Are you insane like me? been in pain like me?

So, I haven’t posted in forever. I didn’t wanna post or talk about the election. I didn’t want to get into argument’s about the Inauguration. But now that it’s over, I’ve got some words. I didn’t vote for Trump. I didn’t vote for Hilary either. Some would say that a third party, or write in vote are just as bad. If you’d like to say that to my face, be my guest. 

Before I really get into this post, I’d like to make it known that I haven’t unfriended anyone from my social media(I have 365 friends, I should actually edit my list cause I don’t talk to a bunch of you). I believe you all have a right to vote for whomever you chose. Just as I do. I’m well aware that this post may not be everyone’s cup of tea, and honestly I feel that way reading a lot of what is being posted by y’all. And I understand that a bunch of people will unfriend me.This post isn’t going to bash on your beliefs, or choices.  I’m not being a judgmental butthead. I’m posting about how I’m feeling. And by unfriending me, I feel like that makes it seem as though my opinions don’t matter. I don’t plan on saying anything that will offend someone, but you never know what will. I don’t intend to get into arguments about this post, so unless you leave a comment saying how well spoken this post is, or how you agree with what is written, please don’t bother spewing hate. It’ll go ignored by myself. So, here goes…

In my soul, as a woman, I couldn’t vote for Trump. I see these posts about, “Hilary did (insert all the things she’s done that people don’t like), while Trump just said ‘mean things'”. And yeah, Hilary isn’t the best choice .  But a man who is now the President, said that it’s okay to grab a woman by the pussy. THE PUSSY! that’s who will be in office. And yeah,  I’m offended! It’s not unheard of to be offended that someone said it’s okay to grab a woman by the pussy, to take away her right to consent. To just pop some Tic Tacs, and start kissing her cause as a celebrity, your rights mean more than mine. I’m offended for myself, for my mother, for my future children, for sisters, aunts, grandmothers, best friends, all women of the world! I’m offended for the men that I know don’t talk like this. I’m offended that it easy brushed off as ‘locker room’ talk. Now we have a man that wants to abolish free health care, that wants to build a wall, that continuously spews racist and homophobic slurs, and doesn’t think climate change is real is who is now in office. (I’m not saying anything judgemental about it, those are just actual things that have been said)   And now, there are riots. There are people protesting. There are fights on Facebook where everyone can hide behind the safety of their screens. America is becoming divided when we’re at our most vulnerable. Family members arguing with each other. Friendships ending. But the worst of it, in my opinion, is the animosity in the church. My fellow believers calling a bunch of people protesting childish. Saying that the opinions of others don’t matter as much as your own. It hurts my heart so deeply when I read some of these things and it really sick because as believers, you’re giving into the stigma that nonbelievers have towards us. Live your life to be honoring to the Lord. You see people acting like fools? Pray for them. You get ‘fed up with’ all the posts about how frightened people are that Trump is president?  Pray for them! You see a video that has no context buto someone claims it’s of an anti Trump nature, and that makes you mad? What should you do?!?!?! Say it with me now- PRAY FOR THEM! That’s what we are called to do! We’re not called to judge anyone, unless you would like to take that giant log our of your eyes first.

I was told that as a white female ,  I’m the least affected. Unfortunately, that’s not true. You see, anyone with a vagina, or pussy (as the new president said ), will be affected . 

 Because yes, I take birth control .  Do I take it to have hours of crazy sex and live a baby free life? No, actually .  You see, two years ago, in September, I got my period. *if this conversation eeks you out, you don’t need to read* I have always had miserable periods, with cramps that make me want to(and at times actually) throw up and stay curled in bed, emotions that run rampant, and blood that soaks through a tampon and pad within 20 minutes .  All of this for 7 days. So I get my period in September. It goes 7 days. It’s miserable. Whatever. Then I’m done. For 3 days. Because then I start to bleed again. It was like the end of a period blood. Not miserable, but I thought I was finished?! This continues for over a month. It wasn’t until I was looking up reasons (and started panicking ), that I decided to go to get checked out. Here’s where I guess I made another HUGE mistake according to some of you. I went to Planned Parenthood. I was a 24 year old, that had just moved to a new state, was making $100 a week, and had no insurance. I made the best choice I could, with what I had. After the Doctor calmed me down and explained that I didn’t have some horrible form of cancer, we discussed that I have an unbalance of hormones and a lessened version of endometriosis. Which means that part of my uterine lining is growing *plot twist* outside of my uterus! She recommended that I get on some form of birth control, or begin taking various hormones to balance everything out. I decided to go for the cheaper (thank God, free) option, and began birth control. Now that it’s been a few years, my periods have become regular, they don’t last a month, they are still very painful because there’s not a whole lot I can do about my jacked up lining. But I don’t have to miss out on life cause I’m stuck in bed and by the toilet. Do I regret taking birth control? Nope. Do I regret going to Planned Parenthood? Heck no.  They didn’t force me to begin taking birth control. They helped me when I was broke and struggling to understand why my body was betraying me. I was so blessed by them because I was freaking out and certain something horrible was wrong and I needed my mom and they took care of me as though I was family. I got access to health care through them as well. Because while I was trying to figure out how to pay the $97 for tests and fees, they encouraged me to apply and processed my application for insurance. I do understand where a lot of people are coming from though. I do understand that abortion isn’t a form of birth control and that you’re fighting to save the lives of the unborn.  I understand that. But don’t make the people that go into Planned Parenthood feel like horrible people, because they’re not. You don’t know their life. You don’t know why they are there. You don’t have a right to judge. And while we’re on this point…  

My last post had so much about how as a believer we’re not to judge. Yet, somehow, everyone forgets that. Am I thrilled that Trump is the president ? Nope. Am i so psyched that he will take away rhe ACA? Not at all. Am I jazzed that his VP wants to put anyone in the LGBQT community into camps where they will ‘pray the gay away’? Sweet Lord, NO! Will I disrespect those that voted for him? Will I unfriend them on Facebook? Will I drag their names through the mud ? Not one bit. 

Today, millions marched for Women. For freedom. For equality. For the ability to defend what was torn down and beaten during this election. For America. If you would like to educate yourself about what the march was about, go check out the Women’s March website and mission statement. Because, well there’s a lot of disrespect going around.  I see the posts about how ‘We didn’t protest when Obama was in office’………………really? Who asked for his birth certificate? Who had anti Obama rallies that had ‘Hang in there Obama’ slogans with crude drawings and photoshopped pictures of a noose? It’s all screwed up. There will always be discontent. There will always be rallies. Today, my beautiful cousin, marched in Portland because she has beliefs.  

 This was her first time voting.  She chose to stand for the rights of women around the world, because that’s what she felt called to do. That’s how she felt her voice would be heard. And I’m so proud of her. I’m awake at almost 3 in the morning, because I have a voice. This is my freedom. This is how my voice will be heard. I’m proud of myself. With the posts going around online, I see the hate.  I see the ‘grow up’  ‘stop acting like children ‘ posts. And they aren’t as kind as the few quotes I wrote.  I agree, protests should be peaceful. Make your voice heard, but don’t damage property. Sing your fight song, but don’t ask that people ‘rape’ the new first lady.  I encourage my fellow Americans, be proud to fight for your rights, be respectful about fighting for your rights,  but absolutely continue to fight for your rights. Remember to look for the light at the end of this tunnel,  because I can promise you that it is there! Be kind to each other, because not only is that what God calls us to do, but it’s freaking nice people! Look out for each other in the coming years, because I have a feeling there will be lots of hard times. 

This election has opened the eyes of Americans to how much hate there is in the world. I don’t know how the next four years will go. But I won’t wish ill will upon Trump. I won’t hope he fails in running the country. In fact,  I hope he proves us all wrong. I hope he succeeds in growing our world, not dividing it. I pray that he does make a difference.  Because I don’t want to bring a child into the world as it is right now. I don’t want them to see this hatred going on. I don’t even want to see this hatred. For the next four years, pray. Before every post that spews hate towards someone you disagree with, pray.  When you’re feeling like this is as good as it’s gonna get, pray. Live your best life the way that works for you.  Not because someone told you to do it, but because it’s your life. You do you…boo boo 😉 

And for the love of all things holy, please choose to post pictures of cute animals and happy things. I miss those days.

I’m erasing myself from the narrative  

Hello everyone! I’m finally back to posting. These last few months have been one adventure after another and I’m ready to tell y’all about it!  

My last post was for Mother’s Day. But I didn’t really post about my life since January. So, I’ll go a month at a time.

February- I have seriously been blessed with a wonderful man whom goes above and beyond to make me happy. For Valentine’s Day (our second one as a couple) I asked to be surprised. He took me to this amazing restaurant where they had a special menu and you just needed to choose between steak or fish (super fancy), and it was so freaking delicious! There was a roasted beet soup that I need to learn to make ASAP. I think that was it for February.

