Let’s talk about…

So I normally do a post about how my life has been going, and then I do a Q&A with questions sent from random strangers, or friends, or my kids. And, though I do have a lot to update y’all on regarding my life. I got a few questions anonymously emailed to me and I decided to dedicate this post to questions only. Though prayer for me to get this job in July are definitely appreciated!!!


Okay, here goes.

The person that emailed this question didn’t state whether they we’re male or female. They also asked me to ‘not use the Bible’ as a reference in my response. But that’s kind of difficult for me. So I’ll give you the response from both a biblical, and a worldly point of view. The answer is no. Biblically, you should wait until marriage to have sex. I’ve had arguments with people about this situation, because if you ask me, I’ll tell you to wait, then you’ll ask if I’m waiting, and I didn’t. My situation was complicated, though. Overall, my response when counseling anyone about having sex before marriage is to ask a simple question. ‘Are you ready to be a parent?’ that’s what it comes down to. Are you ready, at 14, to be a parent? Because that’s the risk you run. Yes, there’s contraception. But what if that fails? Are you ready to spend the rest of your life taking care of another being? Providing food, shelter, clothing, healthcare? Because honestly, even at 24, I’m not ready for that! At 14, are you with a person that you’re willing to share a life with? Every time you have sex, you run the risk of pregnancy, STD’s, and though it sounds silly, but getting your heartbroken. Every time you have sex, that’s a piece of yourself that you’ve shared with someone else. Are you ready for the risk of losing that piece of yourself if your partner decided they wanted to look elsewhere?
So, is it okay to have sex at 14? Following the ways of the world, no. You’re perfectly capable of going through with that. But the age of consent in California is 18. You might be capable of having sex. Basically everyone is. But legally and Biblically, it’s a no-go. If you want to be following God’s plan for your life? I’d recommend that you wait. You’re so special, and God has the perfect person for you! Whether it be the person you’re with now, or someone you don’t meet for several years. That person is out there. And if you’re feeling pressured because of the person you’re with threatening to leave you, or pushing past your boundaries, you need to get out of that relationship. Seriously! If you’re with a person that is pressuring you to agree to have sex, that’s not okay. Get help from an adult that you trust, or even go to the authorities.  That’s dangerous, and you’re better than that. I understand thinking that you’re in love with this person, and wanting to be closer to them than any other person. But you’ve got you’re entire life ahead of you. Honestly, if I was with the guy I had feelings for when I was 14, we’d be living in a trailer in the middle of nowhere…Bleh. I know it’s tough to save yourself. I know you think everyone else is having sex, why shouldn’t you? But I can assure you, you’re not the only person remaining abstinent. If, when you’re 18 and legally able to consent, you decide you’re ready to have sex, remember to stop and think about if you’re ready to be a mommy or daddy.
I’m not gonna say to remain abstinent until marriage. I’m not gonna say to have sex when you can legally consent. But I will say to always use protection. And always remember that if you’re with the person God has prepared for you, you won’t be pressured to wait, it will be the most natural wait ever. Because that person wants to respect and love you like the awesome person you are!!❤❤❤

I listen to so many different varieties of music. My favorite is punk rock. I love listening to bands that actually know how to play their instruments. A lot of the music I’m listening to ends up with me primarily listening to the beat. Yes, I’m aware that the lyrics aren’t always the best. Sometimes there’s curse words. Sometimes the band is disrespecting authority. I don’t plan to stop listening to these songs. But I also don’t let this music impact my everyday life. I’m not out screaming obscenities about the government. Nor am I sleeping with every person I meet. I’m not doing drugs, and clubbing every weekend. I don’t take the music I listen to literally. I also love listening to worship songs. They tend to make my day significantly better. In response to this question, I would say, if the music you’re listening to is causing your heart to stray, maybe check out some other music. I totally understand not wanting to listen to Christian music, because a lot of it is super cheesy. But there are some really good Christian artists out there. I’d recommend going online and googling Christian artists that are similar to bands you like listening to now. And if you have similar tastes to myself, I’d recommend Thousand Foot Krutch, Family force 5, Disciple, and Skillet. They’re awesome bands that I’ve been blessed to see live, several times !!

