Please don’t go, I love you so, I love you so.

I feel like a jerk since I haven’t posted in a long time. I know I’ve actually spoken with, or texted most of y’all. But no blog post for weeks meant you didn’t get the awesome ‘Q&A with Kelsey’ time!!! I KNOW you missed that!!
Okay, so a quick run through of what you’ve missed…let’s start with Halloween, I was feeling Bleh on Halloween, but friends wanted to go to this club to see this live band perform cover songs. So I rallied!!! I didn’t put much effort into my costume though. I went as a pin up girl (totally rocked it, Plus I didn’t have to buy anything since my style has pin up girl pieces already in it). It was a fun show, but I still felt gross. I mainly chilled at a table the entire night. But, I had a guy come ask to buy me a drink. I told him I was sick and he ended up buying me Orange juice!!😍😍 super sweet! Anyway, he’s a nice guy, and we’ve hung out quite a bit lately. So, that’s fun.

Now, moving along to November!!!! My birthday month is pretty awesome. Yes, I get an entire month haha!!

The week before my birthday was super crappy. I’ve been looking for a new job since this one has been pretty miserable, but I was told at the beginning of that week that the kid was gonna move to his mom’s and that I wasn’t needed anymore…which isn’t great since I didn’t have another job lined up, nor did I have a place to live. To add to that fun, I ended up getting Strep throat in the middle of the week. It seemed like one thing after another. But, I was really proud of myself, because I took care of myself. I got my own antibiotics, I made myself Chicken Tortilla soup, I took my meds at the right times!! I did it!!! Yes, I wanted my mom. What sick person doesn’t want their mother?!?! But, I proved to myself that I am okay by myself. I’m able to do this!! I think I really needed to reach that point, and I’m glad I did. It was a pretty rockin moment!

On the job and housing front, I’ve had several interviews, and I’m just waiting at this point. I’ve applied to both live-in and regular nanny postings, plus I’ve applied to retail jobs. It’s just waiting now. As far as living, I’ve been super blessed by my awesome neighbor up here, Laura!!! She’s letting me live with her as long as I need. She’s basically been my lifesaver up here!! So I have a roof over my head, I’ve got food, water, and clothes. I can’t complain. Yes, I would like to find a job sooner, rather than later, but it’s all in God’s hands.

Now onto my birthday!!!!!

This was the first birthday away from friends and family, and I knew it would be tough. But I didn’t know how tough until the day actually came. It started pretty great, I was highly caffeinated, because birthday!!! I loved all the messages, calls, texts, and posts.

Especially Sam!!!!! Dude, your post cracked me up. I’m super certain I’ve said that to most of the youth group, and that made me miss y’all even more!!

I loved all my messages from my girls 😍😍😂😂😂, pretty much had me crying happy tears all day!! But I’m grateful to know that I’m still a part of your lives, and that you remember I’m always there for you!!

Plus, one of my best friends Julia called and left a message that had me crying for awhile!! Every birthday for the past….Idk how many years, we’ve done dinner somewhere, then sat in one of our cars talking for hours and catching up, but we’ve had to postpone it for the next time I’m in town. But it’s okay!!! Cause that’s all part of growing up!!

The hardest was not seeing my mom. And I know that it was hard for her too. But she’s a pretty rockin mom, since she had her friend and old neighbor from Arizona, Tom (he’s my friend too) (He’s actually pretty much family) take me to dinner, and bring me Tulips (my favorite flowers, just in case any of you ever wanted to get me some 😝😝). I pretty much started crying the second he walked up with the flowers. Seeing as how Tom only has sons, I don’t feel like he knew what to do with an overly emotional girl. Poor guy. Thanks for being there though.
I had a delicious dinner!! Then on my way home I had a conversation with Julia for over an hour. Then my friend Laura bought me a super yummy pie, and we rocked Karaoke!!

In all, it was a lovely birthday. Yes, I missed everyone, but I’m grateful for my new friends and I’m super grateful for technology!!! Thank you for the love!!

So, that’s that. You’re now up to date on the happenings of me!! I’m still job hunting. But I’m Kelsey Freaking Hayden (my middle name is obviously not Freaking), I can rock life! I’ve got this all under control!!!