March- March is my mommas birthday month and last year I remember having a small meltdown because I missed her and couldn’t be there to celebrate. This year I was so busy with work the few weeks leading up to her birthday that it was easier to focus on other things and not freak out. But the Tuesday before her birthday, I found out I wasn’t needed for the next Tuesday  (which was her actual birthday ) I had tinkered around with the idea of flying down a few months before, but plane tickets and work were both working against me so I didn’t give any further thought to it. I knew I had to work the weekend before her birthday, but I still thought maybe I could do something.  I brought it up to Sean as we were walking through Walmart, and the plan started to come together…Until  I saw the ticket prices 😮 they were seriously gross. Thankfully, Sean had a bunch of miles saved up, and suddenly the tickets were bought  (did I mention that I have the best boyfriend?) Cue me being deliriously excited and crying (nothing new here), I just needed to figure out how to keep her awake past nine, get a ride, and not scare the crap put of her (if you’ve ever been to my mom’s house you know she lives in the boonies). This is where I need to give a shout out to Terance, Raul, and Laura! Y’all are rockstars and I am so glad you are in my life! Everything came together so perfectly, I was in tears, my mom was in tears, it was the best! I had such a fun time being with her for her special day!!
Unfortunately, March also had a tragedy occur. Sean’s kitty, Penelope, passed away. She was a great cat. She was a punk sometimes, but she was cute and sweet. It was really hard to lose her, I hadn’t realized how attached I had become to her since she came to live with us last summer. She is still insanely missed, but I’m thankful she’s not suffering anymore. It’s always super crappy having to say goodbye. She won’t ever be replaced, and she was so loved. I’m happy I got to know her.

April- April was tough. We immediately started catsitting for some friends, which honestly helped so much!  Coming home to a pet less house was tough for a few days.  Sean got to experience his first concert! He went to see Mewithoutyou and Say Anything up in Seattle with me. The show was so amazing!  The set list for both bands were incredible. It was great to see bands that I’ve been listening to since I was in high school. The shows were so great! I recommend seeing Say Anything live if you ever have the chance!

May- I posted in May for Mother’s Day. But I didn’t mention that I went to see Beyoncé and how freaking amazing it was and kdnsgwldlfkska!!!! Ugh, it’s disgusting how great the show was! Honestly, I wore terrible shoes, got miserable blisters, was cold, it started raining, and I’m fairly certain I got a contact high just by being in the stadium.  But it was so freaking worth all of it! Also, Julia is considering not being my friend because she loves the Queen and is mad I went without her, but I’d do it all again. I still can’t believe I got to experience that!!!!! 

In addition to the great fun in May, my dog Max (whom my mom claims is her own) decided to go on an adventure, by himself. Thankfully, a neighbor found him! But I had a really tough time with not knowing what to do and being too far away to do anything.1

June- Sean and I flew to California on the first to see a few of my kids graduate. I conveniently forgot how hot it gets in the desert. It was murderous!  But it was worth it to see Sam and Jamya graduate. I’m so very proud of those girls and the future they’re planning. I also got lots of mother/daughter time, which was good cause I seriously miss my mom. And…Sean and I got a puppy!!!! She’s so freaking cute and I love her and she’s totally spoile, cause that’s what I do.

Everyone say hello to Harley –

She’s very similar to a cat in personality, she is still getting used to the fact that there are other dogs in the world and I’m her favorite human (based on the fact that I let her sleep in my King sized bed and take up most of the space -__-). 

Also while I was in California, one of my old youth group kids drew up this awesome cupcake tattoo, 

it’s super cute and I’m so psyched with it! Thank you Joel Gray.

And, while on that note, I had made a Facebook post about this tattoo, and some people commented on their opinions of it. And that’s fine. I’m all for people having their own opinions. But if you choose to question my faith while stating your opinion, we’re going to have a problem. I had several family members text/call/message/post with defensive comments on my behalf, and I appreciate them. I appreciate the defending.  But the fact is, there shouldn’t have been anything to defend. 

I’m a believer. I accepted Christ into my life when I was a Sparky in AWANA. Yes, I’ve screwed up. A lot. Yes, I occasionally say bad words. Yes, I think bad things about people.  Yes, I get jealous. Yes, I question things the Lord is doing in my life (even when I know His plan is always greater than mine). Yes. I fail. Daily. Sometimes hourly. BUT that’s the beauty of the Lord’s grace. He loves me, warts and all. He continually refines my life. I will never be perfect in the eyes of the world. But I’m the eyes of Christ I am His. I don’t appreciate being judged.  I will also never judge. That’s not my job. Just like it isn’t anyone else’s. 

I’m certain when I get to Heaven and meet God, there will be some things He’ll want to chat about. And that’s fine. Because it’s between Him and myself.  My walk with the Lord has had some bumps in the road, for sure. But He’s always there keeping me on the right path. I shouldn’t ever have to justify who I am with God, just as others shouldn’t have to justify their walks. I know I don’t fit the perfect ‘cookie cutter’ ideal of a Christian.  But that doesn’t matter. How I live my life, how I praise my God, and how I glorify His Name and His Word does. I was raised to think about what I say before I say it. I was raised to encourage others and treat everyone with respect.  Some cases have been more difficult than others, but I don’t let that change how I treat people. The way I handled the online comments was with respect, and prayer. I want my words to be eloquent and God honoring. I want to make sure I know what I’m talking about when I’m talking about it. I had Bible verses thrown at me during the comments on Facebook, and that’s great that people know those verses. I know some too; …I was going to include a list here. But I stopped to pray about it. The Lord knows my heart. He knows I was being a brat in what I wanted to write. So, I won’t include that.  I will continue to live my life. I will continue to address situations where I’m being attacked. I will continue to pray for those whom hurt and offend me. Because ultimately, we’re all just trying to get through life. I know that everyone is doing life differently, as they absolutely should! But does that mean their way is wrong? No. Not at all. If you don’t understand how someone could like the things they do, wear the things they wear, say the things they say; you should try looking at it from their point of view. 

You may not be wrong in what you said to me. Because that’s what you see coming from your point of view.  Though I’m not wrong in what I said either, because that was from mine.  

I don’t want this post to be taken out of context as an attack, or a rant. I just want the same respect that I’ve given to everyone over my lifetime.  I don’t think that’s too much to ask.
And now we’re all caught up! 

Sean’s Aunt is in town and we’re going adventuring and whatnot this weekend. So I’ll probably be a bit MIA.  And I’m sure there will be comments on this post, or annoyed emails, which is fine. I was also raised to be an independent  woman, and I’ve always enjoyed speaking my mind.  But I do always make sure to not openly offend anyone.  I hope by posting this,  things get cleared up. And if not,  that’s okay.  I’m not too bothered by it. 

On a completely unrelated note, I’m currently obsessed with the Hamilton musical! Honestly, I think Sean is ready to burn my phone cause I have the soundtrack on repeat consistently. But it’s so good! I need to see it performed. AND there’s a book with the songs, designs, back stories, etc. I need that too (for anyone wanting to know what to get me for any holiday). If you haven’t listened to the soundtrack, you should go do that and let me know what you think! 

If you’d like to send questions, comments, prayer requests, prayers, testimonies, or you just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

Have an awesome day! 

Love y’all and miss y’all,

Kelsey H. 

Hey momma!

Let’s have a mother’s day post!!!

What better way to bring back the blog?!

So, this year I actually bought my mom a card. Shocking,  I know! I even bought it a few weeks ago so I would be able to send it out and have it arrive in time. But did I remember or have time to do that? Of course not! I fail in the daughter department sometimes. It’s crappy, but whatever!

I love my mom. She knows that.

Unfortunately, we live over 20 hours away from each other, which is difficult, emotionally, on these holidays.  I was so lucky and blessed to be able to surprise her for her birthday back in March,
but I still wish we could be together today.
I remember growing up and seeing father’s day posts from friends, or watching a father and daughter on TV, and thinking it kinda sucked to not be able to do that. To have that relationship with my father. But I always had my mom, she always made that day a regular day for me. And I never realized that at some point I would look on Facebook and get jealous of all the Mother’s day posts. I miss my mom more than anything and I am glad she is still around but I realized that a lot of people don’t get to have this day with their mom for a different reason than almost 2,000 miles.  There are people out there that lost their momma and I know my mom is one of those people.
I know this because today would have been my Grandma’s birthday.  I miss her a lot, but I wasn’t raised by her. I didn’t get the chance to come home from school and talk about my day with her. Or, cry on her shoulder because my heart hurt. I didn’t get to tell her about school assignments, or my hopes and dreams. I didn’t have the same relationship with her that I have with my mom. I know my mom misses her momma because there’s a huge distance between here and heaven. I know she wishes she would be able to pick up the phone and tell her momma about how rockin her granddaughter is (I’m a very humble person). Or, just tell her Happy Mother’s Day one more time.