I don’t. Honestly, when I think about my exes, there are really no great enough memories, that would cut out the bad stuff I went through with them. There was a reason they didn’t work out, and I’m not going to hold on to something that wasn’t meant to be.

Yes. I was cheated on, and my ex admitted it to me. I used to wonder, if he hadn’t told me, would we still be together? I most likely, would have found out. And we would have broken up in the end. Cheating sucks, and it’s selfish. I don’t really understand why anyone would do it, but I think it’ll hurt more if your partner found out himself, instead of you admitting you did it. It’s a sucky situation to be in. But in the end, you won’t feel as much guilt, and maybe y’all can work through it!

If you didn’t know, This law passed yesterday. I doubt anyone missed it. But I’m not posting this blog post until Monday, because I don’t want to have disagreements on my last day in California.  How do I feel about it? I feel as I do every single day. That’s not actually true. I’m mad. But not how you think I’d be. I’m mad about how my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are reacting! As a believer, I have been taught to love others as I would want to be loved. And I’ve done that. Do I believe in marriage equality? In a way, yes. I believe if you love someone, you should be allowed to be with them. I saw so many hateful posts yesterday and today. And I’ve heard so many people use horrifyingly derogatory words about something you have no idea about! Using the f** word, is in the same context as using the n***** word. It doesn’t matter if you’re joking, you should NEVER use those words. They’re disrespectful! And it hurts me! I love my boyfriend. But if I happened to have feelings for a female, that’s okay. My faith in God is more important to me, so I’d most likely remain celibate. I spoke with my mom about this yesterday, but we’ve had this conversation before. She loves me, I am her child! If I had feelings for another female, she wouldn’t disown me. She wouldn’t send me to Bible camp and ‘pray the gay’ out of me. That’s ridiculous! She loves me as I am! Gay. Straight. Black. White. Purple. Yellow. Orange.  Whatever! Based on what I’ve seen online, people are acting as though homosexuality means that you’re not a person. That you’re somehow less. And I think that’s total crap! I have family members and good friends that are gay. Does that mean I’m supposed to love them less?? Heck no!! As a Christian, I know what the Bible says. I also know it says to ‘judge not, lest ye be judged’ ( Matthew 7:1)
Overall, this is what I have to say, I don’t support, nor am I against same-sex marriage. I don’t personally care who you love. It grosses me out when anyone makes out in front of me, but I’ve never liked PDA from anyone. I refuse to judge any form of marriage. I saw a friend comment on Facebook that ‘ the government shouldn’t even be involved in marriage’ and I think that’s an awesome point. None of this should have been such a big deal. My question to everyone that is so against this is, why is this such a big deal for you? How does this, in any way, affect you? I’m pretty sure the answer is, it doesn’t. So leave it alone. ‘ Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to see the beam of wood in your own?’ ( Matthew 7:3)
Pray for everyone, because that’s what you’re called to do. Love everyone, because you’re also called to do that. And if you have hate in your heart. The Bible has the same outcome for you as that which you’re fighting so hard against.
I love you all, and I’m sure I’ll be getting angry calls and texts. I encourage readers to send me their opinions to discuss this further. It’s only through conversation and the exchange of ideas that our personal understanding of the world, and how to bring the Lord’s message to it, can grow. But let’s try to keep it Christian and leave the personal attacks at home. And please, out of respect, don’t go “telling on me to my mommy”. She will not tolerate rudeness.


Alright, so that’s it for my serious Q&A, I still have to do a post about my time in California!! And I’ll do that this coming week!! Love y’all, miss y’all!!!

– Kelsey H.💞💞

The adventures of motherhood

I was a jerk teenager.
I know most people say they were rebellious and moody when they were teenagers. But I was legitimately a jerk. Looking back and remembering some of the things I did, or words I had said, reminds me that mom’s are equipped to handle a lot!

