it’s everyone’s favorite time!!!



Some of these are serious questions, and though I like to have fun in my answers, you should know that I actually spent time and prayer on the serious ones and even researched some stuff to give y’all the best possible answer. There are also random fun questions. 😉

QUESTION 1: What is your favorite movie?

Super easy! My favorite movie is The 10th Kingdom!! It’s amazing! It has been my favorite since I was a kid. It’s basically fairytale stories, but tying it to modern day. Trust me, you need to find it and watch it! If you like the TV show Once Upon a Time, you’ll love this movie! Go find it!!(they sell it for five bucks at Target)

QUESTION 2: If there were a zombie apocalypse, what would you do?

I would be super boss! Haha. Honestly, I like going different places and seeing what they have to offer in terms of shelter during an apocalypse. I know we are unlikely to have a Zombie apocalypse, but we could very well have an apocalypse. If that occurs you have to consider if you’d be one to help others, or a completely ruthless loner. I honestly don’t know which route I would take. The old youth pastor at my church would play a game which consisted of choosing which route you would take in a zombie apocalypse. I usually died… oh well. I would most likely just try to find my family and go from there.

QUESTION 3: What is your favorite ice cream?

This has several answers! I love ice cream, it’s amazing with its sweet creamy deliciousness!! My favorite from Rite Aid is Mint’n’Chip, from Baskin Robbins it’s Gold Medal Ribbon, from the store it’s Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked, and from ColdStone it’s Birthday Cake Remixed. Usually Mint’n’Chip is my go to for everything though.

QUESTION 4: What bands/songs have you been into recently?

Lately, I seem to live on Spotify! The radio stations all play top 40 everything, and I have nothing against that. But I just really want some new fresh stuff that hasn’t been altered by all the technology and autotuning nonsense. So, my current favorites have been the band MisterWives, their Reflections album is wonderful. Anything by Yuna is amazing too. Her song Fading Flower makes me happy and I love reading while listening to her. Weezer has a new album that I’m loving. I pretty much just love Weezer. Plus, Bethel Music is amazing and has some rocking worship music, but also songs that are just splendid fun and lovely. Listen to Chasing You. It’s amazeballs.

QUESTION 5: What’s your favorite restaurant in Washington so far?

TACO TIME!!!!!!! Oh my word!! Let me tell you about Taco Time. They are delicious, they have these Crispy Burritos that are basically Flaunts, that come in Chicken, Beef, or beans, I get the chicken one because it’s so freaking yummy!! It’s shredded chicken with cream cheese and green chilies, in a flour tortilla, then fried. Yummy overload!!

QUESTION 6: If you could have one wish, what would it be, and why?

I would wish for the ability to travel anywhere in the world, anytime I wanted, for free! Because I would love to travel for free and not stress life so much! I know I could’ve put some deep thing like the ability to understand the Bible. But if I’m being honest, I want to travel. Yes, knowing the Bible inside and out would be great, but I’m still enjoying learning it myself, in my own time.

QUESTION 7: Why has my girl/boyfriend stopped going to church and started to pull away from Christ?

This is one of those questions that I had to really pray about. Every person has a different walk with God. I know that at one point during my walk with the Lord, I didn’t feel a good connection with the church and walked away from it. Does that mean that I walked away from Christ? No. In fact during that time it gave me a chance to see how much I needed to cling to my relationship with Him and not worry about the church. That’s not to say that the church isn’t a good place, or a safe place to be, sometimes you just need to step away to get a clear vision of what the Lord has planned for you. I would suggest that if your girl/boy friend is pulling away from Christ, don’t try to tear them down, don’t push them. You should, yourself, draw closer to the Lord and see what His plan is for you. Sometimes these trials we see others going through are meant to be lessons for us as well.

QUESTION 8: Why have I never felt God’s presence if I accepted Him in my life?

This goes back to what I said earlier about everyone having different walks with God. Once you accept Christ it isn’t going to be all sunshine and rainbows. It’s gonna be tough. You’re entering into a relationship where you are giving everything, your heart, soul, struggles, fears, happiness, sadness, anger, everything to Christ! That’s a lot to handle! And the enemy realizes he has lost you, and he wants you back. I trust that the Lord is always doing battle for my life. Do I feel Him all the time? No. And that’s totally okay! I have no doubt that He is there! I have a trust that He is constantly surrounding me. When you feel His presence, it’s truly amazing. It’s indescribable. But I know you will feel it when you’re ready. When you’ve completely given your everything to God, He envelopes you with His love and it’s so freaking cool!!

QUESTION 9: What type of food do you miss from California?


Honestly, I have dreams of Double-Double’s Animal Style with extra Lettuce, Pickles, and Spread with no tomato. DREAMS!! And when y’all post snaps of being there, it kills me a little bit each time. Just want you to think about that haha.

I also miss Del Taco Chili Cheese Fries. 

And good Mexican food. They don’t know anything about Mexican food up here! I went to get a Chile Relleno, and it sucked!! It was bland and made me want to cry. Plus, the Salsa was straight up Cayenne Pepper. Ugh!! I’m thankful my momma taught me how to cook, otherwise I’d die up here.

QUESTION 10: When did you last talk yourself out of something, when deep down you wanted to do it?