So, for those of you out there that don’t have your momma with you today.  My heart hurts for you, but I know they’re all up in the sky getting the best Mother’s Day celebration ever. And celebrating my grandma for her birthday!
I was blessed with such an awesome mom, and I know I was a punk when I was younger, and I hurt her heart time and time again. But she was always there. She’s still always there. I hope when I have kids they will be as in awe of me as I am of my mother.
My mom kicks butt.
She’s powerful.
She’s graceful.
She’s smart.
She’s hilarious.
She’s sarcastic.
She’s humble.


She taught me everything I know and has always fought for me and with me against any wall that has blocked my path.
I know that she has put up with a lot of crap from me over the years and I’m so grateful she never walked away. I know there were things that scared her, but she stood by me. I can only hope that you all have a mother as awesome as mine. Or that you are a mother as awesome as mine.

I want to wish all you mothers the happiest of Mother’s Days! You rock,  your strength in the everyday tasks of motherhood amazes me. I hope you’re spoiled and pampered today. Or, if you’re not near your mom, or kiddos, that you can make up for it when you see them next (I get to celebrate my mom in June!).
Love and miss y’all.  I’ll post later this week about what’s been happening in my life!!

Let’s talk about…

So I normally do a post about how my life has been going, and then I do a Q&A with questions sent from random strangers, or friends, or my kids. And, though I do have a lot to update y’all on regarding my life. I got a few questions anonymously emailed to me and I decided to dedicate this post to questions only. Though prayer for me to get this job in July are definitely appreciated!!!


Okay, here goes.

The person that emailed this question didn’t state whether they we’re male or female. They also asked me to ‘not use the Bible’ as a reference in my response. But that’s kind of difficult for me. So I’ll give you the response from both a biblical, and a worldly point of view. The answer is no. Biblically, you should wait until marriage to have sex. I’ve had arguments with people about this situation, because if you ask me, I’ll tell you to wait, then you’ll ask if I’m waiting, and I didn’t. My situation was complicated, though. Overall, my response when counseling anyone about having sex before marriage is to ask a simple question. ‘Are you ready to be a parent?’ that’s what it comes down to. Are you ready, at 14, to be a parent? Because that’s the risk you run. Yes, there’s contraception. But what if that fails? Are you ready to spend the rest of your life taking care of another being? Providing food, shelter, clothing, healthcare? Because honestly, even at 24, I’m not ready for that! At 14, are you with a person that you’re willing to share a life with? Every time you have sex, you run the risk of pregnancy, STD’s, and though it sounds silly, but getting your heartbroken. Every time you have sex, that’s a piece of yourself that you’ve shared with someone else. Are you ready for the risk of losing that piece of yourself if your partner decided they wanted to look elsewhere?
So, is it okay to have sex at 14? Following the ways of the world, no. You’re perfectly capable of going through with that. But the age of consent in California is 18. You might be capable of having sex. Basically everyone is. But legally and Biblically, it’s a no-go. If you want to be following God’s plan for your life? I’d recommend that you wait. You’re so special, and God has the perfect person for you! Whether it be the person you’re with now, or someone you don’t meet for several years. That person is out there. And if you’re feeling pressured because of the person you’re with threatening to leave you, or pushing past your boundaries, you need to get out of that relationship. Seriously! If you’re with a person that is pressuring you to agree to have sex, that’s not okay. Get help from an adult that you trust, or even go to the authorities.  That’s dangerous, and you’re better than that. I understand thinking that you’re in love with this person, and wanting to be closer to them than any other person. But you’ve got you’re entire life ahead of you. Honestly, if I was with the guy I had feelings for when I was 14, we’d be living in a trailer in the middle of nowhere…Bleh. I know it’s tough to save yourself. I know you think everyone else is having sex, why shouldn’t you? But I can assure you, you’re not the only person remaining abstinent. If, when you’re 18 and legally able to consent, you decide you’re ready to have sex, remember to stop and think about if you’re ready to be a mommy or daddy.
I’m not gonna say to remain abstinent until marriage. I’m not gonna say to have sex when you can legally consent. But I will say to always use protection. And always remember that if you’re with the person God has prepared for you, you won’t be pressured to wait, it will be the most natural wait ever. Because that person wants to respect and love you like the awesome person you are!!❤❤❤

I listen to so many different varieties of music. My favorite is punk rock. I love listening to bands that actually know how to play their instruments. A lot of the music I’m listening to ends up with me primarily listening to the beat. Yes, I’m aware that the lyrics aren’t always the best. Sometimes there’s curse words. Sometimes the band is disrespecting authority. I don’t plan to stop listening to these songs. But I also don’t let this music impact my everyday life. I’m not out screaming obscenities about the government. Nor am I sleeping with every person I meet. I’m not doing drugs, and clubbing every weekend. I don’t take the music I listen to literally. I also love listening to worship songs. They tend to make my day significantly better. In response to this question, I would say, if the music you’re listening to is causing your heart to stray, maybe check out some other music. I totally understand not wanting to listen to Christian music, because a lot of it is super cheesy. But there are some really good Christian artists out there. I’d recommend going online and googling Christian artists that are similar to bands you like listening to now. And if you have similar tastes to myself, I’d recommend Thousand Foot Krutch, Family force 5, Disciple, and Skillet. They’re awesome bands that I’ve been blessed to see live, several times !!

I don’t. Honestly, when I think about my exes, there are really no great enough memories, that would cut out the bad stuff I went through with them. There was a reason they didn’t work out, and I’m not going to hold on to something that wasn’t meant to be.

Yes. I was cheated on, and my ex admitted it to me. I used to wonder, if he hadn’t told me, would we still be together? I most likely, would have found out. And we would have broken up in the end. Cheating sucks, and it’s selfish. I don’t really understand why anyone would do it, but I think it’ll hurt more if your partner found out himself, instead of you admitting you did it. It’s a sucky situation to be in. But in the end, you won’t feel as much guilt, and maybe y’all can work through it!

If you didn’t know, This law passed yesterday. I doubt anyone missed it. But I’m not posting this blog post until Monday, because I don’t want to have disagreements on my last day in California.  How do I feel about it? I feel as I do every single day. That’s not actually true. I’m mad. But not how you think I’d be. I’m mad about how my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are reacting! As a believer, I have been taught to love others as I would want to be loved. And I’ve done that. Do I believe in marriage equality? In a way, yes. I believe if you love someone, you should be allowed to be with them. I saw so many hateful posts yesterday and today. And I’ve heard so many people use horrifyingly derogatory words about something you have no idea about! Using the f** word, is in the same context as using the n***** word. It doesn’t matter if you’re joking, you should NEVER use those words. They’re disrespectful! And it hurts me! I love my boyfriend. But if I happened to have feelings for a female, that’s okay. My faith in God is more important to me, so I’d most likely remain celibate. I spoke with my mom about this yesterday, but we’ve had this conversation before. She loves me, I am her child! If I had feelings for another female, she wouldn’t disown me. She wouldn’t send me to Bible camp and ‘pray the gay’ out of me. That’s ridiculous! She loves me as I am! Gay. Straight. Black. White. Purple. Yellow. Orange.  Whatever! Based on what I’ve seen online, people are acting as though homosexuality means that you’re not a person. That you’re somehow less. And I think that’s total crap! I have family members and good friends that are gay. Does that mean I’m supposed to love them less?? Heck no!! As a Christian, I know what the Bible says. I also know it says to ‘judge not, lest ye be judged’ ( Matthew 7:1)
Overall, this is what I have to say, I don’t support, nor am I against same-sex marriage. I don’t personally care who you love. It grosses me out when anyone makes out in front of me, but I’ve never liked PDA from anyone. I refuse to judge any form of marriage. I saw a friend comment on Facebook that ‘ the government shouldn’t even be involved in marriage’ and I think that’s an awesome point. None of this should have been such a big deal. My question to everyone that is so against this is, why is this such a big deal for you? How does this, in any way, affect you? I’m pretty sure the answer is, it doesn’t. So leave it alone. ‘ Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to see the beam of wood in your own?’ ( Matthew 7:3)
Pray for everyone, because that’s what you’re called to do. Love everyone, because you’re also called to do that. And if you have hate in your heart. The Bible has the same outcome for you as that which you’re fighting so hard against.
I love you all, and I’m sure I’ll be getting angry calls and texts. I encourage readers to send me their opinions to discuss this further. It’s only through conversation and the exchange of ideas that our personal understanding of the world, and how to bring the Lord’s message to it, can grow. But let’s try to keep it Christian and leave the personal attacks at home. And please, out of respect, don’t go “telling on me to my mommy”. She will not tolerate rudeness.


Alright, so that’s it for my serious Q&A, I still have to do a post about my time in California!! And I’ll do that this coming week!! Love y’all, miss y’all!!!

– Kelsey H.💞💞

The adventures of motherhood

I was a jerk teenager.
I know most people say they were rebellious and moody when they were teenagers. But I was legitimately a jerk. Looking back and remembering some of the things I did, or words I had said, reminds me that mom’s are equipped to handle a lot!