Today is Mother’s Day! I was sitting in the card aisle at Target, Walgreens, and then RiteAid, and looking at the cards for moms. And they’re fine. But none of them were great. None of them said what I wanted to say. None of them brought you to the verge of happy tears, or made you laugh out loud. None of them were personal enough. I can’t just send a mediocre card to my mom!! That’s insanity! So, now we have a Blog post!

I’m not near my mom today, which kinda sucks. I miss her more than I can explain. I realize that I miss the random things that you don’t really associate with motherhood. Like being able to sit next to her in church and share random inside jokes that are probably not that funny, but to you two, it’s the most hilarious. Or, cracking up about the fact that your mom is slightly addicted to trashy television. Being able to go  ‘grocery shopping’ in your moms pantry and fridge. Having your irrational mood swings be understood by someone. Being able to show your mom how to do things with technology. Like I said, it’s the little things. But there’s a ton of the big things I miss. Going to her house and talking until 2 in the morning. All day movie marathons. Molé and chicken tortilla soup cooking parties.

My mom is my favorite. It’s a known fact that I have a lot of mom’s. There’s my actual mom that’s blood. Then there’s the many that have played a big part in my life. My mom has always been there, even when I was at rock bottom. Even when I was certain I didn’t want to continue living. Even when I pushed her away. As a child of a single mom, I’ve realized that I’ve taken so much for granted. I know it couldn’t have been easy to raise a daughter, work full time, make meals, keep a house, and have any time for yourself. But I’m so grateful you did! You taught me how to be my own person. You taught me how to laugh when I’m hurting. You taught me how to follow my dreams. You taught me how to love selflessly. You taught me how to be a mom. I know when the time comes, and I’m raising my own children, I’ll be such a rockin mom, because I had you as an example. Thank you for never giving up on me, even when you didn’t understand how to help. Thank you for holding me, and letting me wipe my tears and snot on you. Thank you for being my nurse, my therapist, my comedian, my defender, my personal chef, my chauffeur, and my voice of reason. Thank you, Momma.


This last Wednesday I had an amazing interview for this nanny agency up here in Washington. When I did an over the phone interview, I was asked a few questions about my resumé. One of the questions was about working in a church nursery. The guy that owns the company asked if that meant I was a Christian, to which I replied that I was. He then continued to tell me that he and his wife were believers as well!! So then I’m interviewing and filling out paperwork in person and having a wonderful chat with the owner about everything, from my beliefs, to working as a youth leader, and when it’s all done, the owner asks me to tell my mom thank you on behalf of himself. He said ‘ tell her she raised a lovely young woman, with a heart that is absolutely dedicated to the Lord’. I honestly don’t think there’s any better compliment. I truly hope that one day my children will make that phone call to let me know that other people can see the awesome work being done in their lives.

And I wanted to send a huge Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day to all my other moms!! I’ve had some seriously amazing influences over the years, whether it be my amazing aunts keeping me stocked in Barbie’s and love, or my awesome church mom’s keeping me accountable, or my best friends mom’s basically adopting me into their lives, you’ve all been there for me in one way or another through all these years, and I’m thankful that you’ve been put into my life.

I truly wouldn’t be the young woman I am today without you wonderful women in my life!! I hope you all have an amazing day, and that you get super spoiled by your families!!

Please don’t go, I love you so, I love you so.

I feel like a jerk since I haven’t posted in a long time. I know I’ve actually spoken with, or texted most of y’all. But no blog post for weeks meant you didn’t get the awesome ‘Q&A with Kelsey’ time!!! I KNOW you missed that!!
Okay, so a quick run through of what you’ve missed…let’s start with Halloween, I was feeling Bleh on Halloween, but friends wanted to go to this club to see this live band perform cover songs. So I rallied!!! I didn’t put much effort into my costume though. I went as a pin up girl (totally rocked it, Plus I didn’t have to buy anything since my style has pin up girl pieces already in it). It was a fun show, but I still felt gross. I mainly chilled at a table the entire night. But, I had a guy come ask to buy me a drink. I told him I was sick and he ended up buying me Orange juice!!😍😍 super sweet! Anyway, he’s a nice guy, and we’ve hung out quite a bit lately. So, that’s fun.

Now, moving along to November!!!! My birthday month is pretty awesome. Yes, I get an entire month haha!!