Oh jeez. Okay. The last time I talked myself out of something I wanted, was before I moved up here. I had planned to tell this guy how I felt about him. I had it all setup too! It would’ve rocked!! I talked myself out of it because I thought he was in a relationship, and I never want to be that girl that tries to put myself in someone else’s relationship. I recently found out he wasn’t in a relationship, but whatever. I also had some issues with who this person associated with. So it’s okay. I chose to remain silent, and that’s with me. I’m just gonna have to find my tall, bearded, tattooed, Christian guy up here in the lovely state of Washington.


Yayyyyy! That’s it for this post. Since I know I will be questioned on why I’m posting at three in the morning. I went out dancing with a friend and we ended up at this awesome bar called The Swiss, where an amazing band, Kryboys was performing!!!! They did covers of some of my favorite songs, including Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Good Charlotte, and Nirvana!! I have every intention of following their shows from now on. They rocked!! Go find them online, they had amazing guitar riffs and the drummer kicked butt!!😍😍

As always, keep sending me your questions, testimonies, and prayers!! I’ve been so blessed recently with complete strangers sending me prayers that God put on their hearts for me. We serve an awesome God, and I’m so psyched to see the awesome things he’s doing!!! Love y’all and miss y’all!! I’m starting to get super homesick!!

-Kelsey H.💕💕


I miss these weirdos😂😂😂😂

Leaving home is not for the lighthearted

In my 23 years it’s always been me and my momma. Yeah, there was a bit of time when I was a jerk and thought I didn’t need her…I obviously did. So, when I felt the call to move to Washington I thought it would be easy. I’ve lived on my own, I’ve had my own apartment, I’ve even gone without talking with my mother for a little bit(not really my shining moments), but my momma had always been within an hours distance. Now, that’s definitely not the case!!!!

To say I’m freaking out is an understatement. I may have been crying myself to sleep every night. It’s okay though, it’s part of my growing process.  I’ve been pushing myself to be busy as much as possible. To make new friends. To go on adventures. It’s been great! On Sunday I went to a new church, I met the youth pastor, and he happened to know my pastor and his family! Plus, a guy I met my first year of being a camp counselor happened to have moved up here a few years ago! It’s a crazy small world! After church I went to meet my family’s neighbor from Phoenix. He’s awesome! Totally welcoming, took me around town, he helped me feel like I wasn’t over 20 hours away from my family! It’s definitely helped with this transition.

When I was planning my journey I was supposed to stay with a lady for a little bit while interviewing for a handful of nanny positions. Plus, it gave me time to go apartment hunting. Unfortunately,  when I was about ten minutes away from the house, the lady called and told me that she thought about it, and that the deal we worked out wasn’t going to work for her! That really came as a shock and made me start questioning things (not really a great thing to do after driving several hours). I was upset, sad, and just about to call it quits and start my journey home! But, after speaking with my momma and my aunt, I was encouraged to push forward! One of the nanny jobs was a live-in shift, and I was contacted to do the interview once I got into town. This position seemed great when I was talking with the family. However, when I arrived things seemed to be changed, the little details were all changed, one of which was the living situation. Instead of living with a family, I would be living in a house with just the dad and the 9 year old boy. The hours were extended without anymore money being added. My bedroom had a bed in it(twin size mattress :'() and the bathroom was disgusting(think about the fact that 9 year old boys don’t aim or flush 😷😵), but I needed a place to stay. So they offered me the job, and I accepted. My first day was filled with me basically bleaching the entire bathroom and scrubbing the walls in my bedroom with bleach and Lysol. I also tried cleaning the carpet(a lovely brown shag) to no avail. It was gross!! Pretty sure I’ll be having nightmares about it for years to come.
Through all that I kept my focus on my future! I’m freaking Kelsey Hayden!! I’ve got loads of support from friends and family! But the key thing is that I’m a child of God, I’m His princess! I can do this!!! I’ve continued keeping my focus on Christ. He’s the reason I’m up here! So, this morning, after I finished my devotionals, I was praying.  I was praying that if this is where I’m supposed to be that the Lord would give me a sense of peace and understanding. I also prayed that if this wasn’t the place that I would have a sign. I was still praying when the doorbell rang! So, I ran downstairs(looking gross in yesterday’s makeup, my pjs with holes in them, and bed head that is tangled and I’m fairly certain had drool in it :/)
I opened the door, and standing there on the porch was a man that looked as though he were a Greek god! I swear, this guy was tall, tan, muscled, and his face was gorgeous! Oh my word! He was from the power company. He was there to shut off the power for nonpayment…well I did ask for a sign…so after all that I sent the guy a text telling him what was going on, he said he had paid it, and  I finished praying. Fast forward to two hours later and the power finally got turned back on!!
After all this I started applying for other jobs. Primarily live-in, since I’m still not used to the area, But I’ll be able to check out the places before agreeing to take the jobs. One of the jobs I had interviewed for before was still looking for a nanny, So I got back in touch with that family, hopefully it’ll work out! If it does, I’d start at the beginning of October.
Right now the prayer is for continued peace through this transition. Whether I’m supposed to be at this job, or the other one. Even if I get a job and apartment by myself. I still need that peace. God is good, and I’m not stressing any of this. I know He has a purpose for me, and I know I’ve got people lifting my struggles and fears up to Him. I’m blessed beyond my wildest dreams, and I’m holding onto that. I miss everyone So much and it’s hard knowing things are happening that I’m needed for but can’t actually be there for!  But this is just a new season of life for all of us!!

Love y’all, and miss y’all💕💕