Today is Mother’s Day! I was sitting in the card aisle at Target, Walgreens, and then RiteAid, and looking at the cards for moms. And they’re fine. But none of them were great. None of them said what I wanted to say. None of them brought you to the verge of happy tears, or made you laugh out loud. None of them were personal enough. I can’t just send a mediocre card to my mom!! That’s insanity! So, now we have a Blog post!

I’m not near my mom today, which kinda sucks. I miss her more than I can explain. I realize that I miss the random things that you don’t really associate with motherhood. Like being able to sit next to her in church and share random inside jokes that are probably not that funny, but to you two, it’s the most hilarious. Or, cracking up about the fact that your mom is slightly addicted to trashy television. Being able to go  ‘grocery shopping’ in your moms pantry and fridge. Having your irrational mood swings be understood by someone. Being able to show your mom how to do things with technology. Like I said, it’s the little things. But there’s a ton of the big things I miss. Going to her house and talking until 2 in the morning. All day movie marathons. Molé and chicken tortilla soup cooking parties.

My mom is my favorite. It’s a known fact that I have a lot of mom’s. There’s my actual mom that’s blood. Then there’s the many that have played a big part in my life. My mom has always been there, even when I was at rock bottom. Even when I was certain I didn’t want to continue living. Even when I pushed her away. As a child of a single mom, I’ve realized that I’ve taken so much for granted. I know it couldn’t have been easy to raise a daughter, work full time, make meals, keep a house, and have any time for yourself. But I’m so grateful you did! You taught me how to be my own person. You taught me how to laugh when I’m hurting. You taught me how to follow my dreams. You taught me how to love selflessly. You taught me how to be a mom. I know when the time comes, and I’m raising my own children, I’ll be such a rockin mom, because I had you as an example. Thank you for never giving up on me, even when you didn’t understand how to help. Thank you for holding me, and letting me wipe my tears and snot on you. Thank you for being my nurse, my therapist, my comedian, my defender, my personal chef, my chauffeur, and my voice of reason. Thank you, Momma.


This last Wednesday I had an amazing interview for this nanny agency up here in Washington. When I did an over the phone interview, I was asked a few questions about my resumé. One of the questions was about working in a church nursery. The guy that owns the company asked if that meant I was a Christian, to which I replied that I was. He then continued to tell me that he and his wife were believers as well!! So then I’m interviewing and filling out paperwork in person and having a wonderful chat with the owner about everything, from my beliefs, to working as a youth leader, and when it’s all done, the owner asks me to tell my mom thank you on behalf of himself. He said ‘ tell her she raised a lovely young woman, with a heart that is absolutely dedicated to the Lord’. I honestly don’t think there’s any better compliment. I truly hope that one day my children will make that phone call to let me know that other people can see the awesome work being done in their lives.

And I wanted to send a huge Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day to all my other moms!! I’ve had some seriously amazing influences over the years, whether it be my amazing aunts keeping me stocked in Barbie’s and love, or my awesome church mom’s keeping me accountable, or my best friends mom’s basically adopting me into their lives, you’ve all been there for me in one way or another through all these years, and I’m thankful that you’ve been put into my life.

I truly wouldn’t be the young woman I am today without you wonderful women in my life!! I hope you all have an amazing day, and that you get super spoiled by your families!!

So wear me like a locket around your throat…

I’ve been having some of the best days of my life!!! Honestly, my life is pretty rockin. Yes, I miss my California humans more than I can explain! But I’ve finally discovered my niche up here, and that makes moving forward so much easier!!

There have been so many things happening from the last post about my life. Which was back in February, after Valentine’s Day.

My boyfriend, Sean 💕 and I, drove down to Oregon, to Pacific University…okay, so he drove, I most likely annoyed with my musical selections. Anyway, we went to see my family, they were visiting my cousins future school. We went to the Tillamook factory, had ice cream, took a stroll around a beach, and took pictures. Then had a delicious dinner at this little Thai place close to the school!! It was awesome to see my family, and have them meet my guy!!


Okay, so that was it for February. Then March came along. Not a lot happened that I can think of…oh! That’s right! I went to Emerald City Comic Con 😎😎 it was interesting…as all comic conventions are. There were tons of people in Cosplay, and it was really cool seeing how committed some of the outfits were (some had awesome details…some did not). Plus, I got to sleep in a super comfy bed at the Westin (I could honestly write odes to this bed. Perhaps a haiku…no, that’s crazy. But you need to understand that this bed was heaven!!), and have a delicious dinner at Il Fornaio, where they have dessert that is also sent from heaven!!! Plus, the next day I got to see a woman that is like my other mother, and have some catch up time!! Also in March, Sean and I did a double date with his friends, and he officially referred to me as his girlfriend!! For you to understand how excited I was, you’d have to be female. Haha. I played it cool in the moment, but inside I was doing the happy, victory dance…y’all know that dance! 💃💃💃 I think that was it for March. Oh, I also had a minor meltdown. It was the night before my mom’s birthday, and that week had been tough. I just missed California, and was really homesick. It all cultivated to one night and after getting dinner, Sean and I went to his apartment, and I felt it happening, I felt the meltdown arriving, and I took the meds that help maintain everything. The only problem was the meds don’t work instantly, you need some time. And if I hid in the bathroom for over ten minutes, that’d be a little creepy. So, I walked out, Sean stopped me in the hall, and I broke. We’re talking full on sobs. That’s right, y’all. I had the ugly cry going. Tears and makeup streaming down my face, snot making bubbles from your nose, sniffles that are not remotely ladylike, and the sad crying sounds. All in front of Sean. What did he do? He hugged me, and held me through all of it. He calmed me. He let me get tears and snot on his shirt:? and he told me it was okay. I’m pretty sure that’s when I absolutely knew how I felt about him. 😌


And that was March!! Now, for April!!!

I’ve had a chance to make some new friends!! Which I super love! But the most important was that Sean wanted me to meet his parents!!!! …those of you that know me, or that I talked with about this know that I was hardcore freaking out! I’ve never met the parents of a guy I dated. I usually already knew the parents before we dated, or it wasn’t an option. Either way, this was the first time for me meeting the parents, and for his parents to meet a girl he was dating! That’s big. No matter how you slice it, it was a big step!! I was invited to Easter dinner, where I would meet his mom, dad, and aunt. Hyperventilating was a big occurrence. The day finally arrived, I looked adorable (seriously, super cute sun dress, cardigan, grey booties). I ended up having a lot of fun. His parents were amazing. His aunt was hilarious. The food was delicious!! When we were leaving, they all gave me rockin hugs. And it felt wonderful. On the drive home, Sean told me they had each told him they liked me at various times during the night!! It was awesome!! All that freaking out was pointless, it always is. I most likely won’t stop. But hey, it makes me the person I am.
The most important part of that night though, was when we went to Sean’s. Because when that happened, we were cuddled on the couch eating candy, and Sean gave me a card. Inside the card was a key to his apartment. It’s my new favorite escape! And with that key he told me the three words every girl longs to hear!!!! He told me he loves me!!!!!!!!!!!  There aren’t really enough exclamation points for describing that moment. I became that over excited girl that you see and wonder what she’s on. I was giggly and bouncy and happy. My heart was slippery, and my tummy was mush. There have been moments over the past few months when I’ve wanted to say those words to him. But I didn’t. Finally, being able to say it and have it said back, is an incredible feeling!! This guy makes me happy. Does he annoy me? Yes. Are there times when I wanna smack him? Heck yes! But the days when he watches a movie he doesn’t want to (Hercules…the Disney version😝), or takes me to get donuts from our favorite place, when he holds my hand and will give me kisses all over my face when I’m sad, or when he texts me good morning and good night. Those are the times that matter. Those are the times when my heart is full. I love those times. I love Sean😘


Okay, so I’m cheesy as Heck, but whatever. It’s my life. It’s my blog post!!

Now, I will move on.

It’s Q&A TIME WITH KELSEY!!!!😍😘😍💓💓💕💕💛❤💙

The answer is Green Day. It will always be Green Day. They’re seriously the best! They know how to play their instruments. They write lyrics that actually mean something! They are awesome!!

This is a weird question. My favorite number is 13. I like the superstitions attached to it. I think it’s hilarious. Plus, it was the Jersey number of a guy I used to have a huge crush on…lol teenagers.

So, I wasn’t sure if this was based on physical, or personality. And I decided to just answer both. My favorite physical feature is…eyes. You can learn a lot from a person based on their eyes. And my favorite personality feature is a guy that can entertain children. Being able to see how a guy treats kids is helpful in seeing how he would treat his own children. 😝

Shout out to Sam for this lovely question. I miss you, dear!!
Okay, a year from now? I’m not sure. I honestly never know where I’ll be, or what I’ll be doing. I’ll most likely still be in Washington. I’m hoping to have a job that’s incredibly awesome, and pays well. And I’m most definitely gonna be happy. Cause it’s mine to design, y’all!!!