The week before my birthday was super crappy. I’ve been looking for a new job since this one has been pretty miserable, but I was told at the beginning of that week that the kid was gonna move to his mom’s and that I wasn’t needed anymore…which isn’t great since I didn’t have another job lined up, nor did I have a place to live. To add to that fun, I ended up getting Strep throat in the middle of the week. It seemed like one thing after another. But, I was really proud of myself, because I took care of myself. I got my own antibiotics, I made myself Chicken Tortilla soup, I took my meds at the right times!! I did it!!! Yes, I wanted my mom. What sick person doesn’t want their mother?!?! But, I proved to myself that I am okay by myself. I’m able to do this!! I think I really needed to reach that point, and I’m glad I did. It was a pretty rockin moment!

On the job and housing front, I’ve had several interviews, and I’m just waiting at this point. I’ve applied to both live-in and regular nanny postings, plus I’ve applied to retail jobs. It’s just waiting now. As far as living, I’ve been super blessed by my awesome neighbor up here, Laura!!! She’s letting me live with her as long as I need. She’s basically been my lifesaver up here!! So I have a roof over my head, I’ve got food, water, and clothes. I can’t complain. Yes, I would like to find a job sooner, rather than later, but it’s all in God’s hands.

Now onto my birthday!!!!!

This was the first birthday away from friends and family, and I knew it would be tough. But I didn’t know how tough until the day actually came. It started pretty great, I was highly caffeinated, because birthday!!! I loved all the messages, calls, texts, and posts.

Especially Sam!!!!! Dude, your post cracked me up. I’m super certain I’ve said that to most of the youth group, and that made me miss y’all even more!!

I loved all my messages from my girls 😍😍😂😂😂, pretty much had me crying happy tears all day!! But I’m grateful to know that I’m still a part of your lives, and that you remember I’m always there for you!!

Plus, one of my best friends Julia called and left a message that had me crying for awhile!! Every birthday for the past….Idk how many years, we’ve done dinner somewhere, then sat in one of our cars talking for hours and catching up, but we’ve had to postpone it for the next time I’m in town. But it’s okay!!! Cause that’s all part of growing up!!

The hardest was not seeing my mom. And I know that it was hard for her too. But she’s a pretty rockin mom, since she had her friend and old neighbor from Arizona, Tom (he’s my friend too) (He’s actually pretty much family) take me to dinner, and bring me Tulips (my favorite flowers, just in case any of you ever wanted to get me some 😝😝). I pretty much started crying the second he walked up with the flowers. Seeing as how Tom only has sons, I don’t feel like he knew what to do with an overly emotional girl. Poor guy. Thanks for being there though.
I had a delicious dinner!! Then on my way home I had a conversation with Julia for over an hour. Then my friend Laura bought me a super yummy pie, and we rocked Karaoke!!

In all, it was a lovely birthday. Yes, I missed everyone, but I’m grateful for my new friends and I’m super grateful for technology!!! Thank you for the love!!

So, that’s that. You’re now up to date on the happenings of me!! I’m still job hunting. But I’m Kelsey Freaking Hayden (my middle name is obviously not Freaking), I can rock life! I’ve got this all under control!!!

Yay!!!!!!!! It’s time!!!!!!!!!!


A bunch of these questions are silly and random. But I’m gonna answer them because I’m silly and random, so it works 😜

QUESTION #1: If you were to make out with ONE Lord of the Rings character, based on facial hair alone, who would it be?
Aragorn. Hands down. No contest. I would not only make out with him. I would wife him so freaking hard. I think I actually said that in an earlier post. Or maybe that was about Viggo Mortensen. Regardless, he’s a total babe, and his facial hair is magnificent!!😍😍

QUESTION #2: When you and your future husband are old, would you make out without your dentures in?
Ummm….no. I don’t want to feel gums when making out with my main man. That’d be creepy. Though when making out with a guy, if your teeth clash it’s an instant mood killer. You never recover from that. #Trust
I didn’t expect this question to be so difficult. Ugh. Idk. I’m gonna stick with my answer. My husband and I will rock dentures!!!!😘😘