Yay!!!!!!!! It’s time!!!!!!!!!!


A bunch of these questions are silly and random. But I’m gonna answer them because I’m silly and random, so it works 😜

QUESTION #1: If you were to make out with ONE Lord of the Rings character, based on facial hair alone, who would it be?
Aragorn. Hands down. No contest. I would not only make out with him. I would wife him so freaking hard. I think I actually said that in an earlier post. Or maybe that was about Viggo Mortensen. Regardless, he’s a total babe, and his facial hair is magnificent!!😍😍

QUESTION #2: When you and your future husband are old, would you make out without your dentures in?
Ummm….no. I don’t want to feel gums when making out with my main man. That’d be creepy. Though when making out with a guy, if your teeth clash it’s an instant mood killer. You never recover from that. #Trust
I didn’t expect this question to be so difficult. Ugh. Idk. I’m gonna stick with my answer. My husband and I will rock dentures!!!!😘😘

QUESTION #3: How serious are you and your boyfriend?
We’re in the beginning stages. So, yeah. Idk. We have fun hanging out, going out to dinners, and watching movies. It’s got potential. 😝

QUESTION #4: Are you ever going to move back?
I’m not sure. I’m having fun discovering who I am apart from my family and friends. I miss everyone. I really miss home. But I’ve got to push through and give myself at least six months. For me, that’s enough time to find out if this is where I’m supposed to be. And if I do move back, it might only be a temporary stay before I move onto a different state and adventure. I don’t know my future. I don’t know where I’ll be a year from now. I don’t want to give y’all false hope. I just try to go with the flow of things and see where I thrive the most. So, we’ll see what happens in the future 😉

QUESTION #5: What do you do when you get homesick?
I go on drives. Not far. Just around town. Or, I’ll write. Over the past few weeks I’ve written blog posts that I didn’t actually post. Or, I’ve edited my books. I find that if I lose myself in creating another persons life, I don’t miss the life I had in California as much. It helps me to accept that I’m growing and moving forward with the plans God has for me.

QUESTION #6: One pair of underwear for a year, or one roll of toilet paper for a year?
One pair of underwear for sure. You can wash that whenever, or rock the commando lifestyle. But if you only had one roll of TP? Disaster would strike.

QUESTION #7: Are you still gonna go to school to become a bartender?
Yes I am. Once i save enough money. I’ve looked into the programs up here, and there is one that would be perfect. It’s a bit expensive, but the school places you in a job once you graduate. Plus, once you’re certified you can take those skills anywhere! Restaurants, clubs, bars, cruises, etc. The place I want to go even updates their programs every 6 months, and I can take refresher courses for free for the rest of my life!! It would be so much fun!! I’m really looking forward to being able to go into that field.

QUESTION #8: Peanut butter and pickles, or hot sauce on ice cream?
I feel like peanut butter ice cream with pickles could be yummy. Hot sauce would just be random spiciness. But PB and pickles could be a lovely flavor explosion 😝😝 that sweet and sour deliciousness. Plus, I have mad love for pickles.

QUESTION #9: Do you think Christopher Walken or Steve Buscemi is sexier?
This is freaking creepy Julia!! I don’t have an addiction to all things Steve Buscemi like Kaylee, though I do like his acting. Then there’s Christopher Walken, and his epic ‘more cowbell’ SNL skit…who am I kidding?! It’s obvious that Christopher Walken is sexier!!! Now, I’m gonna go watch that skit a bunch of times haha

QUESTION #10: Would you run through downtown Seattle butt naked for a chance to kiss Orlando Bloom?
Yup. Would I regret it? Nope. Have you seen Orlando Bloom?! That is some serious man candy!!! 🔥🔥💑💑 plus, when you see him make out with a co-star, you can tell he’d have awesome kissing skills. Dang, that man!! I’d wife him hard too!!

Alright!!! This is it for now. I’ll work on posting more often!! Keep the questions coming. Keep the testimonies coming. And definitely keep the prayers coming!!!! I’ve had a few strangers send me their testimonies, and I love how we’re all tied together through things that the enemy intends for evil. We are conquerors!! Love y’all, and miss y’all!!

-Kelsey H.