I’m assuming this is a romantic relationship you’re asking about? I think the most important thing is trust. There are lots of things you’ll want, like someone to make you laugh, someone to encourage your weirdness, someone who loves you. But if you don’t trust the person you’re dating, then you have the potential to be hurt beyond repair. And that’s not cool -__-

Alright, that’s it. I will definitely post regularly from this point on!! Keep sending me your questions, prayer requests, testimonies, or just fun messages!!

Love and miss y’all!!!

-Kelsey H. 💕

I say what’s on my mind, I might do a little time

So I lied and didn’t post on Sunday, sorry. It’s been a busy weekend. Filled with interviews, date nights, and the beginnings of a cold.

I was super blessed by being able to get a quick date night job for Friday night, which helped get me some quick cash! Now I’m just praying for a full-time job so I can continue paying my bills. It’s tough, but I know the Lord will provide.
Okay, moving on…Valentine’s Day! I had an awesome day with my roommate, she spoiled me by giving me a mani/pedi, and a coffee cup which has saved my life since I forgot my favorite one in California 😥😥 my awesome day went on into an awesome night when the guy I’m dating took me to dinner(Thai food, my favorite), bought me my favorite wine, and gave me donuts with sprinkles😍😍!!! He’s definitely a keeper.
Moving onto Sunday! I had an interview in west Seattle, for a live-in position, which would be nice, but it would be live-in in exchange for 20-25 hours of work each week. So, no pay. But it would be in an area where I could probably get another job during my free time. I’m praying about it. Though I don’t think it’s really the job for me.
It’s difficult to know where I’m supposed to be, and yesterday was really tough for me. I woke up with this extreme panic which then turned to extreme depression. Just a day of me questioning everything. Add on the fact that I woke up with a sore throat and had barely slept the night before cause of a nasty cough and I was on a roll yesterday. I have had a few people ask me how I knew what I wanted to do with my life when I grew up. The answer is I didn’t. I’m 24 years old, and I’m still not sure what I want. My aunt always tells me that my life is mine to design. And I love that! I try to constantly create a life that is filled with things that make me feel accomplished. Some days it’s as elaborate as doing 2 hours of Zumba, cleaning my room, throwing in several loads of laundry, and cooking an amazing dinner. Others it’s waking up, showering, and writing a blog post. What I’m trying to say is that you don’t always have to run marathons. What makes you feel accomplished in the day to day, is what makes you, you! I have wanted to be so many things since I was a kid. And I’ve accomplished a lot of those things. Not necessarily on a level that society might set as the standard, but on a level that makes me happy. In the end, that’s all that really matters. You, being happy. If being a high power lawyer makes you happy? Go for it. If being a stay at home mom makes you happy? Do it! If being a rockstar at your local coffee shop makes you happy?? Rock on!(also, invite me to your shows!!)
Life is yours to design!!

Now, as promised, it’s. Q&A time!!!!

Question #1: What color nail polish do you mostly use?
I don’t really know. I usually go with whatever season or holiday is coming up. It’s between red and purple. I used to love going to get my nails done regularly, but finances have not allowed for that for over a year, so I stick with doing my own.

Question #2: What movie do you wish you could be the main character in?
The 10th Kingdom. Seriously, I know I’ve told y’all about this movie before. Watch it!! I could live in a fairytale that’s not necessarily perfect, and go on adventures, and save people! It’s perfect!!

Question#3: Would you die, or deny your faith?
I’d die. I know some might not understand this. But my faith is important to me. I wouldn’t deny Christ just to live another day, because He’s never denied me. I went through a time when I didn’t want to believe that Christ was watching over me, but the fact is He’s always been there. I was just being a fool. I’m thankful to live in a country where I can pray, and worship the Lord without fear of death. Yes, I may be made fun of. Yes, I may be misunderstood. But I know my God is greater than any opposition I may face. And that gives me the strength and courage to say I would die if it ever came to that.

Question #4: Would you be a spy, even if it involved killing people?
Yes! …that was too enthusiastic, but have y’all seen Alias? I could be a super awesome spy like Jennifer Garner and that could be so fun and interesting…although there were some dark times she went through…maybe I’ll stick to watching the show and imagining it was my life. 😜

Question #5: What beverage do you mostly drink?
Lemonade. I used to be addicted to Dr. Pepper, and I would drink it all the time. But then I had kidney stones and several people recommended drinking lemonade, since the acid helps break down Kidney stones, so I started and haven’t really stopped. Also, coffee. But with coffee it’s not really an everyday thing, I have tried to tone down my intake…tried being the keyword here.

Question #6: Would you rather be in love with someone that doesn’t love you, or have someone in love with you but you don’t love them?
Unrequited love sucks! I would go with neither. I’ve never been in love. I’ve liked intensely. But love? Don’t think that’s what it is. I’ve liked a guy that doesn’t feel the same…at least I’ve never asked him, so I’m not 100% sure, but whatever. And I’ve had a few guys that liked me, but I never saw them as anything more than a friend. It’s a crappy situation to be in because you don’t want to hurt someone, but you also don’t want to be the one that hurts. And when your heart gets involved it messes with everything. This is the type of struggle that goes on for awhile. Just pray for a solution before you lay yourself out there.

Question #7: When is the last time you played air guitar?
Sunday. On my way home from Seattle! I was stuck in traffic and had Rise Against playing. I also my my steering wheel a drum set. 😉 I’ve got mad skills…I also freak out others on the freeway, but whatever. It’s my life.

Question #8: Have you ever made out in a movie theater?
Umm…no. If you’re gonna spend money to watch something, then you should actually watch it. Though, one time this guy took me to the movies and he bought me a soda and midway through the movie this dude whips out his own straw and drinks my soda! The worst is that the straw was from Circle K, he brought his own freaking straw!! Who does that?!?! It was a whole lot of weird.

Question #9: How are you and your love bug?
First, I definitely don’t call him that. It’s weird. Second, we’re good. He treats me respectfully, and he cooks! It’s been awesome to have someone that truly cares about me like he does. I don’t know what the future holds. I never will. But, as of now, he makes me happy. And that’s an awesome place to be in my life.

Question #10: Are you an early riser?
Lol nope. You can ask any of the people that have been to camp with me. Or, any family members. Or, anyone that knows anything about me. Haha. I legitimately don’t do well with mornings. I can do it, though. I can be wide awake and ready for the day at six in the morning. But I won’t really be happy about life until at least ten. And that’s after some serious caffeine assistance. I prefer staying up late, then falling asleep at 6 in the morning😝😝

Alright weirdos, that’s all I’ve got for today. I’m not gonna say I’ll post on Sunday cause I’m gonna have a busy weekend!! Some family members are coming up to Portland and I’m driving down to see them!! It’ll be an awesome adventure, and I’m looking forward to it!!
Keep sending me your questions, prayer requests, testimonies, and prayers! I love reading them and have been blessed to make new friends from all over. I’m praying for y’all. Love you, miss you!!

-Kelsey H. 💕


Please don’t go, I love you so, I love you so.

I feel like a jerk since I haven’t posted in a long time. I know I’ve actually spoken with, or texted most of y’all. But no blog post for weeks meant you didn’t get the awesome ‘Q&A with Kelsey’ time!!! I KNOW you missed that!!
Okay, so a quick run through of what you’ve missed…let’s start with Halloween, I was feeling Bleh on Halloween, but friends wanted to go to this club to see this live band perform cover songs. So I rallied!!! I didn’t put much effort into my costume though. I went as a pin up girl (totally rocked it, Plus I didn’t have to buy anything since my style has pin up girl pieces already in it). It was a fun show, but I still felt gross. I mainly chilled at a table the entire night. But, I had a guy come ask to buy me a drink. I told him I was sick and he ended up buying me Orange juice!!😍😍 super sweet! Anyway, he’s a nice guy, and we’ve hung out quite a bit lately. So, that’s fun.

Now, moving along to November!!!! My birthday month is pretty awesome. Yes, I get an entire month haha!!

The week before my birthday was super crappy. I’ve been looking for a new job since this one has been pretty miserable, but I was told at the beginning of that week that the kid was gonna move to his mom’s and that I wasn’t needed anymore…which isn’t great since I didn’t have another job lined up, nor did I have a place to live. To add to that fun, I ended up getting Strep throat in the middle of the week. It seemed like one thing after another. But, I was really proud of myself, because I took care of myself. I got my own antibiotics, I made myself Chicken Tortilla soup, I took my meds at the right times!! I did it!!! Yes, I wanted my mom. What sick person doesn’t want their mother?!?! But, I proved to myself that I am okay by myself. I’m able to do this!! I think I really needed to reach that point, and I’m glad I did. It was a pretty rockin moment!

On the job and housing front, I’ve had several interviews, and I’m just waiting at this point. I’ve applied to both live-in and regular nanny postings, plus I’ve applied to retail jobs. It’s just waiting now. As far as living, I’ve been super blessed by my awesome neighbor up here, Laura!!! She’s letting me live with her as long as I need. She’s basically been my lifesaver up here!! So I have a roof over my head, I’ve got food, water, and clothes. I can’t complain. Yes, I would like to find a job sooner, rather than later, but it’s all in God’s hands.