QUESTION #3: How serious are you and your boyfriend?
We’re in the beginning stages. So, yeah. Idk. We have fun hanging out, going out to dinners, and watching movies. It’s got potential. 😝

QUESTION #4: Are you ever going to move back?
I’m not sure. I’m having fun discovering who I am apart from my family and friends. I miss everyone. I really miss home. But I’ve got to push through and give myself at least six months. For me, that’s enough time to find out if this is where I’m supposed to be. And if I do move back, it might only be a temporary stay before I move onto a different state and adventure. I don’t know my future. I don’t know where I’ll be a year from now. I don’t want to give y’all false hope. I just try to go with the flow of things and see where I thrive the most. So, we’ll see what happens in the future 😉

QUESTION #5: What do you do when you get homesick?
I go on drives. Not far. Just around town. Or, I’ll write. Over the past few weeks I’ve written blog posts that I didn’t actually post. Or, I’ve edited my books. I find that if I lose myself in creating another persons life, I don’t miss the life I had in California as much. It helps me to accept that I’m growing and moving forward with the plans God has for me.

QUESTION #6: One pair of underwear for a year, or one roll of toilet paper for a year?
One pair of underwear for sure. You can wash that whenever, or rock the commando lifestyle. But if you only had one roll of TP? Disaster would strike.

QUESTION #7: Are you still gonna go to school to become a bartender?
Yes I am. Once i save enough money. I’ve looked into the programs up here, and there is one that would be perfect. It’s a bit expensive, but the school places you in a job once you graduate. Plus, once you’re certified you can take those skills anywhere! Restaurants, clubs, bars, cruises, etc. The place I want to go even updates their programs every 6 months, and I can take refresher courses for free for the rest of my life!! It would be so much fun!! I’m really looking forward to being able to go into that field.

QUESTION #8: Peanut butter and pickles, or hot sauce on ice cream?
I feel like peanut butter ice cream with pickles could be yummy. Hot sauce would just be random spiciness. But PB and pickles could be a lovely flavor explosion 😝😝 that sweet and sour deliciousness. Plus, I have mad love for pickles.

QUESTION #9: Do you think Christopher Walken or Steve Buscemi is sexier?
This is freaking creepy Julia!! I don’t have an addiction to all things Steve Buscemi like Kaylee, though I do like his acting. Then there’s Christopher Walken, and his epic ‘more cowbell’ SNL skit…who am I kidding?! It’s obvious that Christopher Walken is sexier!!! Now, I’m gonna go watch that skit a bunch of times haha

QUESTION #10: Would you run through downtown Seattle butt naked for a chance to kiss Orlando Bloom?
Yup. Would I regret it? Nope. Have you seen Orlando Bloom?! That is some serious man candy!!! 🔥🔥💑💑 plus, when you see him make out with a co-star, you can tell he’d have awesome kissing skills. Dang, that man!! I’d wife him hard too!!

Alright!!! This is it for now. I’ll work on posting more often!! Keep the questions coming. Keep the testimonies coming. And definitely keep the prayers coming!!!! I’ve had a few strangers send me their testimonies, and I love how we’re all tied together through things that the enemy intends for evil. We are conquerors!! Love y’all, and miss y’all!!

-Kelsey H.


Proud to be an Anomaly

This week is Early Dismissal week at the school, so I pretty much have the kid all day. 😦  But I told y’all that I would post about the Lecrae concert, and I will!

If you expected me to post that it sucked, or was somehow disappointing, you were so freaking mistaken!!

It was unbelievable!! I was hoping my friend from church would be able to go with me. But she couldn’t make it. So I decided to rock the concert Han style(Solo)<—shoutout to How I Met Your Mother for that line. When I got there I happened to run into this really cute guy that I met not too long after I arrived in Washington. Turns out Really Cute Guy, or RCG as he will be referred to, is a Christian!! He and his friends (all guys), were psyched about the show and asked me to sit with them! I'm starting to think my luck has changed for the better since moving up here!