Now onto my birthday!!!!!

This was the first birthday away from friends and family, and I knew it would be tough. But I didn’t know how tough until the day actually came. It started pretty great, I was highly caffeinated, because birthday!!! I loved all the messages, calls, texts, and posts.

Especially Sam!!!!! Dude, your post cracked me up. I’m super certain I’ve said that to most of the youth group, and that made me miss y’all even more!!

I loved all my messages from my girls 😍😍😂😂😂, pretty much had me crying happy tears all day!! But I’m grateful to know that I’m still a part of your lives, and that you remember I’m always there for you!!

Plus, one of my best friends Julia called and left a message that had me crying for awhile!! Every birthday for the past….Idk how many years, we’ve done dinner somewhere, then sat in one of our cars talking for hours and catching up, but we’ve had to postpone it for the next time I’m in town. But it’s okay!!! Cause that’s all part of growing up!!

The hardest was not seeing my mom. And I know that it was hard for her too. But she’s a pretty rockin mom, since she had her friend and old neighbor from Arizona, Tom (he’s my friend too) (He’s actually pretty much family) take me to dinner, and bring me Tulips (my favorite flowers, just in case any of you ever wanted to get me some 😝😝). I pretty much started crying the second he walked up with the flowers. Seeing as how Tom only has sons, I don’t feel like he knew what to do with an overly emotional girl. Poor guy. Thanks for being there though.
I had a delicious dinner!! Then on my way home I had a conversation with Julia for over an hour. Then my friend Laura bought me a super yummy pie, and we rocked Karaoke!!

In all, it was a lovely birthday. Yes, I missed everyone, but I’m grateful for my new friends and I’m super grateful for technology!!! Thank you for the love!!

So, that’s that. You’re now up to date on the happenings of me!! I’m still job hunting. But I’m Kelsey Freaking Hayden (my middle name is obviously not Freaking), I can rock life! I’ve got this all under control!!!

Yay!!!!!!!! It’s time!!!!!!!!!!


A bunch of these questions are silly and random. But I’m gonna answer them because I’m silly and random, so it works 😜

QUESTION #1: If you were to make out with ONE Lord of the Rings character, based on facial hair alone, who would it be?
Aragorn. Hands down. No contest. I would not only make out with him. I would wife him so freaking hard. I think I actually said that in an earlier post. Or maybe that was about Viggo Mortensen. Regardless, he’s a total babe, and his facial hair is magnificent!!😍😍

QUESTION #2: When you and your future husband are old, would you make out without your dentures in?
Ummm….no. I don’t want to feel gums when making out with my main man. That’d be creepy. Though when making out with a guy, if your teeth clash it’s an instant mood killer. You never recover from that. #Trust
I didn’t expect this question to be so difficult. Ugh. Idk. I’m gonna stick with my answer. My husband and I will rock dentures!!!!😘😘

QUESTION #3: How serious are you and your boyfriend?
We’re in the beginning stages. So, yeah. Idk. We have fun hanging out, going out to dinners, and watching movies. It’s got potential. 😝

QUESTION #4: Are you ever going to move back?
I’m not sure. I’m having fun discovering who I am apart from my family and friends. I miss everyone. I really miss home. But I’ve got to push through and give myself at least six months. For me, that’s enough time to find out if this is where I’m supposed to be. And if I do move back, it might only be a temporary stay before I move onto a different state and adventure. I don’t know my future. I don’t know where I’ll be a year from now. I don’t want to give y’all false hope. I just try to go with the flow of things and see where I thrive the most. So, we’ll see what happens in the future 😉

QUESTION #5: What do you do when you get homesick?
I go on drives. Not far. Just around town. Or, I’ll write. Over the past few weeks I’ve written blog posts that I didn’t actually post. Or, I’ve edited my books. I find that if I lose myself in creating another persons life, I don’t miss the life I had in California as much. It helps me to accept that I’m growing and moving forward with the plans God has for me.

QUESTION #6: One pair of underwear for a year, or one roll of toilet paper for a year?
One pair of underwear for sure. You can wash that whenever, or rock the commando lifestyle. But if you only had one roll of TP? Disaster would strike.

QUESTION #7: Are you still gonna go to school to become a bartender?
Yes I am. Once i save enough money. I’ve looked into the programs up here, and there is one that would be perfect. It’s a bit expensive, but the school places you in a job once you graduate. Plus, once you’re certified you can take those skills anywhere! Restaurants, clubs, bars, cruises, etc. The place I want to go even updates their programs every 6 months, and I can take refresher courses for free for the rest of my life!! It would be so much fun!! I’m really looking forward to being able to go into that field.

QUESTION #8: Peanut butter and pickles, or hot sauce on ice cream?
I feel like peanut butter ice cream with pickles could be yummy. Hot sauce would just be random spiciness. But PB and pickles could be a lovely flavor explosion 😝😝 that sweet and sour deliciousness. Plus, I have mad love for pickles.

QUESTION #9: Do you think Christopher Walken or Steve Buscemi is sexier?
This is freaking creepy Julia!! I don’t have an addiction to all things Steve Buscemi like Kaylee, though I do like his acting. Then there’s Christopher Walken, and his epic ‘more cowbell’ SNL skit…who am I kidding?! It’s obvious that Christopher Walken is sexier!!! Now, I’m gonna go watch that skit a bunch of times haha

QUESTION #10: Would you run through downtown Seattle butt naked for a chance to kiss Orlando Bloom?
Yup. Would I regret it? Nope. Have you seen Orlando Bloom?! That is some serious man candy!!! 🔥🔥💑💑 plus, when you see him make out with a co-star, you can tell he’d have awesome kissing skills. Dang, that man!! I’d wife him hard too!!

Alright!!! This is it for now. I’ll work on posting more often!! Keep the questions coming. Keep the testimonies coming. And definitely keep the prayers coming!!!! I’ve had a few strangers send me their testimonies, and I love how we’re all tied together through things that the enemy intends for evil. We are conquerors!! Love y’all, and miss y’all!!

-Kelsey H.


Proud to be an Anomaly

This week is Early Dismissal week at the school, so I pretty much have the kid all day. 😦  But I told y’all that I would post about the Lecrae concert, and I will!

If you expected me to post that it sucked, or was somehow disappointing, you were so freaking mistaken!!

It was unbelievable!! I was hoping my friend from church would be able to go with me. But she couldn’t make it. So I decided to rock the concert Han style(Solo)<—shoutout to How I Met Your Mother for that line. When I got there I happened to run into this really cute guy that I met not too long after I arrived in Washington. Turns out Really Cute Guy, or RCG as he will be referred to, is a Christian!! He and his friends (all guys), were psyched about the show and asked me to sit with them! I'm starting to think my luck has changed for the better since moving up here!

Anyway, we got our seats, and talked about what songs we hoped they would perform. Unfortunately, my phone was really close to dying, but RCG assured me he would take pictures and send them to me!! The show opened with DJ Promote, who rocked the house with mixes that included Steve Aoki, Tedashii, and none other than Nirvana in honor of it being Seattle! He only performed for 30 minutes, but it was a really awesome set and I got the crowd pumped!! Up next was the amazing Andy Mineo! He started with Neverland and I was in my happy place from that point on! His set was my favorite, if I'm being honest I pretty much just wanted to go for him!  His energy levels are all over the place! The guy was riding his skateboard all over the freaking stage! I loved the videos that he had rolling during song changes, the story that ties all the songs together was great! When he ended with an encore of You Will I was beyond elated! He won't read this, but he's an awesome performer, and is totally making sure everything in his life is being done for the glory of God. I think that is such a cool and respectable thing to do when you're in a position as he is with fans looking up to you!


Now onto Lecrae and his freaking boss set!

Seriously! He opened with Welcome to America, and went straight into Nuthin’. He knows how to work the crowd like crazy! The last time I saw that was at the Monumentour show back in August with Hayley Williams! He was all over the place, getting everyone pumped! He also had videos rolling between his songs, but they told his testimony. No matter how many times I hear, or read his testimony, I am always so in awe! I’ve told you all how much I love reading your testimonies, and I mean it! We all have stories! We are all anomalies! We are all set apart for Christ, and that is so amazing to me! Lecrae is so passionate about what he does, he’s so on fire for Christ and wants to share that love with everyone! When he performed Tell the World, he shared that he knew he was nothing without Christ, that he would have been dead by this point had he not accepted the Lord in his life. Like Andy Mineo, he put his life and love of Jesus on display. I know that there were definitely some people in that stadium that felt a call on their lives! You could absolutely feel God’s presence in that building! It was so rockin’! The show closed with Lecrae and Andy performing an encore to Say I Won’t with Lecrae wearing a Seahawks jersey and challenging people to say he won’t wear the jersey and play the drums! He did! OMG it was freaking awesome!! Throughout the show I had to make sure RCG was taking pics of the glory that was the Anomaly tour! I love that we’re all part of this crazy world and that we have these connections through music and by being a family of anomalies. It holds a part of my heart that I can have this bond with y’all!