Anyway, we got our seats, and talked about what songs we hoped they would perform. Unfortunately, my phone was really close to dying, but RCG assured me he would take pictures and send them to me!! The show opened with DJ Promote, who rocked the house with mixes that included Steve Aoki, Tedashii, and none other than Nirvana in honor of it being Seattle! He only performed for 30 minutes, but it was a really awesome set and I got the crowd pumped!! Up next was the amazing Andy Mineo! He started with Neverland and I was in my happy place from that point on! His set was my favorite, if I'm being honest I pretty much just wanted to go for him!  His energy levels are all over the place! The guy was riding his skateboard all over the freaking stage! I loved the videos that he had rolling during song changes, the story that ties all the songs together was great! When he ended with an encore of You Will I was beyond elated! He won't read this, but he's an awesome performer, and is totally making sure everything in his life is being done for the glory of God. I think that is such a cool and respectable thing to do when you're in a position as he is with fans looking up to you!


Now onto Lecrae and his freaking boss set!

Seriously! He opened with Welcome to America, and went straight into Nuthin’. He knows how to work the crowd like crazy! The last time I saw that was at the Monumentour show back in August with Hayley Williams! He was all over the place, getting everyone pumped! He also had videos rolling between his songs, but they told his testimony. No matter how many times I hear, or read his testimony, I am always so in awe! I’ve told you all how much I love reading your testimonies, and I mean it! We all have stories! We are all anomalies! We are all set apart for Christ, and that is so amazing to me! Lecrae is so passionate about what he does, he’s so on fire for Christ and wants to share that love with everyone! When he performed Tell the World, he shared that he knew he was nothing without Christ, that he would have been dead by this point had he not accepted the Lord in his life. Like Andy Mineo, he put his life and love of Jesus on display. I know that there were definitely some people in that stadium that felt a call on their lives! You could absolutely feel God’s presence in that building! It was so rockin’! The show closed with Lecrae and Andy performing an encore to Say I Won’t with Lecrae wearing a Seahawks jersey and challenging people to say he won’t wear the jersey and play the drums! He did! OMG it was freaking awesome!! Throughout the show I had to make sure RCG was taking pics of the glory that was the Anomaly tour! I love that we’re all part of this crazy world and that we have these connections through music and by being a family of anomalies. It holds a part of my heart that I can have this bond with y’all!

Now it’s time for your favorite part of my posts………..


QUESTION 1: Have you found a new church?

Yes, I think I mentioned it in other posts. On my first Sunday here I went to Living Hope in Puyallup. I ran into an old friend that went to Riverside Christian Assembly, and met the youth leader, and the lead pastor. All of them know my pastor and family from the desert! I felt completely welcome from day one. Even when I was interviewing for a job in Seattle they were bummed that I would be leaving the church if I was a long distance away and wouldn’t come back to visit. So, until I feel called somewhere else, I have found my church in WA.

QUESTION 2: What is your Halloween costume?

I think I left my Alice in Wonderland costume in storage in California, which sucks, cause I wanted to do that again. So, I will either see what I can find at Target, or go for a broken porcelain doll look with makeup and normal clothes.

Also, while I’m on the topic of Halloween. I love Halloween. I like dressing up, and having fun with friends. Does this make me a devil worshiping heathen? Not at all. I just like to have fun. I know that there is that darkness in the world. I’m not ignorant to what Halloween means to those people. That’s not me though. I really don’t like it when people judge me based on things I do, like dressing up and having fun on Halloween. It’s fine to have your own opinions on the day, but it’s also okay to keep those to yourself.

QUESTION 3: Is it bad to be a Christian and drink alcohol?

Nope. It even shows believers drinking in the Bible. Everyone has different opinions of this too. I’m gonna just assure you that pretty much everyone has different opinions, and interpretations on various points in the Bible. I’m not saying mine are the right one. I am just saying what I take from the Word. As a Christian, I don’t think it’s right to get trashed while drinking. Healthwise it isn’t good either. Yeah, I’ve done it. Yeah, I’ve lived that crazy, wild, party lifestyle. I can tell you, it isn’t worth it. If you’re legally able to, and you want to have a drink with dinner, or out with friends, you do you. Just don’t overdo it.

Yet again, I’m gonna do my don’t judge me disclosure haha. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. That’s all I’m saying. Matthew 7:1-5 lays it out perfectly. Though, if I see something going on that is obviously illegal, or unsafe, I will step in! (THIS IS SOMETHING THE KIDS IN MY YOUTH GROUP KNOW)

QUESTION 4: Do you ever think about your ex boyfriends?

I do. I will sometimes remember the fun, amazing times I spent with them (driving around at midnight listening to music. Or, watching meteor showers in the back of the truck). Or, the horrid habits that I can laugh about now (speaking Klingon thinking it’s romantic. Or, smoking! Ugh, so gross) I don’t think about them in terms of ever getting back together with any of them, but I did have special moments with each of them, and that’s why I think of them sometimes.

QUESTION 5: How do you feel about your relationship with your mom?

I have an awesome relationship with my mom! I’m kind of her favorite! Haha It’s been just me and her since I was born. We have always had a Gilmore Girls type of bond. (if you haven’t seen that show, you’re missing out) We have our moments of fighting, just like anyone would. But in the end, she would die for me, stand in the gap for me, and fight for me. Cause she loves me… though she won’t admit that out loud haha  

QUESTION 6: Do you have a nickname? What is it?

I have many nicknames. Ones that my mom has for me. Some that my friends have for me. And some from my youth group weirdos. My mom calls me Booger, and there is another one, but I don’t tell others that one. My friends nicknames for me aren’t great, and they’re inside jokes, so I’ll keep those to myself. My youth group weirdos call me Kelp Juice, Mom, Mommy, and Kelpie. I was annoyed at first by being called a Mom, but they are my kids, so I guess I get it haha

QUESTION 7: What do you do when you’re alone in the car?

I sing and dance like a crazy person. I will typically have my windows rolled down, and be blasting my radio. I get looks. I don’t really feel bothered by that though haha, I like to have fun. People are usually surprised that I know most lyrics to rap songs when they see me spitting rhymes like a boss ;p

QUESTION 8: What is the worst date you’ve ever been on?

Oh sweet Lord! I’ve had a few! But the one that really killed me was last March. This guy was super persistent. I was FB friends with him, but I couldn’t remember meeting him. Anyway, it turns out it was his first date. Which is not that big of an issue. But I showed at the restaurant and realized he didn’t brush his teeth or something, cause his breath smelled like rotting asparagus and cat pee. Ugh!! Then he proceeded to order Onion rings and water for dinner, which meant the smell wouldn’t be improving. Then when I would stop talking so I could eat, he would say  “awkward silence”… rude! Then we went to see a movie and he stared at me and kept asking if I wanted to leave throughout the entire movie! Though the worst part was when we walked to my car after the movie, he leaned in, it was obvious he was going for the kiss, but I managed to turn it to a hug. While hugging he turned his face into my neck and straight up sniffed me!! We’re talking full inhale of my hair and neck! I still get creeped out when I think of it. Anyway, there were many details I left out. But it was the worst date I’ve ever been on.

QUESTION 9: What are your special talents?

This one was sent by Saweenie. I don’t even know how to answer this haha

I guess counseling others?  I’ve always been able to talk it out with people and get situations fixed as easily as they could possibly go. 

Also, I can make babies calm down and fall asleep quickly. Baby Whisperer status!!

QUESTION 10: Would you go on a missions trip to another country?

If I felt called to go on a missions trip, yes. One of my favorite things about my church in California was that we were a big supporter of sending missionaries all over the world. I would tithe to that. But I am more than willing to stay home and minister in the States. I don’t know what God has in store for my life, but He knows my heart, and that I am willing to go.

Anyway, that was my weekend! It was amazing, and I had so much fun!! Plus, I have a date for coffee on Saturday!!😍 Keep sending your prayers, prayer requests, questions, and testimonies! I always love reading them!! Love y’all and miss y’all!!