Now it’s time for your favorite part of my posts………..


QUESTION 1: Have you found a new church?

Yes, I think I mentioned it in other posts. On my first Sunday here I went to Living Hope in Puyallup. I ran into an old friend that went to Riverside Christian Assembly, and met the youth leader, and the lead pastor. All of them know my pastor and family from the desert! I felt completely welcome from day one. Even when I was interviewing for a job in Seattle they were bummed that I would be leaving the church if I was a long distance away and wouldn’t come back to visit. So, until I feel called somewhere else, I have found my church in WA.

QUESTION 2: What is your Halloween costume?

I think I left my Alice in Wonderland costume in storage in California, which sucks, cause I wanted to do that again. So, I will either see what I can find at Target, or go for a broken porcelain doll look with makeup and normal clothes.

Also, while I’m on the topic of Halloween. I love Halloween. I like dressing up, and having fun with friends. Does this make me a devil worshiping heathen? Not at all. I just like to have fun. I know that there is that darkness in the world. I’m not ignorant to what Halloween means to those people. That’s not me though. I really don’t like it when people judge me based on things I do, like dressing up and having fun on Halloween. It’s fine to have your own opinions on the day, but it’s also okay to keep those to yourself.

QUESTION 3: Is it bad to be a Christian and drink alcohol?

Nope. It even shows believers drinking in the Bible. Everyone has different opinions of this too. I’m gonna just assure you that pretty much everyone has different opinions, and interpretations on various points in the Bible. I’m not saying mine are the right one. I am just saying what I take from the Word. As a Christian, I don’t think it’s right to get trashed while drinking. Healthwise it isn’t good either. Yeah, I’ve done it. Yeah, I’ve lived that crazy, wild, party lifestyle. I can tell you, it isn’t worth it. If you’re legally able to, and you want to have a drink with dinner, or out with friends, you do you. Just don’t overdo it.

Yet again, I’m gonna do my don’t judge me disclosure haha. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. That’s all I’m saying. Matthew 7:1-5 lays it out perfectly. Though, if I see something going on that is obviously illegal, or unsafe, I will step in! (THIS IS SOMETHING THE KIDS IN MY YOUTH GROUP KNOW)

QUESTION 4: Do you ever think about your ex boyfriends?

I do. I will sometimes remember the fun, amazing times I spent with them (driving around at midnight listening to music. Or, watching meteor showers in the back of the truck). Or, the horrid habits that I can laugh about now (speaking Klingon thinking it’s romantic. Or, smoking! Ugh, so gross) I don’t think about them in terms of ever getting back together with any of them, but I did have special moments with each of them, and that’s why I think of them sometimes.

QUESTION 5: How do you feel about your relationship with your mom?

I have an awesome relationship with my mom! I’m kind of her favorite! Haha It’s been just me and her since I was born. We have always had a Gilmore Girls type of bond. (if you haven’t seen that show, you’re missing out) We have our moments of fighting, just like anyone would. But in the end, she would die for me, stand in the gap for me, and fight for me. Cause she loves me… though she won’t admit that out loud haha  

QUESTION 6: Do you have a nickname? What is it?

I have many nicknames. Ones that my mom has for me. Some that my friends have for me. And some from my youth group weirdos. My mom calls me Booger, and there is another one, but I don’t tell others that one. My friends nicknames for me aren’t great, and they’re inside jokes, so I’ll keep those to myself. My youth group weirdos call me Kelp Juice, Mom, Mommy, and Kelpie. I was annoyed at first by being called a Mom, but they are my kids, so I guess I get it haha

QUESTION 7: What do you do when you’re alone in the car?

I sing and dance like a crazy person. I will typically have my windows rolled down, and be blasting my radio. I get looks. I don’t really feel bothered by that though haha, I like to have fun. People are usually surprised that I know most lyrics to rap songs when they see me spitting rhymes like a boss ;p

QUESTION 8: What is the worst date you’ve ever been on?

Oh sweet Lord! I’ve had a few! But the one that really killed me was last March. This guy was super persistent. I was FB friends with him, but I couldn’t remember meeting him. Anyway, it turns out it was his first date. Which is not that big of an issue. But I showed at the restaurant and realized he didn’t brush his teeth or something, cause his breath smelled like rotting asparagus and cat pee. Ugh!! Then he proceeded to order Onion rings and water for dinner, which meant the smell wouldn’t be improving. Then when I would stop talking so I could eat, he would say  “awkward silence”… rude! Then we went to see a movie and he stared at me and kept asking if I wanted to leave throughout the entire movie! Though the worst part was when we walked to my car after the movie, he leaned in, it was obvious he was going for the kiss, but I managed to turn it to a hug. While hugging he turned his face into my neck and straight up sniffed me!! We’re talking full inhale of my hair and neck! I still get creeped out when I think of it. Anyway, there were many details I left out. But it was the worst date I’ve ever been on.

QUESTION 9: What are your special talents?

This one was sent by Saweenie. I don’t even know how to answer this haha

I guess counseling others?  I’ve always been able to talk it out with people and get situations fixed as easily as they could possibly go. 

Also, I can make babies calm down and fall asleep quickly. Baby Whisperer status!!

QUESTION 10: Would you go on a missions trip to another country?

If I felt called to go on a missions trip, yes. One of my favorite things about my church in California was that we were a big supporter of sending missionaries all over the world. I would tithe to that. But I am more than willing to stay home and minister in the States. I don’t know what God has in store for my life, but He knows my heart, and that I am willing to go.

Anyway, that was my weekend! It was amazing, and I had so much fun!! Plus, I have a date for coffee on Saturday!!😍 Keep sending your prayers, prayer requests, questions, and testimonies! I always love reading them!! Love y’all and miss y’all!!

~Kelsey H.💕💕

A minor threat, is still a threat.

I really need a new job. I need this interview on Sunday to go really well. This job is horrid. In the month that I have been here I have never actually considered leaving and going back home to California. Until yesterday.

This week started out iffy, which should’ve let me know I should be wary of everything. The dad took Monday off of work. Was it to give me the day off? Nope. It was to go ride quads with his bros. Which I really don’t care about. It isn’t really an issue for me. What is an issue for me though. Is that last Friday, which should have been when I got paid, which is way less than minimum wage, I wasn’t. That’s right. I wasn’t paid. When I got back on Friday night, no one was home. Then I had to find the dad Saturday and ask for my check, but he was out of checks and not planning on going out during the weekend. So Monday comes along…I get that banks are closed on Sunday, so getting checks isn’t an option. That doesn’t explain the fact that he had several opportunities this entire week to go freaking get cash!!! Seeing as how he had the money to buy gas for the quads, Budweiser Platinum (which is more expensive and not on sale currently) (yes, I do my research), and an endless supply of cigarettes, I would think that paying me the money I actually worked for wouldn’t be the most difficult thing ever! But wait, that’s not all! On Wednesday, the mother brings the daughters over, and a bunch of half used groceries… why? Because her power got shut off for nonpayment! Then, I find out yesterday (after still not getting my money, even though I told the dad I needed it Wednesday cause I have bills I need to pay) that I would get my cash on Friday(today) morning because he had to go pay his ex wife’s electricity bill with my effing money!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!! And he has to wait for his money to be deposited into his account. The freaking guy didn’t even apologize or seem like he thought not paying me but buying all this crap was an issue!! Plus, the ex and her spawn have spent the last few nights in his house. Even though the power is back on…

Whatever, that’s not even the worst part, and trust me, it gets bad.

On Wednesday, it was picture day. I will forever rock out picture day. When I have my own children, they will look amazeballs on picture day! So, with the Kid, I made sure he woke up early. He had bathed the night before, so his hair looked like crap. But I got him an awesome outfit together, and did his hair. The kid look rockin. Super sharp! (His outfit even matched, it was amazing) Even the neighbor was shocked with how good he looked! So, it was a decent morning. But the afternoon came… which meant homework. As it always does. As it has for the past month that I’ve been there! The kid gets home. He’s mad about some unknown factor. And refuses to do his homework. I inform him he has to. So he does. Then he asks to go to the neighbors, which is fine. I tell him to be back by five. It gives him a little less than an hour. He agrees. Sure enough, five comes around and he hasn’t returned. By five fifteen, I decide to go get him. When I get to the neighbors he refuses to go home and do his 20 minutes of reading. So I say the more he refuses and argues with me the more time I’m having him read. I really don’t know why it’s such an issue to read! It baffles me!!! Anyway, he runs to the house, slams the front door closed, goes and starts throwing books everywhere. Not just randomly tossing them. Nope. Full on throwing them across the room! One of which happened to go right by my freaking face! I don’t think he was intentionally throwing them at me, but throwing them in general is not okay! I informed him of this fun fact and told him he needs to sit down and read. He continued to argue with me and picked up a baseball bat and glared at me, asking what I would do if he doesn’t read. I told him he was threatening me by holding the bat and glaring at me and he needed to put it down, so he throws it down, then pickers it up glaring at me again. Then he runs upstairs and locks himself in his room, so I told him I was adding two minutes for every minute he didn’t come read. He runs back downstairs, and looks me right in the eye and tells me he hates me!!!! HE HATES ME!!! Freaking HATES me! AHHHHHHH!!! I looked right back at him told him I loved it when he tells me that and he apologized when he realized I was going to be telling his dad. So, I told him to go sit and read. He did and continued to glare. I texted what happened to his dad and the dad called to talk with him. I’m not sure what happened, but the kid took a book to his room. Slammed the door closed, and started throwing stuff around. His mom came over (with all the half eaten groceries) and I told her what happened and that I was going out cause I needed to get away from him. She didn’t seem phased by the fact that he acted like that and I didn’t care to be there any longer. I ended up going to the neighbors (who is so freaking awesome!!!!) and just chilling until around ten. When I got back the Kid was awake, as were his sisters, and his mom. His mom made him hand me a letter that said he didn’t hate me and was having a bad day and that he was sorry and would try to act better. Then he ran inside after handing it to me, and I asked the mom if she had him write it, she said she did, and that “anger issues run in the family” as if that was a good excuse for throwing crap at me and yelling and threatening me with an effing bat?!?!? I just said okay and went to my room. I was sitting on the floor in the corner reading and the kids were all stilt wide awake until after midnight, which isn’t okay, especially on a school night, but both parents were there and I was off the clock. The dad was asleep when I got home.(Keep this little tidbit in mind for later) I finally decide to get in bed and go to sleep at 12:30, I’m still hearing the kids awake, but that’s not my issue. I fall asleep for a little over an hour and wake up because my shoulder is killing me!!! Why? Oh, because there’s a hole in my freaking air mattress!! The same air mattress that I haven’t moved, and that I haven’t had anything sharp near! I’m basically lying on the ground, surrounded by my pillows and blankets and I hit a point where I was done. The kid put a freaking hole in my air mattress! Granted, I can’t prove this. But how else do you explain why there’s suddenly a hole? It’s just super suspicious! Anyway, I hit my limit. I burst into tears and was looking into jobs back in California. I was texting my mom even though she was asleep, but she woke up and responded at three when I was still wide awake and breaking down, and she talked me though it. Thanks mom!! I still plan on staying in Washington. At least for six months. I have to give this a shot. I can’t just abandon this! God has me here for a reason. But I still needed to deal with what was happening. I fell asleep around six yesterday morning. Had to be up by six forty to get the kid ready for school (even though his mother was there and could’ve done it but whatever) and I was exhausted to the point of delirium. Definitely not a time to mess with me, or argue. The kids sisters were out of school yesterday, and he was tired because he didn’t get to sleep on time. He argued that it wasn’t fair that he had to go to school and asked his mom (who woke up because he was arguing with me, but didn’t stop him from arguing with me) if he could stay home from school, the mom was legitimately going to let this freaking punk stay home (while she went to work and left me with two extra kids), but I refused and said he was going and to get dressed for the day and downstairs for breakfast. He looked at her and asked her again and I stared her down basically daring her to undermine me. She told him to do as I said and that she would walk him to the bus stop. I went downstairs and got his breakfast ready and he was out the door (without a thank you… there’s never actually been a thank you, now that I think about it). I went to get a shower and when I came downstairs the two girls were there and the mother was gone. My job is not to watch these children. So, I left. No one has said anything about it.

Anyway, I hung out with the neighbor all day and went through the typical symptoms of exhaustion. It was great. Then the kid was gonna get home and neither of the parents were back yet. So, I went to get him, then he had a snack and started the arguing. I decided to record what he was saying in the event that the dad wasn’t understanding that this kid is rude as heck to me. He argued that he didn’t have school on Friday so he shouldn’t have to do his homework. I told him he was still doing it. He said I was mean. I told him he was still doing his homework. He said he was only doing half of the page, I said he was doing it all. He argued that for ten minutes and said his parents were gonna let him only do half of it. I informed him that was great, but I’m not his parent and he was doing it all. He glared at me and argued the entire time. I said he was getting less free time for all the arguing and delaying he was doing and he said that wouldn’t happen. Finally he finished and he only had 20 minutes of free time. But his dad got home and said it was fine if he was done… freaking seriously?! This is why the kid doesn’t do anything I say! Because he is allowed to walk all over his parents and they LET him!! I asked the dad if he had my money and he said he would go get it early in the morning and leave it for me. Then I said I wanted to talk about everything that happened the day before and I mentioned about my bed and he said it wasn’t the kids cause he was with them all night which is complete BS, because that little tidbit that I said earlier about him being asleep when I got home!! There was plenty of time for the little axe murderer in training (my mothers nickname for him) to damage my property! But when I mentioned that the kid was still slamming doors after he spoke with his dad, the dad told him he was grounded from video games for two weeks. So, whatever. I decided I was going to power through because, for all I know, the job interview on Sunday could be perfect and I will be moving soon anyway.

But then, when I woke up today (I slept in because the kid was off of school and the sisters were too, so everyone was home, and the mother was off work so she could be an actual parent and I could have Friday off as was originally agreed upon before I took the job) I walked out to go brush my teeth and get ready for my day. And I find the kid and his sisters all playing video games and eating my freaking cereal!!!! And where is the mother? Heck if I know!!! But she for sure wasn’t there watching her children!! And how about that money of mine that I was supposed to get last freaking week?!?! Yeah, that’s not anywhere to be found!! So, I call the dad and he says that the older sister is watching the kids and I don’t have to stay if I have plans, and that he woke up late so he would get me my money by tonight. UGHHHHHHHH!!!!! So, I decided to go hang with the neighbor and go to youth group. Anything to stay out of the house that smells disgusting because I refuse to wash their dishes that they have left scattered throughout the house from last weekend when I wasn’t even present, nor did I eat any food. And since they moved in on Wednesday, I have not been in the kitchen or had anything to eat from them and the dishes have continued to pile up. When I was hired, I was told that I didn’t have to clean. I did the dishes whenever I would use them, or when the Kid would use some. But I made the mistake one Monday of washing all the dishes in the kitchen cause it was gross, when I hadn’t even been there that weekend!!! So, I guess they just expect me to do them now. But I refuse to. I don’t care if that seems petty. I don’t get paid to be a housekeeper…I’m technically not even being PAID! So, back to me getting ready to leave. I decided to get a shower before I left. The girls have been using my bathroom every weekend, which means they use my shampoo, conditioner, and soap. And I have colored hair so I have special shampoo and conditioner which is a little more expensive than the Suave! Plus, the teenager used my towels to get dry and my loofah (which is super disgusting and should not freaking be done!!). So I have to take my stuff out of the bathroom every time they’re over. Anyway, I’m getting ready to hop in the shower, I have put my towels and makeup bag in the bathroom, but I remembered I had to grab my other toiletries. As I went to grab my stuff, I come back to the bathroom and the teenager is standing in there, she looks at me, says she needs a shower, and shuts the door in my face!! I was shocked and mad, but I decided I would not fight that particular battle. However, seconds later she knocks on my door asking for MY toiletries!! I told her they were gone and she said that there was a lot left earlier in the week. I told her, “yeah, you’re not understanding. They’re gone for you. Those are my products. Not yours.” So she walked away looking mad. But that isn’t my issue. About two hours later she exits the bathroom… she’s kind of a jerk. And I finally get my shower. But the bathroom is now trashed with towels on the floor, and hair and makeup everywhere. Whatever. Not caring. I got a shower, got dressed, and came to the awesome safety of the neighbors house.

I haven’t been at home today. I’m avoiding it as long as I possibly can. I was really blessed to have my awesome neighbor friend be there for me this week with words of comfort, and coffee!! Plus, tonight after youth group I was blessed to hang out with my awesome new friend Nika (the youth pastors wife). This weekend I’m going to a pumpkin festival, and then Seattle for the interview!! Things are looking up. I’m keeping my heart focused on Christ. I know everything will work out. I’m not going to be doing a Q&A on this post cause it was basically me venting. I’m sorry for all the negativity. I am really working on getting through all this drama. Right now the prayer is that I would know what to do if I don’t get the other job. The neighbor has been amazing and said I will always have a place to stay with her. But she lives across the street from the crazy family that I would be running away from. So I need to consider what I will do if that occurs. 

As always, keep your emails and messages coming! I love the testimonies and questions. Especially the testimonies! I love seeing the awesome works that Christ is doing in your lives! God is so good!!! Love y’all, and miss y’all.

-Kelsey H.💕💕


That’s my cousin in the pic. I miss her a lot:'(:'(💕💕