~Kelsey H.💕💕

Leaving home is not for the lighthearted

In my 23 years it’s always been me and my momma. Yeah, there was a bit of time when I was a jerk and thought I didn’t need her…I obviously did. So, when I felt the call to move to Washington I thought it would be easy. I’ve lived on my own, I’ve had my own apartment, I’ve even gone without talking with my mother for a little bit(not really my shining moments), but my momma had always been within an hours distance. Now, that’s definitely not the case!!!!

To say I’m freaking out is an understatement. I may have been crying myself to sleep every night. It’s okay though, it’s part of my growing process.  I’ve been pushing myself to be busy as much as possible. To make new friends. To go on adventures. It’s been great! On Sunday I went to a new church, I met the youth pastor, and he happened to know my pastor and his family! Plus, a guy I met my first year of being a camp counselor happened to have moved up here a few years ago! It’s a crazy small world! After church I went to meet my family’s neighbor from Phoenix. He’s awesome! Totally welcoming, took me around town, he helped me feel like I wasn’t over 20 hours away from my family! It’s definitely helped with this transition.

When I was planning my journey I was supposed to stay with a lady for a little bit while interviewing for a handful of nanny positions. Plus, it gave me time to go apartment hunting. Unfortunately,  when I was about ten minutes away from the house, the lady called and told me that she thought about it, and that the deal we worked out wasn’t going to work for her! That really came as a shock and made me start questioning things (not really a great thing to do after driving several hours). I was upset, sad, and just about to call it quits and start my journey home! But, after speaking with my momma and my aunt, I was encouraged to push forward! One of the nanny jobs was a live-in shift, and I was contacted to do the interview once I got into town. This position seemed great when I was talking with the family. However, when I arrived things seemed to be changed, the little details were all changed, one of which was the living situation. Instead of living with a family, I would be living in a house with just the dad and the 9 year old boy. The hours were extended without anymore money being added. My bedroom had a bed in it(twin size mattress :'() and the bathroom was disgusting(think about the fact that 9 year old boys don’t aim or flush 😷😵), but I needed a place to stay. So they offered me the job, and I accepted. My first day was filled with me basically bleaching the entire bathroom and scrubbing the walls in my bedroom with bleach and Lysol. I also tried cleaning the carpet(a lovely brown shag) to no avail. It was gross!! Pretty sure I’ll be having nightmares about it for years to come.
Through all that I kept my focus on my future! I’m freaking Kelsey Hayden!! I’ve got loads of support from friends and family! But the key thing is that I’m a child of God, I’m His princess! I can do this!!! I’ve continued keeping my focus on Christ. He’s the reason I’m up here! So, this morning, after I finished my devotionals, I was praying.  I was praying that if this is where I’m supposed to be that the Lord would give me a sense of peace and understanding. I also prayed that if this wasn’t the place that I would have a sign. I was still praying when the doorbell rang! So, I ran downstairs(looking gross in yesterday’s makeup, my pjs with holes in them, and bed head that is tangled and I’m fairly certain had drool in it :/)
I opened the door, and standing there on the porch was a man that looked as though he were a Greek god! I swear, this guy was tall, tan, muscled, and his face was gorgeous! Oh my word! He was from the power company. He was there to shut off the power for nonpayment…well I did ask for a sign…so after all that I sent the guy a text telling him what was going on, he said he had paid it, and  I finished praying. Fast forward to two hours later and the power finally got turned back on!!
After all this I started applying for other jobs. Primarily live-in, since I’m still not used to the area, But I’ll be able to check out the places before agreeing to take the jobs. One of the jobs I had interviewed for before was still looking for a nanny, So I got back in touch with that family, hopefully it’ll work out! If it does, I’d start at the beginning of October.
Right now the prayer is for continued peace through this transition. Whether I’m supposed to be at this job, or the other one. Even if I get a job and apartment by myself. I still need that peace. God is good, and I’m not stressing any of this. I know He has a purpose for me, and I know I’ve got people lifting my struggles and fears up to Him. I’m blessed beyond my wildest dreams, and I’m holding onto that. I miss everyone So much and it’s hard knowing things are happening that I’m needed for but can’t actually be there for!  But this is just a new season of life for all of us!!

Love y’all, and miss y’all💕💕